(NSFW) How many humans in 100 do it at least once a day since their teen years?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
September 12th, 2019
from iPhone
Masturbate. 1 out of 100? 5? 10?
Do you think there are people who had been pleasuring themselves daily or the equivalent of doing it once daily in a span of 40 years or more?
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11 Answers
Maybe 30%. The thrill isn’t as great if you do it every day.
I’d be curious as to the gender breakdown. MY guess (with no real data) is that men masturbate at a rate probably twice that of women.
And I wonder if female fapping frequency (FFF) goes up or down after menopause.
There’s definitely a gender variable.
But the q, doesn’t specify. Assuming the test group, is half make, half female, I would assume somewhere around 55%. Males, accounting for most of it. As far as daily…
I think I missed a few days.
I think women are quieter about it but dont let that fool you. : D
When I was in High School, Planned parenthood taught us that 90% of boys masturbate and the other ten percent lie about it. And its an extremely hard habit to break. With girls, its like 60% and not daily.
I think women wank highly in this.
@Yellowdog All I heard was I was right lol
Yes unless you’re a teen, or a woman in your 40’s, many women still feel shame with sexual needs, imo. And some people have low sex drives in general.
I remember thinking in my mix 20’s in a very sexual relationship, it would be nice to just go to bed and sleep sometimes lol. Now I think what a fool i was to take good sex for granted.
@ucme Haha, good one.
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