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Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think of the clip in the details?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) September 22nd, 2019

This clip.

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50 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Aren’t kids wonderful?
Kinda shocking that little girl would do that to a crawling baby, probably comes from a conservative type family and winning is the only thing that counts.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think the short time it took that little girl to deduct mastery of that weapon was astonishing. That kid is special. I mean when you look at the clip, at the outset she can barely handle the thing, but by the time her opponent is eliminated, she ALREADY understands that no one other than herself is allowed on HER perch. It’s both amazing and frightening, the gentle yet skillful dispatch she utilized on the crawler.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III What do you think of it?
Digging deeper I am to understand it was her sister and brother,so it’s a little easier to see, she didn’t just bump a strangers kid off her ledge.
Plus I guess she didn’t all out clobber the poor kid.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I thought it was cruel, and as far as I could tell, no adult stepped in to correct her and that was wrong. It was not only mean, but she was being a bully. And that is where it starts, with shit like that and nobody does anything to change it.
Sure it was “just” a foam ball pit and stuff, but that’s today. What about 10 years from now?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The clip ended we don’t know if she did or didn’t get shit for booting her brother off the ledge but I do get where you’re coming from.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree with you about aggression and our lingering devotion to gladiatorial combat. It’s uplifting that the skills of death are now extended to the fairer sex. I heard no male voices in the crowd’s exhortations.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The kid was just doing what she just learned after being egged on by her mom. She probably would be confused at when violence is good and not. It is a teachable moment.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I didn’t have the sound on. Are you saying the mom encouraged her to hit the baby?

This was my FB response:

“That right there is where you stop things cold and teach compassion and caring for those smaller than you. Make the girl apologize and help the baby up.
If any of you find this funny you’re a bully. And if you’re a parent you’re probably raising bullies.
And that’s what is wrong in the world today.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_lll She taught the child that its ok to hit an opponate. The kid just did what she learned from the previous attack with her brother. The mother was lauging her head off until the girl did what she thought was ok and struck the baby.
It is the mothers fault for mixing the two groups together with knowing that violence is possible. Those jousting batons are meant to be used American gladiator style and the mom should know better than to have a baby in the same pit unsupervised.
I hope that the baby was fine. It is a teachable moment for the mother and child.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

^^helicopter parents

Those kids were just playing and having fun. I do think the toddler was a bit young to be out there but more context is needed.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

It IS ok to hit an opponent. It’s not ok to hit a defenseless bystander.

It’s not “Helicopter parenting. It’s responsible parenting to correct bad behavior when you see it. (And she may have.)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Obviously the kids should have some one mature to tell them the rules. The batons are for hitting opponents and knocking them off the ledge.
The little girl probably learned a life lesson not to listen to adults or mom and take what they say with a grain of salt and to use her judgment. A teachable moment has served its function and that’s a good use of the time growing up.
It won’t happen again. At least with this group.

If I have kids (that I know of) I know what not to do at a playground.
I at least hope that they had fun or else what the hell.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Dutchess_lll There is not enough context to make any judgements based on that video. I personally would have never let that toddler out in a play area like that though.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have to agree with @ARE_you_kidding_me , we don’t know if the little girl got yelled at for booting her baby brother off the ledge.
Let’s hope she was corrected on it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I have no problem with the kids whacking opponents. The baby was not an opponent.

I agree she may have been corrected. Mom sure stopped filming in that instant.

PS ~ it also is not helicopter parenting to protect your babies.

ragingloli's avatar

Flawless Victory!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What really dismayed me was all the laughing emojis. :( Not everything is funny. Like parents pranking their kids telling them they.ate all their Halloween candy.
It’s not funny. It’s mean.

