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KNOWITALL's avatar

What's your astrological sign?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29987points) September 23rd, 2019

Many people think it’s ridiculous, but some of think it’s fairly accurate.

So what’s your sign?
(eyebrow waggle)

Does anything in your horoscope seem close to reality?

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79 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

The Three-headed Znarpshlorfg.

jca2's avatar

Pisces. They say Pisces are dreamers, creative, romantic. I think it’s accurate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli You’re a Leo right? If I had to guess, I’d pick that for you.

raum's avatar

I was going to guess Gemini for loli. But that would be short one head.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If you couldn’t tell, I’m very much an Aquarian. In almost every way, good and bad.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Cancer Sun. Sagittarius Moon. Gemini rising. Saturn is tightly conjunct my midheaven coloring my whole chart. That Saturn is also trine Venus in the First House. Another important aspect in my chart is Moon trine Jupiter.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Ram. As for fitting the horoscope, I haven’t a clue.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I’ve had a lot of Aries friends and family.
My chart says you’d be a great one-night stand haha!

@jca2 We are supposed to be very good friends, apparently. :)

nerdgirl578's avatar

Scorpio. I don’t know if it fits or not really.

anniereborn's avatar

Gemini. And just the fact that they are the twins is very accurate to my personality.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@nerdgirl578 Scorpio, wow, interesting.

Read about it here if you want.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@anniereborn We share a few traits, but Gemini’s are the center of attn take the attention off Aquarians, which is good…lol

nerdgirl578's avatar

Intersting, why? And I do know what we’re supposed to be like, it’s more like some things match and others don’t :)

anniereborn's avatar

I guess it’s not a surprise that I am in musical theater then :p

KNOWITALL's avatar

@nerdgirl578 Just known to be very intense, unforgiving and stubborn. Some people are very attracted to that though!

nerdgirl578's avatar

Lol, you just picked out the least attractive traits of the scorpio :) We’re known for holding grudges and being vengeful, but I’m really not. Stubborn, perhaps…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@nerdgirl578 I know a lot of people who were deeply involved with some Scorpio’s, just going by mostly Scorpio men…lol

I don’t put a lot of stock into these, just thought it’d be fun.

wiscoblond's avatar

Capricorn. I have no desire for fame or success but I am a loner. I am a loyal friend and perfectionist.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@wiscoblond I can see that sign for you. The tenacious way you help your child is Cappy personified. :)

nerdgirl578's avatar

@KNOWITALL Well, for what it’s worth I’m not sure if I believe what the alignments of stars and planets were while we’re born affect our personalities, although I don’t rule anything out. On the other hand I think the time of year you’re born obviously has other effects. For instance, I’m almost a year younger than some people I went to school with, that must have some sort of impact especially when you’re really young.

rebbel's avatar

You tell me.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL Had it been anyone else I would have told you that I was born under the $ sign.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel Well that’s not fair, you haven’t been back long! Spicy, I can tell that, we share some common ‘interests’....

@stanley If I was joking around, I’d have said the same thing tbh! haha! See we’re a bit alike apparently.

tinyfaery's avatar


I am not a push over.

canidmajor's avatar

Aries. Butt-head.

rebbel's avatar

Apparently these are my:

Strengths; Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas

Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive

Likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town

Dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine

You tell me now?

By the way, about three of all those qualifications match me, I feel.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My wife is an aquarian, as is my daughter and the girlfriend I lived with in the past for 3 years. I don’t give a hoot about astrology, but the 3 of them have remarkably similar characteristics, some of which drive me crazy. To begin with, all 3 of them are smarter than me, yet haven’t a nickle’s worth of financial ambition. None of them give a shit about money (until they need it). They are therefore absolutely incorruptible. And all That mental horsepower? The 3 of them to the present day read voraciously and trade shopping bag loads of (get this) harlequin romances back and forth. All 3 of them could live in a bed, in fact, if I’m around to wait on em’ they won’t hesitate to try it. On cold days the 3 of them will sit around in the SAME bed waiting for me to serve them tea, wine, booze. They all love games to distraction, will get on a plane without a dime in their pockets, and often travel in a formidable pack! People who don’t know them mistake them as mean, but those who know them, treasure them. In some things they are dangerous. For example, you have to pay attention, because they can turn frightening when they’re hungry. They tend to wait too long before they notice they’re hungry, but they recognize it in one another—really bizarre.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Nice. Other than the money, sounds familiar. I adore my bed, too, and reading. Frightening when hungry, so a hangry bunch…haha!
I’m also mistaken for mean quite often, it’s resting bitch face though, and a little ‘stay back’

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s complicated !

