Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can a soldier use his own money to upgrade his equipment?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) August 21st, 2019

To get anything not general issue? Is it frowned upon? Any country? What are you allowed to upgrade? not just weapons and armor?

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Like toiletries and shoes. Or something unique that we wouldn’t think of?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

So they can. I will change the question to “what is the most unique equipment purchased by a solider?”

MrGrimm888's avatar

Certainly. Most modify their weapons. AR, M4 platforms, etcs. Can be tricked out, in all sorts of ways.

Yellowdog's avatar

I remember something from the early 2000s about private individuals funding the armorization of Hummers. Not all military vehicles were armored.

zenvelo's avatar

During the beginning years of the Iraq War, in Rumsfeld and Cheney’s haste to get the oilfields, US troops were sent to war despite being woefully under equipped.

We had fund raisers in the community and schools and churches to buy armored vests, food, toilet paper, clothing necessities.

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Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. Of course they can.

@zenvelo I would have killed for US standard issue during the first gulf war. The riffle I was issued with came with warnings not to use it in sandy or dusty environments. Also US MRE’s they were worth paying for too.

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