SEKA's avatar

My baby wouldn’t have been out there for his sis to defeat! Protecting your babies is not helicopter parenting; however, blocking your child from learning to protect themselves is. Yes, there is a fine line between the two

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Believe me I am not looking for a fight or anything but what are you looking for with this question?
That kids can be as big a jerks as their parents?
If you read the comments they said the little one had a huge smile on his face when his mom got to him.
The little girl acted with little thought or emotion when she booted him into the pit, that was a bit disturbing watching the video, but she didn’t full out clobber the kid either,and it was her brother,I would have been a lot more shocked if it was someone the little girl didn’t know.
I don’t have any of the little dears of my own so just wondering.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

”...blocking your child from learning to protect themselves is [helicopter parenting.]
I don’t understand what you mean or how it applies to the video @SEKA.

Squeekster, I just know that if it was my kid I would have told the child that was the wrong thing to do, and why, and instruct them to help the baby up.
But that’s me. I guess there are people who would just crack up and go on their way.
I just don’t find it funny.

I have no doubt the baby enjoyed it. That is beside the point.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I didn’t find it funny in the least, and a bit disturbing they way she just booted him into the pit.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Exactly. But kids are little animals but they’re trainable. They don’t train themselves.

wiscoblond's avatar

The mom told her to do it, then laughed. You need to listen to the video. I agree the child looked young to be there but they were just siblings rough housing. I don’t see any bullying in the video. The kids were having fun.

I wouldn’t have done what the mother did but I don’t think this is as horrible as you think it is.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The mom told her to whack the baby?? I did listen to it with audio but I missed that.

It’s the…mentality behind it that is disturbing. The act itself was harmless. Is the kid old enough to make the distinction between whacking the baby into a foam pit and whacking him off a jungle gym?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@wiscoblond You are totally right the mom did tell the little girl to clobber her brother going back I watched it again.
2 points for Quin.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Ok then. Mom’s an asshole.

Zaku's avatar

I thought it was pretty funny.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Maybe I’m a product of the 70s when “subliminal messages” we’re everywhere. Fact, I know I am and we weren’t wrong. We send subliminal messages to our kids with out even realizing it.

seawulf575's avatar

I thought it was pretty funny. The girls were having a ball. The winner then went on to whack her little brother. Probably not the right thing, but then siblings have been doing that sort of crap forever. It was a padded “weapon” and a padded pit. I doubt anyone was physically hurt. The little brother was probably shocked. I guess if I saw anything I would wonder about, it would be why the toddler was out there in the first place.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

As I said @seawulf, I’m sure it was all in good fun. Noone was hurt. The baby was laughing when he was pulled out of the pit.
Technically it was no harm no foul.
And all that is good.
Still, wrong message Mom.

MrGrimm888's avatar

King of the Mountain. I used to play similar games, around the same age, until adulthood. And we never had foam weapons, or foam pits. It was usually, literally a dirt hill. And we bear the piss out if each other. Sticks, rocks, all were standard. I see no problem with this. Especially when the kids are using foam stuff.
When I was 6, I was hit in the eye, with a rock, about the size of a fist. I couldn’t see out if that eye, for a week or so. A kid was climbing up the hill, and hit me with the rock. Then, he kicked me down the clay hill. It hurt. Bit I gathered myself, and went back up the hill, and knocked the kid off. He was probably 10. I was a bit bigger than him. I used to play that game several times a week. This was when I lived in Germany. I have played variations, until my mid 30’‘s.

My sister, rents big inflatable water slides, for family get togethers. When the guys get drunk enough, we play the same game. I’ll knock a 4 year old down the slide. I don’t care. Or maybe I do. No mercy! If someone approaches me, on the slide, I push them down.

It’s tribal, or something. We’re making each other tough. It usually takes 3–4 adult males, to take me down. I love it. When a child starts crying over it, we tell them to get back up there. Sometimes, I let a tiny kid push me off. To make them feel good. It’s a benefit. Not a bad thing… IMO…

The females, in my tribe, are tough as nails. They love it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothing wrong with playing King of the Mountian. Nothing wrong with whacking each other with a foam jousting pad either @MrGrimm888.