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie You have more than one birthday?

rebbel's avatar

@KNOWITALL Yep, you got it.

ZEPHYRA's avatar


KNOWITALL's avatar

@rebbel Funny. Supposedly we click in friendship. So hi!

@Tropical_Willie Cusp of?....

@Dutchess_III No wonder you have always felt so familiar to me. My mom’s a Leo, dad’s a virgo.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Stan Have to say, you have some street cred having 3 in your home lol.
Most find one a bit much, trust me!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Leo – - – Virgo

ucme's avatar

Libra, not that I believe in any of that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Finally!! (claps hands)

My number one ‘friend’ is Libra, according to the chart anyway.
Makes sense, you’re highly entertaining!

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Haha, glad to oblige pet ;-}

stanleybmanly's avatar

Street cred? More like chump cred. I get teased about the “harem”, when I in fact am the eunuch slave. But it’s OK, cause they’re just as likely to park at the ex’s place or some of the other girlfriends. They’re an interesting bunch.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The other thing they have in common (thank God) is that when lit up, they are all very happy drunks!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley I would venture to say they deeply love and adore you, especially if you tolerate the sassy little things with a smile and encouragement. Lucky them, lucky you!

stanleybmanly's avatar

They love me because I’m a pushover—seriously! They’re terribly bossy and have fits because I ignore them. It infuriates them when people ask “how do you all get along?” and I answer “I do as I’m told” Being with the 3 of them in the same car is like a day at the zoo. They are the WORST backseat drivers. One of them always insists on driving to any affair we all attend, but I’m always the designated driver coming back because those girls are notorious for coming home well oiled! The truth is the 3 of them crack me up. Sometimes I just look at one or the 3 of them and just laugh myself silly!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Would you happen to have a brother in his 40’s with the same temperament as you, and single? Lol.

Your house sounds really fun, you poor man. Ha!

How’d they train you to wait on them in bed though? You cant say no can you? Lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Awww, thats sweet!! Control issues, eh..also familiar.

stanleybmanly's avatar

For one thing, I cannot stand to lie around in bed, and get up and about early. I run well on 4–5 hours of sleep. The girls will often stay up late, but on those occasions, no crack of dawn nonsense for any of them in the morning! My brother has a wife and is now 71 with the metabolism of a teenager. Now kidding. He and his wife rollerblade & ride bicycles in the midday Arizona SUMMER sun. They are both legally insane. My brother is the kind of guy that literally everybody knows. He is affable in the extreme. He’s like my dad. Everybody knows him. Back in the 70s he came out here and lived with me and my girlfriend for 3 months. He got off the train with the first mountain bike I ever saw snd a Haselblad camera. Now this was 1970. I just looked at those things snd pointed at the hills here that would cripple a mountain goat and knew he’d gone over the edge. For decades after he left, strangers would stop me in the most esoteric of places and challenge me with “hey Tony”. But back then we were both razor thin and looked alike He’s still razor thin but bald and I look like white haired pork chop when I stand next to him.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Wow, sounds like a great life for both of you!

stanleybmanly's avatar

I tell you truthfully, I’ve had the luckiest life and I know it. I truthfully believe that most of the women in my life, including the girls probably deserved better. When I was younger, I never had a woman who would was mean or mistreated me. I think some tried but wound up giggling and getting good and pissed about it.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thank you for letting my monster shine :D

Gemini Sun. Aries Moon conjuncting Ascendant by 1 degree orb. Gemini Mercury retrograde. Taurus Venus. 0 degree Virgo Mars.

I believe astrology is accurate, once you take all planets into account and not just your Sun sign. There is also an element of subconsciousness in the expression of your traits too, and also how self-aware you are about the traits. For example, I’ve come to realize how much I need mental stimulation. I just have to learn something new or I will get depressed out of boredom. But I don’t just want to skim over knowledge Gemini-style, if I’m interested enough. That’s because I was born during Mercury retrograde and my Saturn squares my Mercury. Retrograde Mercury makes me do a lot of introspection and Saturn/Mercury makes me want to accumulate a deep understanding of everything I’m interested in Although they sometimes make me feel disatisfied and depressed too. There is also perfectionistic Virgo Mars at play too, making me nervous sometimes. And with Aries Ascendant and Moon I used to be very impatient, but over time I have learned to slow down more. Saturn/Mercury slows my mind down, but Saturn is in Pisces, and combined with Gemini, they give me an ability to see things in different angle and sympathize more.

mazingerz88's avatar


As a very young teen I read the characteristics of a Capricorn and four decades later I still don’t know if what I read simply stated the truth about what I am or the very act of reading it influenced me to adjust my behavior to fit those characteristics. Lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mimi Do you do charts? You sound expert, interesting!

