Can anyone possibly keep track of the scandals around Trump and his administration?
Is there any hope for totaling them up?
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63 Answers
No. Between the personnel changes and the shit that comes out of Trump’s mouth, I definitely can’t keep track.
It is becoming somewhat tiring to try and keep track, what really is going to be disappointing if your country actually reelects him for a second term.
That’s what we have you for, Stanley.
Thank you ms melt for that stunning vote of confidence. But even I lack the stamina to keep up.
Exactly, that’s Trumps game, to keep everyone guessing.
There’s not much evidence or collaborating witnesses for the “scandals.” But the vain efforts and obvious motives of the democrats have been repeated ad nauseum.
Trump has no “game.” That would imply a strategy and he is not smart enough to do that.
Geeze @Yellowdog then why have most of his staff quit,or face charges,or have been fired,all that and no scandals? Really?
“Scandals” have been driving many away.
A lot of people have been bullied out of their political office in recent months.
Aren’t you the least bit concerned that this is happening? Judges and senators under attack from the left.
Senators and Judges acting like scumbags is concerning, being right wing conservative Judge or Senator does not mean you are above the law (even if your hero President tries to rewrite the Constitution and weather forecasts) !
Do you not realize there are 22 democratic presidential candidates who want to totally and fundamentally change the constitution and transform America?
Do away with the electoral college. Take away guns. Give Social Security to Illegals. Open Borders. Do away with elections. Do away with private insurance … to name a few things?
Sorry that I don’t see your barrage of corruption from the Trump administration except for the same failed tactics from the left, trying to give something of credulity, Most people can see what’s going on.
Oh. God.
Ok trumpisit. Focus.
Yes we want to get rid of the electoral college. It is an old invention that outlived its usefulness. Are y’all also clamoring for wall crank phones to come back into play?
We don’t want to take away your toys. We would appreciate logical gun laws though.
@Yellowdog Ten now I believe.
If you dont understand how a portion of the US finds Dems campaign promises illogical, no amount of discussion can help.
The list is long. I’ll throw out a couple of no brainers…
Performing government business with entities in which he has financial interest. e.g. Staying at Trump Hotels. (Ireland was over 100 miles from the meeting locations.)
My company does business with a large government organization (maybe the largest) . The rules clearly state we cannot buy something as small as a screw from a company in which one of the directors owns some stock. That act can be considered a conflict of interest. Even the appearance of conflict of interest prevents doing business with them.
He holds meetings at his facilities e.g. Trump Tower in NY. Personnel, security, attendees, staff, etc., rooms are paid for by US taxpayers to entities in which he has direct or indirect financial interest.
The fact that this continues is a scandal in itself. People learn from the top. That act shows that the rules may be broken at will.
I’ll leave to others to present the numbers on record debt.
~~~ Remember his motto “I’m only it for the MONEY !”
So, should the Clinton Foundation have accepted hundred-million-dollar donations from every i hostile malfeasance and murderous diatribe out there to gain an audience with the future Madam President?
The point is moot since there was to be no madam President.
Actually, its moot because the servers were scrubbed when the DOJ subpoenaed them. No evidence survives = no crime
(except in the mindless annals of fox news)
Trump is Profiting while in office, by having foreign dignitaries stay at his Hotels, and holding meeting in his Hotels which I think is against your constitution,now quick deflect it back against the left.^^
So, you’re saying Trump is making money off his political office?
Bud, the Clintons made hundreds of millions off their political offices. Profits from those hotel rooms is under a few thousand.
But here’s the difference. It is rather clear that this idiot, (and I’m not using that term flippantly) is immune to any appreciation of the concept of malfeasance short of perhaps auctioning off the White House silver on the front lawn. The list of probable infractions facing this dummy is already so vast that its stupefying.
Also he is doing this while in OFFICE, do you get that?
But I doubt it this idiot can do no wrong in the extreme right wing eyes.
We are going to be very lucky if this idiot doesn’t send us into a global recession with his stupid tariffs,if not get into another conflict that will cost trillions and cost countless lives.
