Why do some people get mad when there are questions similar to questions asked here before?
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37 Answers
some Qs can be asked repeatedly such as “what are your favorite quotes” or “which is your favorite joke” etc because we always have new people joining fluther and so there are new perspectives/answers to said Qs. but even then, before asking such Qs, the asker should ensure said Q hasn’t been asked for at least a month because chances are they will get the same answers as the Q asked yesterday or a week back. As for Qs that ask how to do something such as “How do i attach a file on an email”, well for that, there are only so many answers available. So instead of having flutherers spend time repeating the same answer, it saves everyone the trouble if the asker just “searches fluther” for that Q first. In short, the key is to always search and make sure that the last time said Q was asked was a long time ago thus ensuring new responses.
The search feature could be improved, though. I find it difficult to find questions I know were asked recently!
@augustlan – i agree. When fluther search doesn’t work for me, i use google to search fluther by typing this: site:fluther.com “put text that you want to search within these quotations”
Google usually does a more satisfactory job.
First of all, Google search limited to Fluther.com works pretty doggone good.
Second, Fluther’s tag search is kinda okay, if you know exactly which tag you’re looking for. Problem is, you must edit the url manually to work it. (unless someone knows another way?)
Third, Fluther’s normal search is rather crude. It performs a basic string search with little intelligence other than to highlight usernames that match contain your string. That is, searching “gust” will match “August”, “gusting”, “Gustav”, you get the idea.
That’s what happens when you live in a bubble.
Because it’s pretty @#$%ing rude to not be willing to do minimal work on your own, while expecting other people to do the work for you.
@Daloon; you keep attaching emotions to those of us trying to be helpful and save on repetition. Didn’t you just ask this question using “why do people get annoyed” rather than mad?
Are you projecting. I get neither annoyed nor mad, as I have said many times before.
edit: Are you projecting?
I’m interpreting the things I’ve seen.
Interpretation of the emotions of groups of people from their prose is dangerous. You can tell us how you are feeling. Are you annoyed, angry, feeling snippy? Your response to that question is reliable information. (How am I feeling now? You have no way of knowing.)
I live dangerously? No, not really. I said “some” people. Not all. You can’t falsify that without canvassing all of fluther. Anyway, feel free to rephrase the question so that I only get the people who make a fuss about similar questions. They certainly seem rather touchy about the issue to me. I was just wondering why. Feel free to ignore my question if it doesn’t meet your exacting standards of craftsmanship. Alternatively, you can continue to trash it to your heart’s content. It’s a free internet site, and I can’t stop you, nor would I even if I could.
how about when submitting a question it sees if there has been similiar questions asked and a 2nd prompt brings up the similiar questions and asks you if you still want to proceed.
Do you watch Summer Reruns too?
@gail: I get what you’re saying about emotions not always being clear from some people’s writing. But there are times that it’s pretty darn clear and there is some amount of snip in the words chosen. I think there’s a world of difference between “Here are answers to a similar question that might help you, but I’d add….” and someone simply writing “Already asked.”
@Cyndyh; True that “Already asked” is very curt. I try to always include the disclaimer that there are some interesting answers from people who either don’t want to repeat themselves or who have left the building, sometimes permanently.
Well said. Gail
@gail: Are you implying that Elvis was once here?????
Given the history of this site, I wouldn’t doubt it. Jimmy Hoffa has shown up, I am sure, and the jury is still out on Amelia Earhart.
Although I think Jimmy is buried in the parking lot I used a few years ago that shuttles people to the Newark Airport.
JIMMY HOFFA!!! That’s what I meant to reference over there.
(puts on dunce cap and heads for the corner)
@gailcalled: Yes, and as someone who’s new here I appreciate it when people take the time for the few extra words to make that clear. It’s just friendlier.
Oooo, Maybe Jimmy Hoffa’s in the frizzer?
Before I ask a question, I search for it (in every possible incarnation) before submitting. To do anything less would be a disservice to all the people who are dedicated to preserving the quality of this site. It is irritating to find that others feel the same (minimal) effort isn’t worth their time, and would rather spam the site than perform actual research.
However, rather than wasting my time rebuking or re-answering, I choose to disregard their non-effort and head to “the undiscovered country, from whose bourn fantastic answers and amazing insight await blah blah blah, & cetera.”
@Knot; bourne – swoon. That’s a new word for me.
@Knotmyday: you mean you commit suicide every time someone asks a question that’s been asked and answered already?
Yes. Yes, I do. How perceptive. Every time I read a repeat question, I immediately slit my wrists (“up the street” of course, not “across the tracks,” that would be silly!) and slip off into the inky blackness of oblivion bearing a smarmy smirk of self-satisfaction. Of course, I resurrect for the next question, but in the long run, it’s the thought that really counts, don’t you think? I know I do. Pardon me while I transform into a chickadee and zip on down to the 7–11 to borrow a half-cup of uranium. “Is that you, Poppa? Poppa?” Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt.
an uncomfortable silence lay heavily over the crowded room. Eyes met, and just as quickly averted. The women’s earrings jingled softly as they trembled, a sibilant, faraway whispering sound…
@Knot: Sibilant! Another of my favorite words!
@Knot; not quite enough hyperbole.
O Heart, be at peace, because
Nor knave nor dolt can break
What’s not for their applause,
Being for a woman’s sake.
Enough if the work has seemed,
So did she your strength renew,
A dream that a lion had dreamed
Till the wilderness cried aloud,
A secret between you two,
Between the proud and the proud.
What, still you would have their praise!
But here’s a haughtier text,
The labyrinth of her days
That her own strangeness perplexed;
And how what her dreaming gave
Earned slander, ingratitude,
From self-same dolt and knave;
Aye, and worse wrong than these.
Yet she, singing upon her road,
Half lion, half child, is at peace.
—W.B. Yeats, “Against Unworthy Praise”
@Gail- your criticism is as valued as your praise.
@August- mine, too.
@knotmyday: you are truly an inspiration to us all. Would that I could follow your lofty example. Unfortunately, you’re so far up in the sky, I can’t quite make out where you are. My eyes aren’t what they once were, you know. Could you do me a favor, and maybe drop some notes attached to a parachute or something every once in a while—just to keep me on the straight and narrow. Oh, and I hope you’ll be pleased with this: I’ve built a little altar to you in the corner of my office, and have decided to do obeisances three or four times a day.
Yeats, when drunk not on words but only on love (well, not exactly);
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
HAD I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with the golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
Just as beautiful and even simpler. Don’t let some of Yeat’s frothier poetry scare you off. Stanza three from
A Cradle Song.
“I sigh that kiss you,
For I must own
That I shall miss you
When you have grown.”
@gail: Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :)
It shows you’re too lazy to use the search function (I’d like to note the search function never actually works for anything on the web. Ever.)
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