Mimishu1995's avatar

@mazingerz88 I can attest to that. I used to be very Gemini when I only knew about Sun sign. Imagine how confused I was to discover that I don’t really relate to typical Gemini things like superficiality or unfaithfulness, and I’m not always cheerful either. I know some people who seem to make an effort to fit their personality into the general description too.

@KNOWITALL Yes I can :D I just don’t want to discuss it here because I know a lot of people here don’t believe in astrology unless on threads like this :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mimi Feel free to geek out and educate me?
First, why do you believe its true? Science, experience?
(when you have time please)

Some of it is eerily spot on, I admit.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not on topic but also there’s the Chinese Zodiac. Lol

Forgot if I was year of the monkey or goat but whichever it was, I like reading my supposed traits. Because they all sound cool which makes me a cool person! Lol

I do suspect there could be some manipulation happening that is capitalistic in nature. Because I keep coming back to that same Chinese restaurant to eat and also so I can read the Chinese Zodiac printed on their table mats.

I wonder if the fortune cookies they give me were also….rigged? lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@mazinger I can tell you my last fortune cookie was 100% accurate. Cheesy or not, you’d be crazy not to note portents.

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, I have two certifiably weird fortune cookie tales. In 2000 I was having dinner with friends and was asked what my dream was. Told them I would love to visit Egypt to see the pyramids. Several minutes later we cracked our fortune cookies and mine read “Someday you’ll go to Egypt and see the pyramids.” True story. Though it hasn’t happened yet. Lol

Second tale. Cracked opened another around 2015 and it——nothing. It was blank. LOL

Mimishu1995's avatar

@KNOWITALL why do you believe its true? Science, experience?

This is one of the reasons why I don’t discuss astrology here. There is just no concrete proof of why astrology is accurate. You just believe in it but you can’t explain why to anyone. I only have my experience to back it up. I’ve seen people saying it’s accurate when I describe their personality to them using charts, but then skeptics would say it’s just a psychological bias. Well, at least I’m not alone in believing in astrology because Carl Jung used astrology to help him do his therapist work and he succeeded :) And true or not, astrology has helped me a lot in understanding psychology, so it’s a good thing for me.

Feel free to geek out and educate me?

So the basic of a birth chart is this: imagine a pie. Now imagine two lines cutting the pie into four equal slices. The lines will meet each other at a center point. From the center point, you will have four smaller lines, or “angles”. The line on the left will be the Ascendant, your appearance and overall personality. The line above it will be the Midheaven, your career or the person you want to be. The line on the right will be the Descendant, the person you may attract into your life or your second self. And the line at the bottom will be the IC, your private life or comfort zone.

Now take the four slices of the pie and cut each of them into three equal slices. Now we will have twelves slices. They are the “houses”, the aspects of life. From the Ascendant, count the houses counter-clockwise, and you will have the order of the houses. The first house is your sense of self. The second house is what you own. The third house is your mind and your communication. The fourth house is your home life. The fifth house is your individuality and creativity. The sixth house is your work life and routine. The seventh house is your social life and partnership. The eighth house is the dark aspects of your life. The ninth house is your philosophy of life, your belief. The tenth house is your career or your public life. The eleventh house is your hope and your social circle. The twelve house is the things hidden from you, or your unconsciousness. The houses got their meaning from the zodiac signs and follows the same order of the zodiac.

The effect of the houses will be expressed most strongly through the planets inside. For example, with Sun in 2nd house your sense of self will revolve around the things you own. But because there are only ten planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), there will be houses without any planets. The houses without planets are either unimportant to you or is expressed elsewhere in the chart.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Scorpio ( water) with
Taurus ( Earth) moon
Libra (Air rising( ascendant)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Chinese zodiac chart.

Info for those that are curious about what there sign is?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Info for those that are curious about what there sign is?

MrGrimm888's avatar

We, are a Gemini.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Grimmy Not shocked haha!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mimi Thanks, maybe one of these days I’ll have mine done. I’d love to see what I’ve hidden from myself, more than all the rest. :)

Darth_Algar's avatar

The nifty thing about horoscopes is that they’re vague enough that anyone on the planet could read them and think “yeah, that’s totally me!”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Exactly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here is my horoscope for today: “Sep 24, 2019 – A lot of activity could take place in your neighborhood today, Leo. If you live in a major city, perhaps a movie or news event is being filmed nearby and the crowds are gathering. Don’t be too shy to go out and see what’s going on. If you don’t live in a city, this could be something more innocuous. Either way, expect some excitement.” From this site.
(Are my trashy neighbors going to get the cops called on them again?)

