General Question

raum's avatar

Does a restaurant need to partner with a third party delivery service in order for the delivery service to pick-up food?

Asked by raum (13655points) August 31st, 2019 from iPhone

Can any third party food delivery service like Caviar, DoorDash or UberEats pick up food from any restaurant?

Or does there need to be an established partnership between the two, in order for the restaurant to accept part of the commission from the delivery service?

If a restaurant doesn’t want a third party food delivery service to deliver their food, what is their recourse?

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3 Answers

jca2's avatar

If the restaurant doesn’t want to use the service, they can hire their own delivery person and do it independently.

MrGrimm888's avatar

There has to be an established relationship, between Uber Eats, and the restaurants. I drive for Uber Eats, as a part time job, and have also worked in a couple restaurants, that use the service. I can’t opine about Door Dash, or similar services…

jingle's avatar

The third-party delivery services gathered the deliveryman together, by which these deliverymen could receive guaranteed orders. Their salary depended on the number of cases they sent. The harder they work, the higher their salary would be. For small restaurant, it’s the easiest and cheapest way to partner with the third party. For large-scale restaurant, the other way would be better.

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