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KNOWITALL's avatar

What is your favorite and least favorite parts of your body?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29942points) September 24th, 2019

And why?

Be honest, are you working on the part(s) you don’t like?

Humor welcome!

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51 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

I guess I can go first.

Good bust & legs, hate the jiggle butt.
It’s proportional and no complaints but in my head it makes me crazy to feel it wiggle…haha!

Working really hard on getting that poppin’ to my satisfaction.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My feet are the worst. All dry and itchy. My eyes are the best. Always being over used.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Have you soaked in epsom salt? Massaged with medicated lotions?

I can’t imagine having bad feet, must be horrible, buddy.
Seems like a lot of guys have feet issues, I hear it a lot.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@KNOWITALL No. I get them worked on once every two months for $17.

gondwanalon's avatar

I like my brain the best.
I like my fungal ravaged toenails the least.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gondwanalon hahaha! Sounds like some sexy feet up in heya!

ucme's avatar

I like my relatively knewly acquired six pack & overall toned upper body. Began running just over 4yrs ago & together with lifting weights, push/sit ups, i’ve shed 42lbs in that time tipping the scales currently at an athletic 162lbs.
Least liked has to be my penis, no issues with size at all (above average) & it’s a lovely colour lol, i’ve just always thought they look rather odd, bit like feet :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Bahaha! You crack me up! “lovely colour” ....hahaha!

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Haha, knew that would tickle you :-}

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Sassy Libra!

Give me another couple months and then we’ll see who’s the mouthiest…lol

Aster's avatar

Too old to like much anymore. Only things left I like are my tallness, my thick hair and my nose. lol Time has really taken its toll.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Aster Hey, age does it’s thing, not much we can do about it except keep plugging along.

I was out last night and saw a 300lb lady walking with a cane, bless her heart, she’s trying, that’s courageous!

anniereborn's avatar

@KNOWITALL I bet she was over 300 unless she had other problems. My best friend weighs over 300 and doesn’t use a cane. She has other problems tho and has a harder time walking from that.

My most hated part of me is my weight. Not sure if that counts as a “part”. Not working on it at the moment, but just got a recumbent stationary bike. My fav part of me has to be my lack of body hair. Is that a part? My legs are hairless. I inherited that from my mom. It’s awesome.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@anniereborn OMG!!!!! Do you have native American Indian blood?

My coworkers and friends tease me about being hairless all the time. I mean full head of thick hair but the body hair is white/blond and not much.
One of the guys unmercifully teases me about me shaving my arms (who would do that?)
He’s a hairy beast though.
I’ve not met many people with that issue, that’s interesting.

Article here, interesting.

Oh yes, I think the lady had a bum knee.

anniereborn's avatar

@KNOWITALL No, I am french and german. I have never thought about it beyond being very grateful.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@anniereborn From a lot of my reading, and in that article of course, it says it was probably a genetic preference in some tribes in Europe, as well as America. So our dna has taken it off some of us, sometimes it’s as rare as one child in six that’s practically hairless.

Not to be too personal, but hairy underarms and all that have never been an issue for me. I probably shave my legs twice a week just because, but really I feel pretty lucky, like you.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Now that I’m on the down hill slide of being over the hill, I no longer have a favorite part. My nipples used to look you in the eyes, but they now watch where I’m walking!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa haha! Well if your honey doesn’t mind, love thyself woman! If he does, he can pay for the new ones. :)

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m NOT vain enough to get surgery to fix the problem. It’s months of pain during the rehab. The way I see it, IF you want to look at them, lay on the floor. I can stand still for hours!!! LoL

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa Bahaha! You are a handful, lady, I love it!

After the way you spoke of your man the other day, he probably doesn’t care. :D

flutherother's avatar

I’m in quite good shape for my age as I like walking and haven’t put on any weight over the years. Least favourite part is my hair which is going grey.

raum's avatar

My brain.
And my brain.

I think going grey would be kind of cool. Maybe just me.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My going grey is funny. It is just the front only, and the rest is very dark brown.

