I don’t think it’s dying off yet. Maybe some parts of the country are less active in the scouts than others. I wasn’t a Girl Scout, my mother didn’t want to bother with it, even though I had voiced a desire to join at one point. I know we are talking about Boy Scouts, now Scouts, rather than Girl Scouts, but I’m just talking about these sorts of organizations in general. My mom did Blue Birds (I think that was the name) for my sister. She made a lot more efforts with my sister, who was younger than me.
I think it’s good to learn some survival skills, and about nature, and I learned both in school and camp.
A friend of mine who is a scout leader I would not want having big influences over my kids I don’t think. He’s a good man, with a lot of practical knowledge, but his ideas regarding behavior or too strict for me, grounded in his religious beliefs I would assume, and his own rearing. I would not assume this about all troop leaders though, and I’m sure many parents feel he is in line with them.
Like anything nationwide, you have to evaluate it not only based on the general mission of the organization, but also at your local level. Is it a good fit for you.
As far as child abuse and pedophilia, this can happen anywhere, and most at risk are situations where men are able to be with a lot of children. Coaches, clergy, teachers, scout leaders, it’s true in all of these situations. Those positions are very attractive to men who want to sexually abuse children. It does not mean we should get rid of teachers, coaches, clergy and scout leaders, it means we need to be more vigilant in screening and more emphasis on not being alone. Safety in numbers.
I think the organization will continue, and overall I think it’s more positive than negative. It’s evolving somewhat to keep up with the times.