Social Question

If Hillary Clinton voluntarily went to jail for deleting emails, would that finally stop Trump from talking about it?
And all those other people like
Comey and that other FBI guy who trump and his fans think deserve to go to jail, if they surrender themselves to be jailed would Trump cease from deflecting and face his own alleged crimes?

132 Answers

I seriously doubt it. He would find some reason to take credit to make himself out to be the hero of the party

Probably nothing will happen to Hillary. She proudly admits to many of the things she did. Or, when it is laid bare, no one cares.
Most of those mentioned above seem relatively comfortable that nothing will happen to them, Bill Durham is thoroughly investigating the origins of the Russia dossier and inquiries, but it is unlikely that anyone except Comey and McCabe will see any real jail time. And both seem to think they are fairly secure, with cushy jobs and book deals. But their crimes and histories of them are already in IG reports and are being investigated.
With Trump, there have been no actual crimes involved, so his case is a little different. In his case, there wouldn’t be any jail time involved. But even when it’s in black and white, and no evidence of a crime, people will be whipped into a hysterical frenzy if he ever meets with a world leader or makes any kind of a deal. People are intent to find anything on Trump that will stick. Nothing is likely to change that.,

Why would she? She did nothing wrong. Why would she do anything for the orange marshmallow?
Hillary Clinton is the subject of 100 million republican wet dreams,

The first thing you ever mention about Hillary is the emails.
Is deleting whatever number the emails were, acid-washing and smashing equipment, that was subpoenaed—related to other crimes being investigated, not a crime? That was only subpoenaed, known evidences being destroyed. The crimes themselves were kinda brushed aside. An informal, non-under-oath room full of friends and political allies is not even an investigation
A lot of people in this country are very angry at the double standard and the way this was handled. At least investigate. Or charge where crimes are standing out proudly. Such as using acid wash on subpoenaed equipment or removing sim cards,

@Yellowdog – I fail to see how bringing up Hillary, three years after Trump won the electoral college, is anything but pure deflection on your part.
The heat and attention is on Trump, so you and your buddies mention Hillary.
It’s patently obvious what you are doing.

Wish trump would just order formal investigations just to shut him up about it. Instead of pathetically repeating the same old senile desperate phrases that only works for his sheeple and annoy the rest.
America deserves normal human beings as leaders.

I doubt it,he would just find another deflection point.
@elbanditoroso funny how you mention Hilary being brought up this late into Crump’s first term,I remember when these holy Conservatives were bashing Obama and if you brought up something about Bush they would snark and say that is all in the past let’s deal with this now type thing.

I think the issue for most people (and I don’t think Trump is in this group) is that there are two standards of justice. When Hillary “mishandled” classified materials, she was treated like it was wrong to consider she might have done something wrong. When PO1 Kristian Saucier took pictures of a classified area of a nuclear submarine, he was prosecuted in a heart beat with the prosecution looking for 6 years jail time and the navy pushing for 7½ years. He had good representation and got a year on house arrest. But what is the difference? Both handled classified materials outside of legally acceptable guidance. Yet one is prosecuted hard and the other has excuses made for her.
When some liberal darling breaks the law, excuses are made, efforts are put forth to cover for them and in the end…nothing happens to them. When your average citizen does effectively the same thing, they are prosecuted hard. THAT is the real problem with Hillary not being prosecuted.
If she (or Comey, or any of the others) came out and said…“yes, I did that. I knew it was wrong and did it anyway” and then volunteered a guilty plea, I would have a lot more respect for them. If those in the position to prosecute let them off with no punishment, i would still feel the same about them. You may not have to go for blood, but you need to do something. Give them credit for coming clean and make it a lighter sentence (as with the case of the sailor), but do something.

How would one volunteer for jail? She has been charged with no crimes, except those assessed by our “lunatic fringe”.

@stanleybmanly and that is exactly what I am talking about. she has been charged with no crimes. Why not? She blatantly violated the law. And the law specifically talks about gross negligence not being an excuse. So why HASN’T she been charged? Because there are two standards of justice.

If Hillary was a Republican I doubt if the Democrats would pursue it relentlessy like a dog to an imaginary bone which is what trump is doing.
The Democrats would move on and accept the findings of the FBI.
The seemingly continuous usefulness of the issue isn’t about justice and fairness but heinous politics in the hands of a failed casino businessman and non-politician like trump.
He should use his power to reopen investigations ( if he can ) and if not just shut up already.

