First of all, saying not for sale is an incredibly old ploy to hopefully tip a deal in their favor. It is done every day. My god, when railroad me were buying large tracts of land, farmers and ranchers used all sorts of ploys.
If you are unable to grasp that, you have never bought antiques, used cars, or livestock.
Next, have you ever played chess? I know the moves, but I’m not good at seeing two, three, seven moves ahead.
Trump is doing just that with a number of things he is balancing right now. People who can follow, get it.
“You’re going to build a bridge where? Can’t be done.”
“Free the slaves? Like hell.”
“School for coloreds, what for? They can’t be taught nothin’.”
“We can’t go up against the English army. Nobody can beat the English Army. The king’ll have our heads by spring.”
Lots of people have declared the impossible, only to see things happen which still confused them.
Now, there may or may not end up being a sale, but I wouldn’t hollar can’t too loudly.
Fluther has had lots of what if questions, and I find it quite that some people choose to shat all over a thread posted entirely with serious responses only desired.
I prefer apologies be made quick and simple so I can spend the better part of my time on people who don’t treat me badly.
There was absolutely nothing about my question which could bring insult to anyone, so neither should any of the answers.