What is your take on Fox News turning on Trump?
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66 Answers
Some ideas:
A moment in time that they can now refer back to as “proof” they are balanced journalists.
They actually became afraid freedom of the press was coming under fire and took a stand?
Conscience? Is it possible?
Setting themselves up to support a Republican challenger?
Or that is more evidence of how bat shit stupid and crazy the president is.
It shows that he is too much for even them.
@ragingloli Ding ding, we have a winner.
@JLeslie Another Republican option is likely, too. Astute.
Whether or not they are in his corner, they have to reply in such a manner to maintain some sort of credibility.
I don’t think it says much about Fox News either way. Just that Trump is an idiot and manages to alienate even his supporters with the dumb stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Fox news used to be so blatantly right wing that CNN looked fair in comparison. Those roles have nearly reversed.
FOX is simply overwhelmed by the reality that is Trump. After all, the fool cannot tolerate a single moment outside the public spotlight. With that fact in mind, try to recall the number of times that light has revealed anything positive or uplifting. Just try!!!
It’s an act. Fox is playing games to try and convince people they are neutral. But it’s all an act. They aren’t changing a thing. They’ll be back in Trump’s coven tomorrow.
Sly Fox wants higher ratings.
It proves that if you get to stepping on too many toes, you might start stepping on the wrong ones.
When one man on a news show puts Trump in his place it doesn’t mean “the network turned on Trump.”
As for , ” we don’t work for you” Cavuto got that wrong too. Trump meant Fox is not helping out Trump or his run for POTUS as he felt Fox used to do. Trump didn’t mean Cavuto is his employer. Example: “that medication doesn’t work for me anymore.”
This sort of misunderstanding happens often.
I’ve always said that it’s just a matter of time. I’m just surprised that it too this long.
How long can you pass you pass piss off as champagne?
I don’t know @stanleybmanly as long it has an alcohol content,and Trump serves it with his bull shit burgers them good ole conservative red necks will keep gobbling it up asking for more.
It is all so they can kiss and make up later….
I think it’s premature, to answer, honestly. It’s definitely an anomaly, not necessarily a pattern. Yet…
Aster, did you not hear your king say that Fox was letting him down? It’s more than one man turning their back on him. I’ve noticed a recent trend of anti-trump sentiment on Fox. I’ve even been able to reference their news report as fact on crap that he’s doing. I’ve been wondering who he pissed off?
Trump.seems capable of pissung off anyone. He has a “I’m the best, smartest, guy” mentality, and for anyone who doesn’t give the baby what he wants, or questions a single action/saying of his, they become a target of his. He has moments, where I think he’s making some positive steps, but then goes right back to thinking of himself, and expectingto be treated as, a God king…
Damn Grimmy, I think you’ve got it! I agree with Mr Squeeky.
I appreciate the compliments. But Trump is hardly a difficult personality to read… It’s ironic, that he fights the free press (whose job, is to keep things like the executive branch transparent,) when he himself is someone you can see right through. Often, through his own voluntary/non-requested declarations…
Gropin Joe squeezed a woman’s shoulders. Pervy don brags about grabbing women by their pussy. Now I see which you would prefer!
@SEKA I am not saying what Trump said was ok. He was joking around boys’ locker room style , with the other guys who were laughing. But the differences include: where is the video? Show me the video of Trump doing that.
I am insulted that you’d believe I would characterize Joe as being a perv because he grabbed a woman’s shoulders. You obviously have missed all the photos and videos of Gropin Joe in action with various young girls. They are all over the internet and they’re disturbing. Even some of the parents of the girls look uncomfortable.
Typical far left spin.
@Aster: You think Trump says he grabs women by the pussy and he doesn’t actually do it?
I know we’ve already beat this subject to death, but I’ve been in lots of locker rooms, and NEVER heard anyone talk about sexual assault…. Just saying….
Lord, they even were doing it in the movie, “The Graduate.” Very few guys would deny they ever heard of such talk in locker rooms. That is the origin of the expression, “locker room talk.” I guess you never heard of that expression either.
@jca2. That is exactly the case, of course! Name the lawsuit and the woman who accused him. Just one. The outcome of the lawsuit you name was??
@Aster: I never said he was accused and sued. I said he admitted on tape that he grabs women by the pussy.
Wait…is Aster not understanding that trump himself is saying he grabs women by the pussy, that it’s not some wild accusation from the left?