It’s a fascinating thing to watch, as the rest of the world unites in holding its breath at the spectacle. It’s pretty amazing that both the good and evil forces in the world are held at bay. The fool is equivalent to an unmanned bumper car careening loose in the rink of the world. There’s no way to reliably predict who’s gonna be slammed or when.
At @Yellowdog “But Obama, Clinton, anyone did it ” is not the point. That does not matter now.
We are talking about the sitting president.
The fact is the President is blatantly breaking the law. (Code of Federal Regulations) 48 CFR § 52.203–16 – Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest..
Federal Acquisition Regulations FAR—Part 3 Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of Interest FAR
Honestly… Take a breath and look objectively. We are not talking about the Clintons. they are gone.
Can you see how these activities are a direct conflict of interest? If Trump was not accepting money then I can look the other way. But the fact is, he is charging for the use of his properties and therefore is in violation. This will come back to bite him. But it will be way down the list. Below his tax evasion, theft of services, bankruptcy irregularity. and numerous other
They’ll let you do anything
Nice Answer @LuckyGuy just wondering how our extremists are going to deflect it.
@Yellowdog: You think that huge, elaborate events along with many many rooms and resort amenities only amounts to a few thousand dollars?
Just do a historical search of the NYT. They have made up most of the scandals or at least repeated them. It should be easy. Let’s see what scandals we can list: Russia collusion. That was a scandal made up entirely by the left. Trump flying on Epstein’s plane once. That was starting to be a big deal until all the records showed that Bill Clinton was the frequent flyer. At that point the left decided to drop that as a scandal. Stormy Daniels. The left tried running with that and actually gave much credibility to Michael Avenatti. Eventually that sort of went to court and Daniels ended up owing Trump…and Avenatti is dodging the law for a large number of unrelated things. That one fell apart. What else? Well, there was Sharpie-gate…another example of the lefties cherry picking and making stuff up to attribute to Trump. What else? There is the one that @LuckyGuy threw out about staying at Trump hotels. That might have some merit…except he removed himself from all his business dealings before he was sworn into office. That was what the Dems demanded and he did it. So that one doesn’t really hold water. The Dems are trying to come up with evidence that Trump tried to obstruct justice. So let’s look at that one. No crime was actually committed, so obstruction of justice would be just about impossible to prove and would likely not have happened since the alleged offender would know that he hadn’t done the crime that was being investigated. So the Dems started an impeachment investigation to try finding something. Today they ordered Cory Lewandowski to testify. He was hoping they would call him so he could give his opinion that the Dems were desperately wasting time and money trying to manufacture something that wasn’t there. The one I heard today was about the military refueling near Trump’s Turnberry resort in Scotland. Of course the leftist media tries to paint the picture that Trump suddenly started ordering these aircraft to refuel there so he can get more business at a Trump resort. What the leftist media doesn’t tell you is that the military was refueling at this airfield before Trump ever ran for POTUS. Really….I’m having a hard time coming up with anything that is an actual scandal an not something concocted by the left.
Good grief @seawulf575 He might have removed himself from his empire while in office doesn’t mean he doesn’t profit from dignitaries staying at them while he he is in office.
When his wife stayed at Trump tower when he first became President,the secret service had to rent the entire floor below her, tell us he didn’t profit from that?
He might not be calling the shots at Trump empire while he is President, but you might be the only person believing he isn’t profiting from secret service and politicians staying at his Hotels and resorts while he is in office.
Lord, some people will believe ANYTHING if it suits their agenda.
I am so fucking tired.
@Dutchess_lll You and I agree with that statement. Why do you on the left keep doing it?
@jca2 Did you actually read that article you posted? The very first sentence said it all.
“Last week, I wrote about the many financial conflicts of interest President-elect Donald Trump will face as president. ”
The article was dated the day after the election. He had not been sworn in. If you remember, this was a big deal (again…pushed by the left), and he took quite a bit of action before swearing in day. Got an updated list?
I said there are probably more since then. I’ll google more tomorrow, at work. I’m sure there are lots of lists and articles on this topic available.
