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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What if President Trump was right, and was being honest the whole time as president?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) September 11th, 2019

About everything he cliamed, and that he was just using positive thinking, and creative visualization ?
Humor and serious answers welcome.

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51 Answers

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Only a complete idiot could swallow that!

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KNOWITALL's avatar

Wouldnt surprise me. He’s said all along there were a lot of people post-Obama trying to sabotage his Presidency. Melania agreed.

josie's avatar

Probably not relevant.

seawulf575's avatar

And even if he was, the left would never believe it. And if there was solid proof, they wouldn’t admit it.

Zaku's avatar

Since he contradicts himself and established facts and meanings all the time, that could only mean he is drifting between parallel universes…

raum's avatar

Honesty is subjective. So it’s entirely possible that he’s delusional enough to believe he’s speaking the truth.

Though I think we’d have to be in one of the parallel universes that @Zaku mentioned to consider them as right.

Unless we are speaking about might is right.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Zaku You have it perfect. GA! Thanks for playing devils advocate with me. You got the spirit of the question.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@raum You got it too. Thanks.

LadyMarissa's avatar

When you have to BUY 3 wives & ALL your children in order to have your own way, honesty is subjective. He wouldn’t recognize honesty if it was pissing on his face!!! The man abuses everyone in which he comes in contact!!! #PAB

Melanie agrees with everything the man says…it’s in her contract. Plus sge’s afraid he’ll send her back!!!

kritiper's avatar

I’d have shit running out of both pant legs.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Lady Haha, source? I’d love to see that contract!

LadyMarissa's avatar

He does NOTHING without a contract…even Stormy had one!!!

elbanditoroso's avatar

Unimaginable. I simply can’t conceive of an honest Donald Trump.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

There is a tooth fairy and each time Trump was married he told his wife-to-be he was a virgin!
He is unable to tell the truth.

Patty_Melt's avatar

He has stated many times through decades that he didn’t want to be president unless there is just nobody running who could do the job.

I think he considers taking office an act of philanthropy which was on his bucket list.
His difficulty verbally conveying details is unfortunate.
I think having a crowd of news people in his face tends to get him flustered.

Check out YT for Steve Harvey met Trump. It demonstrates how he works great with quick action, but facing the news gets him skewed.
I will try to get a link, but my new phone has its own opinions.

Demosthenes's avatar

I think a lot of Trump’s “lies” are just ignorance. I think he says a lot of things he genuinely believes to be true. And given the kind of material he “retweets”, I don’t think he has the best sources.

SEKA's avatar

That’s the day that hell freezes over!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@SEKA That would happen if Trump financed hells a.c. after his wall.

YARNLADY's avatar

It would only be possible if “truth” could be like a daily weather forecast. hot one day, cold the next day, sunny Monday, cloudy Tuesday, dry Wednesday, raining Thursday.

SEKA's avatar

We would hear how great it is without ever seeing any results!

raum's avatar

@YARNLADY There is a difference between truth and honesty though.

YARNLADY's avatar

Each of the blind Men in the Elephant parable is giving an honest answer.

raum's avatar


Stache's avatar

Damnit. I live next to windmills. Now I have windmill cancer.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

And what if the moon was made of green cheese?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Lonelyheart807 Phsaw! The moon is swiss cheese with powdered cheese parmesan topping.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You mean what if he really is a stable genius, knows more about Isis than his generals and all the intelligence services combined, can prove Dorian was set to devastate Alabama, he had the largest inauguration crowd in the history of the country, Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, Mexico really did pay for the wall, global warming is a liberal hoax, he never heard of Stormy Daniels, Frederick Douglass walks among us and is now 220 years old, Mexico exports it’s murderers and rapists to our borders, he disclosed his tax returns as promised, he really isn’t turning a tidy profit from his Presidency, Trump university at the forefront of quality education., he actually has drained the swamp as promised….?

LostInParadise's avatar

Since most of what Trump says are lies, it follows that what he says would have to be both true and false.

We can show that if one statement is both true and false then all statements are both true and false. Suppose statement A is both true and false, then for any statement B, the statement A or B is true, since A is true. Given that A or B is true and that A is false, then it must be the case that B is true. The same argument can be applied to the statement not B. Therefore B and not B are both true, so B is both true and false.

Has the world come to an end yet?

mazingerz88's avatar

If Superman saves people and planets but also is an asshole, I’d rather be dead than to see that asshole exist.

ragingloli's avatar

Then you should get your affairs in order and prepare for the end of existence, because that level of reality warping could signify nothing but the imminent return of Cthulhu, who would plunge you and your soul into an eternity of being fed upon by his thorny tendrils.

Darth_Algar's avatar

What if pigs had wings?

Darth_Algar's avatar


No offense, but I’m a little reluctant to click on any link you post. God knows what kind of freaky shit it might be.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@Darth_Algar, I peeked. Lol
Go ahead. It is safe even for a five year old.
Good one, Loli

Darth_Algar's avatar

Well played Loli, well played.

ragingloli's avatar

Hey now, if I judge, (or “judg” in your language) something as NSFW, I would tag it as such.

Yellowdog's avatar

A bigger question would be, what if everything we saw on the news about Trump turned out to be true.

flutherother's avatar

He’s as honest as a two year $50,000 course in honesty at the University of Trump.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Yellowdog Interesting. If the American people are wrong, can they admit it?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Can their President?

kritiper's avatar

And to what end?

Stache's avatar

Everything we see on the news about Trump is true and we are fucked. Why do you think so many of us are angry?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I don’t feel fucked.

Stache's avatar

You are lucky. That doesn’t mean many of us aren’t fucked.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The 2020 election is going to be fascinating. I’ve never seen an incumbent with the baggage of Trump. The ammo he has provided any opponent is truly formidable.

Patty_Melt's avatar

The entire south hated him, and some of the north. A little girl told him to his face he was ugly. He was routinely ridiculed. He suffered from severe depression, which caused people who knew him to wonder if they bought the right man for the job.
He was a shitty husband. He bought newspapers so at least some were saying good things about him. People were convinced he was ruining the country.
He declared an air force before the Wright brothers were born.

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes. Monday and Tuesday also

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