BTW, I listened carefully, and sure as hell the Mom said, “50 points for Finn!” or some such shit. People will sacrifice their own children just to get a fucking video that might go viral.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Correction @Dutchess_III she says 2 points for Quin.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So Mom’s an asshole. Her kids are probably brats too, but it’s not her fault.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Maybe. I didn’t have good sound, when I watched the video. It was loud, where I was.

I didn’t consider,the possibility that the mother, was trying to make video, to get a lot of views…

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What did you see?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I saw your link. I just didn’t really hear the audio.

I saw a mother, rooting for her child. But. Like I said, I didn’t consider, that she might have been doing it, for views.

My parents used to record my peewee football games, and root for my team. I guess, to me, this is no different.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There were 3 children involved. Two were jousting and that was cool. One kid knocked the other off into the ball pit. Just then the third child, a crawling baby, was crawling up behind the girl. Mom encouraged the one older sister to knock the baby off into the ball pit. IMO, it just sent a very bad message to the kids.

I’ll repeat one more time: I don’t have a problem with the jousting, and I would holler encouragement too. I have rooted for my kids in competition a thousand times. I DO have a problem with whacking a defenseless baby. <<< PLEASE READ THAT BIT THERE @MrGrimm888.*

MrGrimm888's avatar

I understand Dutch.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

thank you Grimm!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have a problem with the mom telling the little girl to basically boot her brother off the ledge.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have a real problem with it.

longgone's avatar

^ When did she say that? I heard her encourage the girls to fight while telling the baby brother to “get ‘em”. Then she praised “Quinn” for knocking her sister down, and finally she uttered a fairly horrified “Quinn” when the baby was whacked.

I think the only mistake she made was letting a toddler take part in a game that, while fun, is just too rough for his age. She overestimated her daughter’s maturity, too. But even if the girls had been teens, it seems too dangerous to let a baby crawl around in that situation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Quinn is the baby. She said “And 2 points for Quinn!” It’s right at the end, just before the girl whacked the baby off the ledge.

longgone's avatar

I’m pretty sure “Maverick” is the baby. Isn’t that a boys’ name?

Here’s the story as I understood it:

1) Mum encourages baby boy to join his sisters in their fun – “Get ‘em, Maverick…get ‘em.”

2) Then, she praises her middle child (who has cleverly defeated the older girl) by awarding her points saying, “Two points for Quinn.”

3) She starts to say something else, when Quinn suddenly knocks baby Maverick down. Mum is shocked and yelps, “Quinn!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I looked at it again. The girl is Maverick. The baby is Quinn. The Mom said “2 or 10 points for Quinn!” Then sounded shocked when Maverick acted on it. She yelled “QUINN!!” Like, “Are you OK??”
She’s not the brightest Mom in the world. Some parents just aren’t.
I remember picking my kids up from grade school one day. The school was just around the corner from the house so I walked. Our next door neighbor girl, who the kids played with, came out with them. Dad was parked ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE SCHOOL. When he saw his daughter he honked and she, of course she started to dart across the street without looking. She almost got hit and both Dad and I are screaming “STOP!!” What a dumb thing for Dad to do.

longgone's avatar

If you read the video description here, the mother says her girls are called Peyton and Quinn. Maverick is the baby brother.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“On Saturday afternoon we went to Krazy Air Trampoline Park in to get exercise and run off some energy. I had Peyton, the oldest sibling, and Quinn, the middle child, battled each other on the balance beam. Unfortunately, their father was at work that day so I decided to send him a video. I set baby Maverick down to dig my phone out of my diaper bag, and by the time I got to it he had crawled himself over to join in on the fun. This is when the video began. Quinn knocked her older sister Peyton off and then she continued on and showed no mercy on her little brother Maverick. The video ends with me screaming Quinn’s name and dropping my phone. When I got over to the foam pit and looked down at Maverick he had a huge smile on his face and thought the whole thing was just as hilarious. We all shared a great laugh and continued wrestling and throwing Maverick into the foam pit.” Thanks @longgone. Sounds like the baby had a blast too and I can understand it. They like falling and being thrown, like in bed all the while not getting hurt.
And it also sounds like maybe she did address the child too.

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