Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What could be some potentially effective solutions for breaking the habit of constantly using one’s smartphone while walking and while sitting on the toilet?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29341points) September 23rd, 2019 from iPhone

As asked.

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19 Answers

nerdgirl578's avatar

The second part of your question is easy. You simply don’t bring it with you, why would you do that anyway? Sounds like you need to learn to take some breaks from being constantly online :)

ragingloli's avatar

An electroshock implant.
Passing a law making it legal to tackle those people.
Hardwired function based on GPS and the phone’s gyroscope to automatically shut off when it detects walking/driving.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Now there’s an idea for an app!

ragingloli's avatar

Excepting emergency services, of course.

mazingerz88's avatar

@nerdgirl578 It’s almost impossible these past several years, to not instinctively grabbing my phone before heading to the bathroom to sit. Years ago I had a few funny comic books stacked in there, like Calvin and Hobbes. Just can’t see myself switching back to that.

nerdgirl578's avatar

@mazingerz88 Well, to begin with it’s not very hygienic… To each their own of course, but since you asked I assumed you wanted to stop doing this. Personally I often leave my phone at home when I go shopping or something, unless I’m to meet a friend. It’s nice not having to answer (or read for that matter) messages and stuff for a while and the world doesn’t end obviously. I guess the answer to your original question is, it’s easy :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, as long as he doesn’t use the phone to wipe his butt I don’t see it as particularly unhygienic.
If he’s TALKING to people while he’s pooping, that’s just gross. But again, not unhygenic.

Are these habits you WANT to break? If so, put a rubber band on your wrist and snap yourself everytime you start to do the bad thing.

janbb's avatar

Step Away from the Phone!

Seriously, just put it down from time to time.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And I think you’re just feeding the ridiculous hysteria about germs @nerdgirl578. As long as you use your common sense and keep reasonably clean you haven’t anything to worry about.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Some people are simply insane about their phones. It used to be if my phone dinged or rang while I was in the bathroom, Rick would rush in the bathroom with it to give it to me, or start yelling into the shower “Your phone is ringing!!!” until I yelled at him to STOP IT!!! I’ll pick it up later!

mazingerz88's avatar

I guess pretty much the reason is it’s not only a phone but also a “TV, a radio, a library, a typewriter and a toy.”

nerdgirl578's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hardly… I’m certainly no germaphobe, and I don’t care where people use their phones really. But if you want a break from them once in a while, bathroom visits are a good option for various reasons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The only reason I can think of for not using them in the bathroom is if you’re talking to someone.

cookieman's avatar

Walk into a light post and split your head open. Later that day, still woozy from the head wound, drop your phone into the toilet after you poop, but before you flush. Forced to retrieve it, you thrust your hand in the water, only to splash poop-water onto your head wound, this causing a staff infection from which you die.

That’ll learn ya.

Inspired_2write's avatar

High cellphone bills.
Moisture in the phone, could break it..costs again.
Walking into people,bikes,off curbs, out into oncoming traffic.
Losing social interaction because on the phone too much.
Eye problems

Dutchess_III's avatar

@cookieman… I did that once. I still have the scar. This was pre-cell phone days. I was 14 or so. Smashed right into a light pole, and my wire frame glasses split a gash into my upper outer ocipital lobe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah! Me dumbass.

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