Oftentimes grey hair comes in course, and less manageable. My hair never went from baby thin to adult, thicker strands. The grey is coming in the same soft, baby fine I have always had. I think that is cool.

kritiper's avatar

Most favorite is obvious. Least favorite are my teeth since they were never meant to exist beyond about 50.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Do you mean your entire body, ie your profile photo? lol

kritiper's avatar

No, I didn’t mean my whole body…

Demosthenes's avatar

Meh, I like it all. I didn’t used to, that’s certainly true. As a teen I was quite insecure about almost every part of my body (didn’t like my eye color, thought my nose was too big, didn’t like my teeth much, didn’t like my height or my voice or anything really). Now I’m pretty happy with it all. My favorite would probably be my eyes. In second place would be my shapely buttocks. ;)

kritiper's avatar

I thought any man would pick his penis as his most favorite body part. And a woman would say her breasts…

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, penis is #3 (that’s another one I didn’t used to like). :P

raum's avatar

I wouldn’t assume that any man would choose their penis. However, if we are following that logic, wouldn’t we also assume that any woman would choose their vagina/vulva?

kritiper's avatar

Women are very proud of their breasts, so I don’t think vagina, vulva would rate the same. Now, if they were more like guys in their thinking, they might choose their clitoris above vagina/vulva. But I’ll stick with breasts.

anniereborn's avatar

If this was 15 years ago, I totally would have said my breasts :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Proud of the clitoris haha! Curious how we’d evaluate it.
0-orgasm in 10 seconds? Lol

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m with @anniereborn except it would have been 20 years ago for me. Since going through the pause, NO body part excites me anymore!!! Even my eyes have sagged or drooped to the point of not being exciting!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa haha! I bet you’re beautiful, your spirit is anyway!

Happens to men, too, losing their hair, or having to take Viagra, losing muscle tone, none of us get out unscathed, just natural. Not to mention the old man pot belly, even on skinny guys, poor things…lol

LadyMarissa's avatar

@KNOWITALL Thank you for reminding me!!! My hair had started thinning to the point I hated it. I started adding a few drops of rosemary & peppermint essential oil to my shampoo when doing my hair & now I have a head full of soft, luscious hair. So, I’ve found my favorite body part…MY HAIR!!!! clapping

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa Crowning glory baby! :) See, as long as you FEEL gorgeous, you got it!

I wear nice perfume and love pretty shoes, they make me feel good. :)

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve learned in my lifetime that I’m just me & IF you don’t like ME just like I am, you’re more than welcomed to kiss my ass & move on!!! I’m willing to bend but I refuse to break. Love me as I am or leave me as I am…I’m a survivor & I DON’T need your acceptance to be fulfilled!!! You’ve got a problem with me…it’s YOUR problem &I’m NOT accepting YOUR problems!!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyMarissa You sound exactly like all the women in my family and at work, so funny, no f&*ks are given haha, I love it.
It’s not me, not yet, but we’ll see. I have high hopes I’ll stop being such a romantic fool. sigh

LadyMarissa's avatar

@KNOWITALL You can stiil be a romantic fool on your OWN terms!!! As Kenny Rogers once sang “You got to know when to hold em & know when to fold em. Know when to walk away & know when to run”!!!

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@LadyM I’m sweating like a ho in church. Lol, I need a drink already!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am fine with my body as I follow a decent diet & exercise to stay in shape.
I don’t like my pancreas,however.

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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My pancreas is a lazy !@#$%^& as it doesn’t make insulin. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I like my BMI. It is perfectly in the center of the healthy band. I weigh myself once or twice a week and if I notice I am gaining weight I back off eating a bit. If I am down a little then I’ll indulge without regret.
It is far easier to make small changes than big ones.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My BMI was enviable until knocked kitty wampus and splayed across pavement. Now there is nothing to like about any of my body parts except possible uses for organ transplant.
I have learned though, that personal outlook does not have to rely on a body type for joy.

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Castle's avatar

I guess my favorite part of my body is my torso and my least favorite is my legs. I lift weights a lot and don’t skip leg day but leg day could be more often I suppose.

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