@Dutchess_III: It seems @Aster is saying that even though he admits it, it didn’t really happen, it’s just locker room talk because nobody ever actually accused him or sued him for it. Of course, if he didn’t actually do it, that makes him a liar.
Just locker room talk…in public. On the radio.
Admiting something implies someone has accused you and you’ve given in. He happily volunteered this crazy tale to entertain, which is his perogative, the other guys on the vehicle. it was crazy, adolescent and so typical of high school and college guys lying about specific conquests that never happened . But he got the reaction he wanted: lots of laughter. And yes; technically it was a lie. They all lie. Joe Biden is a liar and so is Pocohontas. All liars desperate to be POTUS. Now I wait to hear how none of the men or women on here have ever in their entire lives heard of a boy or man lie about how far he got with a female. Which is a lie too but I would not call any of you liars per se. And yes, @Dutchess_III , locker room talk has never in history been confined to locker rooms. It happens in school aisles between classes, at parties, on telephones and even perhaps on the moon.
”Admiting something implies someone has accused you and you’ve given in” Not necessarily. I admit it, I bite my finger nails.
You live in a world where you have to put up with raunchy locker room talk every day? Yuck. Glad I don’t.
Semantics aside, it was crude and lewd behavior, not at ALL befitting the personality of a head of state. “He wasn’t president then.” But he’s the same crude, disgusting pedophile today that he was then.
Oh, yes. In my world of senior citizens I have to put up with RAUNCHY locker room talk every single day. lol Are you serious?
Yep; it was crude and lewd and reminded me of the antics, infidelities galore of Robert Kennedy, the crude words and actions of Agnew but Ben Franklin beat them all. You seem a little naive about our past leaders. And no; Franklin was never POTUS. And let us not forget about that Roosevelt.
Now enlighten us about how Trump is a pedophile. Links?
Guys do talk about “how far they got” with girls. Bit that’s in typical dating, or one night stand context. I’ve NEVER heard a guy talk about sexual assault in a locker room. If they did. They’d probably get their ads kicked…
One thing I can agree with @Aster on, is that much older men, are far nastier, when talking about women.
But Trump was talking about sexual assault, and bragging about abusing his power. It isn’t an Isolated form of rhetoric, for Trump. I think calling him a pedophile, is unwarranted. Although, he has on many occasions seemed to be attracted to his own daughter, I have not heard of anything suggesting that he desired her, before she was of legal age. The only thing that could come close, is that he visited Epstein’s island. But that only proves that he associated with pedophiles. Something that possibly all of us have done, without any knowledge of it…
@MrGrimm I personally believe a lot of those politicians are freakier than we know, fhey’re rich! They can afford to pay. Maybe he meant the mercenary type women who gladly trade sex for money or an arrangement like the casting couch.
^I agree. They’re probably, most of them, up to all kinds of things. Catherine the Great (Russia) was rumored to have had a contraption built, so that she could have sex with her horse…
And BTW, casting couch girls, don’t get paid usually. They’re advertising their “talent.”
Research your porno.~~
”“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
”Ms Dixon told CBS she believed that Mr Trump owned the pageant for 19 years because he could “utilise his power around beautiful women” and there was no one above him to complain to.”
And yet you’d vote for such a slimy, creepy piece of shit because some guy who’s been dead for 200 years was also an asshole @Aster?
@MrGrimm888 haha, my bad! But they are trading their bodies for a part basically, same thing.
I see Dorian heading for Charleston, be careful buddy.
^Yeah. Latest news isn’t good. (5:50PM EST.) We’re projected to get a 5–10 ft storm surge. High tide is 1AM, which is when the surge should be highest too. Plus up to 15 inches of rain. If it shifts, even a tad west, it’ll be worse. My new place didn’t flood during Irma,or Mathew (my last 2 floods that wiped me out, in my old house.) So. Hopefully, I’ll be spared the flooding here. My current house was built in 1943, so hopefully it can withstand the wind. It’s survived all previous storms, without major damage. The worst should be over by Thursday afternoon. We’re already getting some rain bands, and gusts. I’m as prepared as I can be, to ride it out, and have multiple plans, if it gets crazy.
Now, it’s just a matter of waiting to see what happens, and dealing with the problems as they come. The next 24–36 hours, will be interesting. I slept all day, so that I will be fresh for a long night. Low tide, is around 6AM Thursday. That should take away most of the water, as the storm passes.
Let the fun begin… Thanks for your concern.
