Do you have what it would take to watch 13 Stephen King movies before Halloween?
This is NOT SPAM!!! There are so many Stephen King movies that I’ve never seen that I wouldn’t even consider this offer although the dangling carrot of $1,300 does make it tempting. At the same time, I’d fear that I’d be traumatized for life if I even attempted without proper preparation. So, those of you who love Stephen King, would this be a tempting offer for you???
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23 Answers
I think they’d detect my ironic tone from my application and I wouldn’t get picked for it, but I could do it, especially if I picked the ones I was somewhat interested in.
To watch 13 movies in the next month and a week would mean about 2 to 3 movies per week. I could do that, no problem.
I do not have any cOcAiNe, no.
No. In my opinion, he only made two good ones – The Stand and The Shining. None of the other movies was particularly good.
So I wouldn’t want to waste the time.
@Zaku I might be able to do it, but they pick the 13 you watch.
I could watch 13 movies over the next 5–6 weeks with NO problem; however, I think that many of King’s horror might possibly warp the mind!!!
Some are greatly entertaining dramatic films. Dolores Claiborne, The Green Mile, Stand By Me, Shawshank Redemption and I think that Anthony Hopkins and Anton Yelchin film was also his. I could watch all those no sweat.
Misery has a great performance by Kathy Bates ( also in Dolores Claiborne btw ) and I sure wouldn’t mind watching The Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger once again. It’s been a while see?
Cat’s Eye and Firestarter, not bad. Drew Barrymore as a child actor was pretty good in them. Dreamcatcher, also not bad.
I love good werewolf films and so Silver Bullet is definitely a treat to revisit. Also one of my King favorites, Salem’s Lot. The original with David Soul and the remake with Rob Lowe. Noooooo prob doing both.
What would be hard and really challenging is not watching 13 King films one after the other but reading 13 King novels!
@LadyMarissa They pick? Uh oh. The movies vary so much in type, quality, direction and so on. I guess I’d probably do it if it was really an offer, but I don’t feel like filling out a form and writing an essay just and then not even being picked.
I’ve watched a lot of horror films and other strangeness over the years, so I wouldn’t be worried about his horror. Lars von Trier’s original version of The Kingdom (hospital) I imagine has more potential for that. I mainly get annoyed by horror films that don’t interest me that much.
For example, I was pretty annoyed trying to watch Children of the Corn because of the “now the protagonists are getting jumped because of film editing” aspect. Similarly Christine had me annoyed the victims didn’t just step out of the road or something.
But I’d be happy enough to watch many of the others.
Easily. I start my scary movie viewing in September to get in the mood for Halloween. It’s my favorite holiday.
Here is a list of all Stephen King movies.
How many have you seen?
I’ve got ten
I watch about 80 movies a month.
I could do this easily.
I thought the 2019 Pet Sematery was stupid. I thought Children of the Corn was a B movie, amateurish. When I was young, everyone was talking about Carrie. I was too young to see it when it came out. I saw it as an adult, on TV, and it was like, “this was what all the fuss was about?”
I just went back to the link & they don’t list the13 movies to be watched. This was the best info I could find on the movies provided “You’ll watch lauded classics like “Carrie” and “The Shining” to truly harrowing adaptations like “The Mist” and “Pet Sematary” and deeper cuts like “Thinner” and “Dreamcatcher.” ” They don’t announce who will be watching until Oct 15, so you only have 2 weeks to watch 13 movies.
More info provided includes “The winner (or Loser, if you hail from Derry) gets all 13 flicks for free, plus a FitBit to track heart rate and movie-watching essentials like popcorn, candy and a blanket to hide under.
And when the frights are over and the goosebumps subside, you’ll collect your check. You’ll just have to clean up the tossed popcorn afterward.
The application closes October 15, just a little over two weeks until the spookiest day of the year (and your deadline, if you’re chosen).”
For those who truly love horror flicks, I don’t understand why a FitBit would be included. I’m also assuming that only true horror fans would be interested in this!!!
It seems we’re missing one of our horror fans. Can only assume they’ve not seen it yet. I doubt that they are hiding under a blanket!!! LoL
Lol, that’s a fun offer, I could easily watch that many movies whithin that time frame of course. I haven’t even seen the second part of “It” yet though! I wasn’t exactly blown away by the first part, but still it was pretty good and certainly better than the recent version of “Pet Semetary”.
With that said, it seems like an awful lot of work and most of the movies aren’t very scary anyway. Probably even less so if you have to constantly record your heart rate etc… :)
I dunno. It might be too scary for me.
Seriously, I’d do it. No problem. I’d be a bit concerned about the quality of some (I mean really, some Steven King films have been downright clunkers), but his shit’s not even scary. Pretty much no horror movies are. I find a movie like Taxi Driver more disturbing than any Steven King movie.
@Darth_Algar You have to remember Stephen King writes books though, in general it’s other people making the movies. Even as a writer he’s not one of my favorites when it comes to horror, but the films are generally whimpier than the books. Especially in the case of “Pet Semetary”, both movie adaptions are severly toned down…
I’ve only seen 9 from @anniereborn ‘s list, plus parts of one.
Seen 32 out of that list.
@nerdgirl578 “You have to remember Stephen King writes books though, in general it’s other people making the movies.”
Yes, I understand that. However the subject is movies based off his works so that is what I’m discussing.
This would be pretty easy to do. : )
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