It’s rather peculiar this idea that it is the left, the press, the intelligence agencies, which all supposedly conspire and concoct these scandals and slander the fool. It is particularly interesting to catalog the fool’s explanations as proof of his innocence. For example: Epstein? That one’s easy “The Clintons murdered him”. Once again, the democrats, Time magazine, the New York Times, the entire intelligence community—all of them combined cannot possibly match the fool himself at concocting the absurd from thin air. A man with the visible integrity of raw sewage is claiming spurious persecution from the mainstays of our society, while he himself displays the credibility of pond scum.
There’s so much available, but I’ve linked 6. Give it a look.
@jca2 Thanks for your sources. But let me respectfully say that I’m seeing a lot of bloated heft on one side of your double standard.
In Russiagate, we have some very serious actions taken by law enforcement hierarchies that far outweigh anything you are even accusing Trump of. These are VERY serious crimes that have yet to see justice. My earlier response to your ‘whataboutism” was censored by the mods. but I will repeat, wide sweeping invalidation of the other position with a collective term such as ‘whataboutism’ does not address the real concern that high crimes are committed against a presidential campaign and president elect and sitting president and this does not concern you at all. But to dredge up something relatively insignificant and to make high crimes and ‘scandals’ and ‘conflicts of of interest’ against the other side, is somewhat disconcerting.
@Yellowdog: I sent you six articles. Of course I expected you to have an issue with each and every one. There are not enough hours in the day to send you articles and see which one you will accept. There are a zillion all over the internet. You just have to google. Have at it.
As a Christian, I learned that Jews are not to be prosthelytized (sp?) and need to be respected as Jews, and will not convert anyway.
In a similar vain, I thank you for the articles. But except for enjoyment of the debate, we all need to accept that almost no one changes their opinion on these issues. All we CAN do is better understand the other position. Its okay to accept, even from an irrational person, that they live or perceive a different reality than what we personally may see.
I even marvel at the fact that the other side cannot see what is plain reality as I see it.
What is your plain reality^^ You say your dirt poor from being injured in a robbery, you live in a horrible crime infested area,and yet love everything extreme right wing.
View anything left wing as damn near communism and to costly to even consider.
Can’t stand universal health care, even though 55 million citizens from your country can’t afford health care the old way.
Is that your reality or did I miss something?
@stanleybmanly “It’s rather peculiar this idea that it is the left, the press, the intelligence agencies, which all supposedly conspire and concoct these scandals and slander the fool.” Yes…it is peculiar. It is downright scary too. Yet when you look at facts instead of buying the every changing lies, it is exactly what you find. Take the Russian collusion fiasco as a perfect example. You told me Trump was lying about colluding with Russia. That turned out not to be a lie, yet it was repeated 24/7 for almost 2 years by the left and the press. The intelligence agencies were the ones that accepted opposition research that was known to be unverified and possibly untrue as reason enough to obtain FISA warrants to spy on a presidential candidate and his campaign. They, of course, had to withhold the fact from the FISA court that it was bought and paid for by the political opposition. That sounds amazingly like conspiring and concocting a scandal to slander Mr. Trump. Oh! and let’s not forget that the left and the press tried to ridicule anyone that suggested it wasn’t all true. More conspiring and concocting. Trump mentioned that he suspected his campaign was being spied on and what was the response from the left and the press? He’s lying again. You, yourself, told me I was unbearably naive to believe the fool. Yet now we know that he and his campaign were, indeed, being spied on. So far we have ample proof that the left, the media, and the intelligence agencies did indeed conspire and concoct things to discredit the POTUS. And we have zero evidence that Trump lied about any of it, and NONE of it was Trump’s scandal…it was all made up stuff.
And now you still want to act like it is idiotic to believe how corrupt the left has made things. Maybe it is time to start asking yourself why you are so gullible.