I wish luck, to anyone else in Dorian’s path…
@Dutchess_III And yet you’d vote for such a slimy, creepy piece of shit because some guy who’s been dead for 200 years was also an asshole @Aster?”
Of course I’d not vote for anyone with those qualities. Although I admit I voted for Kennedy and he had naked models in the WH pool , had an affair with M Monroe (as did his brother) and a “high class” prostitute. He hasn’t been dead for 200 years.
I think Joe Biden is slimy and creepy. And those loud mouthed females screaming to be heard like a wild banshee? Oh, God save us from those psychos. I’ll take a Trump type anyday of the week rather than a lying, demented, desperate, hopeless, elderly maniac like Bernie who preaches to the college crowd and whips them into a frenzy with his silly “freebies” tales.
Is banshee a word?
Did the russians hack your account, or something?
@ragingloli I don’t think so, I’ve been watching her posts a few days and I think she’s fired up. Not backing down a bit. I like that in a person, regardless of their ‘side’.
The thing many need to remember is ‘silent majority’- a lot of people won’t even discuss it anymore because of the abuse of the Dems over the last few years.
”...because of the abuse of the Dems over the last few years”!
The GOP has been running the Congress for Eons, just saying.
Or is abuse calling out old orange hair for lies and more lies and bad weather forecasting (maybe arrest him after he leaves office, it’s a Federal offense for altering NOAA weather forecasts).
“Its a Federal offense for altering NOAA weather forecasts.” LOL So you’re saying , once again, he will serve hard time? Wear an orange jumpsuit to match his hair and face (neither of which is EVER orange since his makeup person finally got it right.) If you have a recent link to a video showing him with orange hair or complexion please provide the link. This childish, worn out claim about the Orange Man has gotten old. It’s over; doesn’t exist, @Tropical_Willie. Or do you actually think that a solid year of people (children) calling him orange” would not be noticed eventually by his crew and be corrected? Truth is, the guy looks pale.
@Tropical Its a lot of things, but yes. Very negative energy, its too bad we give snyone that much power over our collective, or selves.
Trump is just as orange, as white people are “white,” or black people are “black.”
Isn’t it due to some spray on tan he uses?
I don’t know. Boehner had that orange glow, and swore he didn’t use any tanning agents. Maybe it’s just some sort of conservative aura. But the fact that negative coverage of Trump occasionally ekes from
FOX is due to the fact that Trump leaves the network no choice if the propaganda mouthpiece for conservatism has any prayer of suppressing the snickers from the industry at the network’s claim to credible journalism.
Could be a tanning bed too. That would account for the white circles around his eyes.
I assume that you cover your eyes, for a spray tan too…
Or maybe he just likes to bathe in piss.
He spends enough time golfing. I don’t understand why has to do a fake tan.
In every picture/video, I have seen him playing golf, he’s wearing a hat. In fact, he wears hats, more than any POTUS I have ever seen, in the last 100 years, or so. I know it’s to help with his ridiculously obvious comb over, but he seems to wear a hat, almost half of the time I see him.
I chose not to judge him.by this style. It’s one of his few “human” traits. I have a full head of hair, but typically wear a hat too, although I wear them backwards. I keep my head, closely clipped, but it feels weird, having nothing on my head…
^^He wears a hat when outside for 1.5–3 hours and that’s odd to you? He has white white Scottish skin, thin hair, and I think blue eyes. I have close to his coloring and I burn in less than 30 minutes. I have to make sure my head is covered (I usually pull my hair back in a ponytail) and my sunglasses on, and spf slathered all over me, but sunglasses can be annoying to some golfers so they wear a hat.
I never said, it was odd. Just that it would explain why he doesn’t have a “natural” tan.
The only thing odd about it, is he is often dressed in a suit, and wearing a baseball cap. And that hats are traditionally not worn by the POTUS, at least in my lifetime.
^^I agree it’s not the best look. Maybe because he’s in Florida a lot more than other presidents. Obama was in Hawaii once in a while, but he probably doesn’t burn, and probably doesn’t have eyes that are sensitive to the sun.
If Trump is wearing a baseball cap in the winter in DC with a suit, that I would say is very unusual.
If he is wearing a hat indoors I would say that’s really bad etiquette.
He probably should get some nicer hats that go with a suit. My grandpa used to wear a beret.
I’m pretty sure he sells those caps, and also his base maybe wears baseball caps a lot.
Those MAGA hats are a fundraiser for his future campaign, @JLeslie.
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