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raum's avatar

What school projects do you remember doing as a kid?

Asked by raum (13631points) September 23rd, 2019 from iPhone

Art, science…anything really. Curious what is memorable. What made it stand out for you?

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15 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Third through 6th grade; the art teacher would come and get me out of class. She had me do four color silk poster prints. I understood register of silk screen printing process and was big and strong even in third grade.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Battle of Stalingrad.

The cheetah.

Denmark. These three stand out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We grew a potato from another potato, sprout to full grown. Just neat for a kid to see the whole process, and I was a farm kid, it’s not like I wasn’t aware, but I hadn’t done it myself.

I loved dissecting the frogs. Very interesting labelling the innards.

Creative writing was about the closest I got to art, which is weird, half my family is creative and talented, skipped me I guess. My cousin is a painter and muralist.

rebbel's avatar

We kids all had our own kitchen garden, for a year, I believe.
We made a film (filmed (on film) in a manège, later we edited the stuff in the school).

LuckyGuy's avatar

We made a volcano by setting ammonium dichromate on fire. The ammonium dichromate was a bright orange color and it make green ash when burned.

Now I see that stuff is toxic and must be handled with caution.

filmfann's avatar

We did this huge project on Henry J. Kaiser.
My idea for the display was ignored by my partner.
I did most of the work, but neither of us knew about his connection with Kaiser Hospitals.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

All of them. And I loved all of them. Except English.

jca2's avatar

I remember making a diorama in 3rd grade.

Fortunately for me, I never had to do a big science project. I dread my daughter having to do one.

Sagacious's avatar

I remember doing a huge leaf project. A few months ago I was going through my mother’s cedar chest and found that project. It was fun. I also found some papers I wrote in elementary and high school. I do not remember being that capable at that age, but I guess I was.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Writing always throughout school.
Shadow boxes for Christmas
A project to show differences in music..brought a classic Louie Armstrong LP vs The Rolling Stones. Our class as well as the next classroom loved it..ha ha
Pantomime of the Beatles songs on stage for a presentation, with guitars made out of cardboard ( grade 7)
Giving speeches in front of class to build confidence (lots)
Creating abstract designs in Art class with wax and crayons
Given 15 min to write a funny story ( a couple of paragraphs) Grade 9.
Writing a quick story in one hour and would fail if we didn’t finish by then. ( grade 10)
As part of our Social Studies class about world cultures we had to write to a Pen Pal that was listed in our monthly Current Events magazine. ( Me and My pen Pal in France are still writing over 30 years now!) The one in Africa and India only wrote once as the costs were much higher in their countries..

Zaku's avatar

I remember all of them, including many memorable ones, so it would be a long report, and I need to get to sleep.

Claymation raid on Troy from The Illiad was good.

So was the Camel Ziggurat.

And the Trojan horse with painted miniature Greek soldiers.

The oral report on train construction history that took up my whole class, to the great relief of Jenny who was supposed to go after I did.

The mammoth papers I wrote in senior year of high school.

The “kill the mold” project where the teachers though we would all fail to kill the mold. We killed the mold dead.

The Narnia wargame we made.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@jca2 reminded me of a science project I did. I wanted to see if different colored light affected the growth rate of plants.
I had 3 different colored pieces of cellophane: red, blue and green. . I cut out windows in 3 shoe boxes and put lima bean seeds in cups under the lights. i don’t remember which one grew best.

Also I should have had a control with just an open window. Oh well.

raum's avatar

@LuckyGuy And maybe do a group of lima beans for each color, as each seed may vary.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@raum Sure. This was 7th or 8th grade and we weren’t experts in scientific method.
I also didn’t measure the transmissivity of the cellophane. Maybe one of the colors was darker than the others. Maybe the pass band was wider. The pieces were from some wrapping paper we had around the house.
I painted the shoe boxes and covers black. They looked good – and so scientific. :-)

raum's avatar

I love it though! A glimpse into the development of young LuckyGuy’s fascinating brain.

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