@jca2 I appreciate the effort to come up with the citations to support your position. I think that is a great thing. I’m quite certain that a conservative “news” outlet wouldn’t go into depth on some things so you might have to use liberal outlets. I do want to point out two things, though. First, I have not discounted your sources based only on their liberal leanings and secondly that I am not afforded that same consideration when I use a conservative website as a citation. That’s just a side note to mull over the next time you see I am using a conservative website. And I will tell you that I have scanned through all of your citations. And here is what I find interesting: They all talk in innuendo. Every one of them talks about “May have conflict of interest” or “possible conflict of interest”, but not a single one of them actually points to anything concrete. Most of them delve into some reference to the revocable trust that Trump set up for any financial gain from his businesses to go into. It is a trust he can’t touch until he is no longer POTUS. Now if you look at the BBC citation you gave, it actually says in there that the US government’s General Service Administration (GSA) says Trump was in full compliance with his lease of the building in discussion because of this trust. In other words, he is breaking a law and is not in conflict of interest. Yet it goes on to say that this has not stopped criticisms. Now I might be wrong, but when the watchdog group looks specifically at a situation and says it is perfectly fine, all the extra criticisms of the POTUS at that point becomes more of the left trying to create a scandal.
The key here (and I see similar issues on extreme right wing sites as well) is that these articles leave fact and post a lot of supposition. It becomes a dead giveaway when you see the key words of “it could mean” or “possible” or some other suggestive word instead of being able to actually say “This is a fact and here is the proof”, such as “President Trump is violating section XXX of the Ethics code which states ________. The interpretation of this section in the past has been shown to be _______.” THAT would be a powerful thing. Unfortunately our media, and the liberal media in particular, has taken to trying to pass innuendo as fact for so long, they no longer know how to present just facts.
Okay let me get this straight
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Are you gettting paid enough by Putin? ? ?
@Tropical_Willie typical liberal. Can’t actually respond to what is written so you try ridiculing it. Nice way to keep a dialogue going. How do you manage to get through a day where others might ((gasp)) disagree with your warped point of view?
He’s saying just need to skip right on past your comments without reading or acknowledgement.
Again, @Dutchess_lll its a form of invalidation of another person’s comments, research, etc. A n immature form of deflection because you have nothing to counter with.
@seawulf575 “Warped point of view”? The point of view that matters is that Trump lies about EVERYTHING! And of course he is ridiculed and SHOULD be for the lying deformity he is. Your choice to attempt a defense of the lying cesspool merits you the same contempt your idiot displays toward veracity and moderation. Don’t whine at us about our bias against your obnoxious turd of a man. A turd is a turd.
Wow! @stanleybmanly could only write a string of ugly names and insults, leaving out the other words and conjunctions, and still have pretty much the same response.
Is there a non turd defense? Do you dispute the allegation that he is the lying deformity of a man, devoid of character? Ugly names befit a soulless and ethically empty despicable man. Yet You 2 dummies In the face of such glaring insults to decency and prpopriety, persist in the asinine assertion that the fault lies with the press, liberals, intelligence services, etc. for merely calling a spade a spade. Those “insults” are legitimate and neither of you (to your credit) are so stupid as to deny ANY of them. Those “insults” in fact gentlemen, are exemplary model of “if the shoe fits”.
@stanleybmanly Trump can do no wrong in the eyes of these two, like he stated during the election he could walk out in the street and shoot someone and not lose any of his loyal sheep, heck @dog and wolf would some how find a way of trying to pin it on the Lib/tards.
Notice how any thing remotely socialist is instantly compared toVenezuela,if that isn’t fear mongering I don’t know what is.
Why even bother ,you are NEVER going to change their views Trump is wonderful in their eyes and can do no wrong.
Hell I even brought up then why has most of his staff, quit, been fired or facing charges and they instantly blamed the Dem/libs for it.
@stanleybmanly Just the ugly, turd-oriented words are all you have to say. Don’t waste cyberspace on conjunctions, linking verbs, or attempting to sound logical. Just say, Orange Turd Deformed Shit, That’s the crux of what you are saying. Our warped minds can fill in the rest.
I am capable of more moderate deprecation of the insufferable fool. But once again gentlemen the colorful language befits the target, and I am not prepared to allow either of you to ignore this fact. My concomitant crudity is exactly the language your fool would exude had he expository skills beyond the 3rd grade. It’s his kinda language, and there is little point in elevating any conversation on this fool beyond his level of comprehension. Are you actually telling me that I should spare his feelings?
Answer this question 