And from “Sep 24, 2019: Your positive feelings for a certain someone are increasing by the minute. As chance has it, the positive feelings they have for you are growing just as dramatically! But as you get to know them a bit better, put your heart on ice—it’s your brain that you need to rely on right now, more than anything. Try not to get caught up in your hopes and wishes. Stick to reality and the known-knowns. If you push too hard to spend a lot of time with them, you run the risk of scaring them off.
(I like my Cato dog better every day.)

From Cafe Astrology “Early today, a decision may not be quite as clear-cut as you imagined it to be, dear Leo. Your intuition and your mind are not currently agreeing! Or, you may be swinging from fact-finding and daydreaming, having difficulty getting the full picture of a situation. However, you have a helpful transit occurring today as well, and it favors your communications and creative output. Word of mouth supports you, and encouraging words are shared, or you receive positive feedback now. You find many reasons to think positively! As the day advances, ideas shared with friends or in group settings can be healing and helpful. It can be a time for making a presentation or winning someone’s favor. It’s easier to verbalize what you want. The Moon moves into your sign today, and your emotions are colorful, demanding more of your attention.”
(Earlier I was wrestling with the decision to get up or stay in bed.)

Astrostyle “Tuesday, September 24, 2019. With renegade Uranus in your career zone throwing shade at the moon in your sign, you might need to put in a few more hours to get a project polished and out the door so it’s not hanging over your head. But you don’t have to follow anyone’s marching orders. No one knows better than you on how to make this thing sing. When it IS done, rally your crew for an evening out where you can blow off all that pent-up steam!”
(It means I need to vacuum AGAIN thanks to Cato.)

There’s more

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’ll play with you. Knowing what I’m in the middle of right now, seems fairly accurate imo. (Except Site 4’s, I rarely let anyone off the hook lol)

Site 1: Today you should feel excited and enthusiastic about life in general, Aquarius. Your mind might jump from possible creative projects to philosophy, travel, distant places, and you may consider all of them to be the focus of potential future activities. Romance could also be on your mind, but not in an obsessive way. Entertain yourself in a lighthearted manner.

Site 2: Admittedly, learning your lessons in life is not always fun, but today you will manage to have a blast while you also learn a lot about how you can move forward on one of your major life goals. The only catch is that you have to be careful that you don’t take on too much too soon. If you go back and forth between different tasks too often, you will dilute the educational value of what you are going through and lose focus on what you need to accomplish.

Site 3: The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships on a deeper level. Personal transformations, personal power, and intimate matters fulfill you most during this cycle. There may be a strong focus on other’s money, such as the resources of a partner, inheritance, banking and loans, or taxes. You are more intense in your mood and disposition, and perhaps even secretive, at this time of year. You are more in touch with the deeper and even primal elements of your own personality, and more able to see these things in others. This can be a determined and personally powerful time of year if you apply the energy of this transit constructively.

Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future. You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action. There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It’s an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities. Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others.

Site 4: Want to do something REALLY nice for someone today, Water Bearer? Let ‘em off the hook. That’s right—whatever they did in the past (unless it’s truly egregious), just forgive them. Don’t bring it up, hint at it or otherwise allude to it. They’ll know what you’re NOT saying, and if they’re who you think they are, they’ll appreciate it—and maybe not pull that stupid human trick again. With your co-ruler, unexpected Uranus, throwing a curveball to the moon, catching them off guard will give you the upper hand!

Dutchess_III's avatar

All of that could apply to me as well.

Inspired_2write's avatar

@Darth_Algar @Dutchess_III
Unfortunately those sites are just for entertainment and not as serious as Hong Kong and other countries that spend thousands of dollars to have there children’s lives mapped out accurately with accurate birth information.
I had a Chinese friend who had hers done ( $$$$$$) and it was accurate ( she saw it later) as to her life choices, career , marriage partner type suitable for her etc)
She was happy of the results and did not let this determine her life. She stated that it was extremely detailed . I didn’t know that they took it so seriously as here in the West we take it as entertainment only and that’s because anyone can construct a chart .
It is like a Religion in the East so I respect her culture and I don’t laugh or make fun of it. its just another way to look at life.

jca2's avatar

I don’t follow the daily horoscope as I find them silly, but I do think that the description of Pisces’ traits are similar to my personality.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Inspired I respect the culture so much in many ways, too. Frankly a week with the monks sounds pretty good right now, the zen.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Just shows that the Chinese can be just as gullible as anyone else.

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