Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If illegal drugs that make people feel happy aren’t addictive, would they be legal?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) September 13th, 2019 from iPhone

As asked.

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15 Answers

hmmmmmm's avatar

Not sure what you are asking, so I apologize if I misunderstood…

There is no connection between the addictive nature, effects, or safety of a drug and the legality of that drug.

zenvelo's avatar

They are illegal because of the difficulty in making a profit from them.

Zaku's avatar

Yeah, since pharmaceutical companies seem to be in charge of writing US drug laws, I expect it mainly depends on whether they can profit from those drugs.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Or that they’ll fucking kill you at best and at worst derail your humanity. Taking prescription drugs other than as intended and/or without a prescription is illegal also. They’re just street drugs at that point also as far as I’m concerned. @mazingerz88 I think you’re describing marijuana which should be perfectly legal IMO. It is clearly profitable so I’m at odds with why it’s still illegal.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@zenvelo…how much harder would it be to make a profit off of marijuana, assuming it was made legal, than, say, booze or cigarettes?

josie's avatar

In my opinion no.
I think the problem is that if they “make” you happy they are probably de facto addictive.
It is generally accepted that happiness is an emotion that occurs when a person achieves by a particular choice and action something that they value, whether it be an object, a relationship, victory in sports etc.
But it takes effort.
If some people can achieve the effect with chemicals and not effort, they just might.
Which would be disruptive to the current social fabric.
There is often fierce resistance to things that disrupt the social fabric.

kritiper's avatar

No. What really makes these things illegal is the government’s inability to collect taxes on them.

dabbler's avatar

Unfortunately, obviously not.
Marijuana is not addictive and it is still illegal on U.S. Federal laws, and in a lot of states. Through some hard-fought campaigns it is now legal in a growing number of states.

raum's avatar

CBD may be less addictive.
But marijuana is addictive.
Just less severe than others.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why do you say they can’t collect taxes @kriptner?

kritiper's avatar

Because it isn’t being reported. (And it’s Kri-ti-per.)

Dutchess_lll's avatar

It isn’t being reported because it’s illigal. If it was made legal they’d be able to tax it @Kri.-ti-per (That’s my son’s name.)

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_lll It isn’t hard now to make money off of marijuana. Some of the most active stocks on Nasdaq are marijuana related companies in states and countries where it is legal.

But when it was made illegal a hundred years ago, it was grown wild and not in a way that could be taxed.

(There was also a strong racist component since marijuana was more popular with people of color.)

kritiper's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I knew that. So why tell me??
(Kritiper is your son’s name? That’s nice. It’s not my real name, only a name my grandfather called me.)

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@zenvelo said “They are illegal because of the difficulty in making a profit from them.” That’s what started the side thread.

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