General Question

canidmajor's avatar

As a companion to my other Question, do you (have you) ever contributed to someone’s gofundme?

Asked by canidmajor (21797points) September 14th, 2019

I have, a couple of times, but only to people I know, and directly, not through the Facebook protocol. What would prompt you to help?

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11 Answers

jca2's avatar

No. I’ll sign petitions for animal issues and things where I think someone should get a significant penalty for a crime, but no money. I’m not usually one to put financial stuff on the internet.

janbb's avatar

I have a few times when the need was urgent but prefer not to.

jca2's avatar

Recently a friend was taking a collection for a young girl she knows who is in need of some assistance. I pm’d my friend for her address and sent a check to her (made out to my friend), rather than put it on GoFundMe.

seawulf575's avatar

Our niece had a tragic health issue that changed her life forever. Someone set up a GoFundMe account to benefit the family and we gave to it generously.

Demosthenes's avatar

I haven’t, no. I would if it was someone close to me and their cause was something other than a tech start-up (which is all I’ve seen from friends of mine at this point).

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have not. If I know the person I will help directly.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No. I also will help directly.

rebbel's avatar

Yes, a few times.

anniereborn's avatar

I have a couple of times.

Sagacious's avatar

I will never. Legitimate causes that provide for contibutions by mailing to a local bank are the ones in which I might participate. One of my best friends was hospitalized over 24 months and her family set up gofundme. I gave them some money to help with things and encouraged them to please give people another way to contribute. They put a simple request on Facebook and the checks rolled in. I think some sent money via Paypal. Diabetes is a horrible disease.

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