Social Question

Do you agree that racism is different than antisemitism?
I just saw an interview with Bari Weiss. She recently wrote a book called How to Fight Anti-Semitism. I haven’t read the book. She looks rather young to me, not that it necessarily matters, but her generation maybe is more naïve is my thought on that. She looks to be in her early 30’s. The book talks about being Jewish in America, and how so many of us (Jewish people) were raised feeling America was the golden land (Goldene Medina a Yiddish expression) or my father used to say paradise for the Jews.
She said in the interview that racism is different than antisemitism, because racism is punching down at someone the racist person feels is less human than themselves, but antisemitism is punching up, and about conspiracy theories. A conspiracy theory that there is a secret hand manipulating the world. Controlling banks, governments, and more.
She argues that a culture that has antisemitism is a sign of a society that is dying.
She summed up how the Jews are scapegoats for so many. She stated that under communism the Jews are the ultimate capitalists. Under Nazism the Jews are the race contaminators. Under the far right the Jews are the handmaidens of immigrants and minorities. Under the far left they are the handmaidens of white supremacy, because they support Israel.