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Has a small comment by a stranger ever made a big difference to you (or the other way around)?
I’m asking because recently I came across a post on another site where a boy was talking about a girl he was in love with. I think he was like 14 or 15, and he had met this girl online through a game.
He described her and their conversations and that he really liked her, and it was pretty obvious she liked him too. He wasn’t sure if he was going to do anything about it though.
I found it cute and responded something like he seemed to be a nice guy and I whished him luck with the girl. Nothing profound at all, just a friendly comment.
About a week later he sent me a message thanking me and telling me my comment made him think and got him to work up the courage to tell the girl how he felt and now he had this amazing girlfriend.
The reason I’m telling you this is I didn’t even give him advice, I just posted a kind comment which took like 5 seconds. Apparently even I, who know nothing about anything, can make a difference for someone by doing almost nothing. And he was really sweet to take the time to tell me about it, which obviously made my day. I don’t now, it just made me think about what really small things can do sometimes.
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