What would you have done if they tried to force you to attend a Trump speech?
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45 Answers
I would have taken paid time off if I had it to take. If not, I would have stayed home without pay.
If it was work related, then the company is generous to give options of non attendance.
Keep in mind, these workers are greatly affected by the policies addressed in the speech.
You are not.
Is it okay for your employer to ask your political affiliation? Because it sounds like that was this was. Do it after hours or give everyone the same option. But once the employer knows which option you took you might find yourself at the top of the list when the next rounds of lay-offs rolls around.
Shiiiit. I got a Elizabeth Warren shirt in the mail Thursday and planned on wearing it Friday. But Friday was also when I started seeing a new oncologist. So I decided against wearing it since the new doctor might be Trump supporter and I don’t want to die. I don’t want to know his politics so I won’t share mine.
I’d write about it on social media.
Trump’s visit was an official White House event, not a speech connected to the president’s reelection campaign. I’m sorry but I have to call BS on that statement. Every time he opens his mouth, he’s doing a bid for reelection; even on the news.
I’d opt for the PTO. His voice grates on my last nerve.
I’d go in a heartbeat. No ones died from listening to another pov.
It wouldn’t bother you that your employer was manipulating you into leaning toward a particular political party?
I don’t mind another pov but the I’m great and you have to vote for me because I’m wonderful is the same old pov. I thought America was damn close to being great until he decided to fix it. Now it’s AFU!
Stayed home that day. Or stayed at work. They can’t make me go.
Isn’t it illegal to coherence them that way?
Not under the new administration
@Dutchess No, I’d go see Obama, Biden, Pence, all of them. It interests me.
I find your willingness to be black mailed into attending a political event interesting @KNOWITALL.
@Dutchess_lll Don’t you realize that union dues and other affiliations regularly aid left-wing causes? Not to mention cell phone and cable fees. All these excessive charges have supported candidates we might not agree with.
At least workers in coal, energy, steel, and manufacture, have a vested interest and need to attend such a meeting. Their livelihoods depend on it. Remember when Obama said these jobs just weren’t coming back? They can just as easily disappear again. That’s the political reality. In any case, what this meeting is about, regards policies that very definitely affects their future.
The three options given cover it all. What more could be asked? Stay home with pay? A hefty bonus for not attending? Trump not be allowed to speak at an event?
@Dutchess I’m a grown woman, if I cant hear an opposing viewpoint after 46 years, theres bigger problems than one event.
For $700?! I’d go! And tell everyone I knew that Trump paid me that much to attend his rally!
He’s famous for not paying his bills so he must be really desperate to have me show up!
Uh, I don’t think Trump has a problem with low attendance at his rallies.
^Because they pay people to attend.
@chyna No one I know paid, the tickets to the rallies are free. And still thousands waited outside.
@chyna wasn’t talking about paying to get in the rally. trump pays people to attend his rallies.
I wonder how much of our taxes have gone to bribe people into attending trump’s BS. Thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars I’m sure.
@Dutchess Oh, is there a source on that? I’d love to read about it.
Here’s one Have to go to a meeting now, though. TTU later
I actually see the option given as not pushing a political view. They are having the President of the United States coming for a visit and he will be speaking. That is a huge deal. They are obviously taking time away from normal jobs, but knowing someone might not want to attend because of political views, they gave other options.
And before anyone starts saying it is wrong to not pay someone…that it is a punishment…I ran into a similar situation with my previous job…but not because of a political situation. When a hurricane came through, it entirely blocked travel to work for days. It wasn’t that people didn’t want to go to work, they couldn’t physically get there. Not even that they couldn’t get there safely….they just couldn’t get there. And the company offered people the same options…take it as unpaid time or take it as vacation/PA time. Since I have seen the same options put out there before for other things, this doesn’t hit me as being unrealistic.
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There are thousands, sometimes tens of thousands, waiting to get in a Trump event. — and on the front end, thousands if not tens of thousands waiting 24 hours or more to get in.
Paying enough people to raise any notable difference is unrealistic. There are too many people waiting outside to need paid attendees.
I would ask who could give me a ride.
The question really isn’t about whether or not you would attend a trump rally. I understand some of you would jump at the chance to hear the man speak. The question is, what would you do if someone tried to manipulate you into attending a political event you did not want to attend, by withholding wages, or forcing you to take paid time off, taking away from a future time when you want to use the time for your own leisure.
@Dutchess_III Interesting. Pennsylvania is a battleground state so it makes sense.
So if someone tried to force me into going to a Hillary event and I didn’t want to? I simply wouldn’t go and would use a vacation day.
I think I could agree to go, and then slip out.
@Patty_Melt Smart, you gettin paid gurl! haha!
Honestly, I don’t mind to go to any event like that really, I think it’s interesting to hear all sides of any argument/ issue.
So WHAT makes sense @KNOWITALL? Are you saying that trump and his administration is justified in putting the screws to citizens to force them to participate in his events, whether they want to or not?
What reason could their employer possibly have to make it mandatory?
Not exactly sure what your point was but this line toward the end caught my eye “Any union that supports Trump’s White House and Mitch McConnell’s Senate deserves whatever they get. Any union that backs a Trump initiative that screws other unions as long as they themselves are exempted should hardly be surprised when that exemption is suddenly in danger.”
@Dutchess_III The article discussed the politics of unions supporting Trump, which explains why they would try to support the rallies, etc…
Its really hard to imagine any worker in the petroleum, oil, or coal industries would vote democrat. They would be voting against their own jobs.
The boss cannot demand this, but Trump and other politicians may have information that workers need to know about the current politicians and candidates position on the petroleum industry— their livelihood is at stake, and they may not even know it.
There are still blue-collar workers in Appalachia who automatically assume that the Democrats will support their labor unions and jobs, and that Republicans are only for the industry CEOs and corporate leaders. Things have changed. With the barrage of false media it might be in the workers’ interest to hear what the other side has to say.
Well then the damn boss can attend the meeting and call a business meeting and tell them about it. You can’t force someone to attend a political event.
At the time this first came out, I read somewhere but don’t remember where that the average worker earned $700/day. They were given the opportunity to not go but they would lose their pay for the day. I wouldn’t want to have to listen to him; but, for $700 in pay, my butt would have been in one of those chairs
Wow. Those workers earn about a quarter million a year, then! I don’t think these millionaire workers would miss a measly $700
@Yellowdog It seems like a lot of money to the average worker, but keep in mind, most people spend what they make, or above what they make. 700.00 is probably needed by these workers also.
$700 a day?. That’s insane! It’s just a little off $100 an hour!
Chyna, no way they’re making $700 a day. $700 a week, maybe, but not $700 a day.
Maybe Trump spoke every day that entire week,
Nah, They’d loose too much work time.
This is the article I remembered the $700/day but it’s not just pay “Missing a day of work could amount to $700 in pay, benefits and a per diem payment that out-of-town workers receive, a union leader told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.”
Not only were they coerced into going but they had to clock in at 7:00 am and then stand around until after lunch to see their guest speaker at their “training session”
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