@mazingerz88 oh Please! Look what the Dems have done when Trump DARED to win the election! They have tried creating stuff out of nothing. The entire Russian Collusion thing was nothing but overblown Dem hatred. They did not accept the findings of the election, they did not accept the findings of the Mueller investigation. However, now that it is starting to point towards unlawful acts by the Dems, Hillary, the FBI and possibly Obama…they are more than willing to move on and say it’s just a waste of time to look at.
Look at any of the Trump “scandals”. They are all nothing but overblown rhetoric from the Dems. They have not moved on from losing the election, plain and simply. They still don’t really have a valid platform to run on in 2020, so their only hope is to so discredit Trump that he is not eligible to run.
Tell you what…when I see Democrats actually turning on their own and trying to hold them accountable for suspicious behavior, I will give your opinion credibility. But so far, the Dems have colluded with foreign governments to try swaying our 2016 election….and they tried blaming Trump. Biden admits he coerced Ukraine into firing the prosecutor that was going after the company his son was in…and the Dems are trying to blame Trump for coercion on Ukraine. Face it….everything the Dems accuse Trump of is stuff they are already guilty of.

@elbanditoroso My answer included Hillary because the question was about her.

I already knew trump was guilty of colluding with the Russians when he opened his mouth asking them to find Hillary’s emails if they can. Hiding his taxes. It’s not obvious only to people too desperate to win they would vote for Satan himself if he runs as a Republican.

Why would he ask for them in a T,V, debate? That doesn’t sound exactly like a way to contact the Kremlin.
Resisting kangaroo courts doesn’t exactly sound like a person is guilty,
YOU, like the majority of those on the left, LOVED Trump when he was one of your own, making the “pussy grabbing” proclamations. You STILL accept many who have been accused of sexual misconduct,
Protecting one’s records and what should be private is actually a very prudent thing to do. Would YOU want your personal information in the hands of that crazy mob of people accusing you of everything from Stormy to Russia to Obstruction to Coverup to Russia? I don’t think you’d want such vehement hysteria handling or having any of your information, except as might be required by law.
And you are even on their side. Imagine if a mob like that on the OTHER side was trying to get your records to weave some fabrication and foist it on the American people.
You need to protect yourself from hostile, insane, crazy people. Keep what they’re not entitled to private.

Democrats wouldn’t even look at trump during the Democratic primary if he opened his mouth like he did in the Republican Party. Saying he would release his taxes and then he didn’t. If I’m not mistaken.
A few respectable enough Republicans left the party after he was elected. That tells you a lot.
Btw, it seems to me trump will NEVER stop talking about Hillary’s emails because that’s the whole and only point as to why he’s doing it. If he lives to a 100 he would still mumble and grumble about those emails.

There seems to be some confusion here of the FBI and the entire intelligence network with the Democratic party. Every intelligence agency in this country and the rest of the free world raised the alarm about extensive Russian involvement in rigging the election. There is no longer any dispute that this is true. Moreover, there is NO dispute that the Russians sought through an extensive misinformation effort to leverage that election to favor the fool! The investigation of those facts was not only necessary, but carried out at the behest of the fool’s own henchman who to this day moves heaven and earth to shield the idiot from revelations on his true involvement. Not only Mueller, but Comey and the vast majority of those the fool sacked since his election are all lifelong registered Republicans. To imply that those services are in league with the Democrats is poppycock, plain and simple. And the accusation that the intelligence services under the current idiot would give Hillary s pass is ridiculous on its face.

@Yellowdog YOU don’t mind trump, you’re so called president not quitting talking about the emails. Why don’t you tell him to just shut up if he has no plans but to squawk about it like a demented parrot?

trump now thinks the emails are in Ukraine. Will somebody just find out if it’s there or not and if it’s there if there’s anything in it that should put Hillary in prison——and then impeach this douche out of office. Sounds fair to me.

I think the better question than when will Trump stop talking about the emails, is why are those on the left working so hard to protect someone that has been identified as one that violated the law? Comey already said she mishandled the emails…classified materials were everywhere. But the corrupt Dem DoJ chose not to prosecute her. Why? Why does everyone on the left not want to even consider that question? A ha-ha investigation was done and even that showed violations of the law, yet you don’t want to look into why no prosecution was done? She wanted to be POTUS for God’s sake…what would she do when she had access to all the secrets this country offers? Yet none of you want to consider this at all. The same goes with the Biden fiasco. Biden confessed on TV that he coerced Ukraine into firing their prosecutor…the one that was digging into the company Biden’s son worked for. He threatened to withhold aid money until they did and voila! a week later he was gone. But you don’t want this looked at either. Why can’t you see the corruption in the Democratic party for what it is?

As Secretary of State she already had access to more secrets than most cabinet members, probably right behind the Secretary of Defense. And a much more pertinent question than why the “corrupt” Democratic DOJ failed to bring her up on charges would be to ask why THIS fool’s DOJ fails to pursue her supposed flagrant criminality?

That is, indeed, a good question. It is one I have asked as well. There is already evidence out there that she violated the law so why not revisit it? She never was charged so it’s not like double jeopardy would apply. Let’s do it!

The answer to that question is almost certainly as all the intelligence chiefs concurred, it would be difficult to obtain a conviction. Carelessness may be criminal, but it would be next to impossible to find a jury to convict her without proof that her carelessness was deliberate, or that she profited thereby.

@Stan How can it not be deliberate? Even at the municipal level, rules are laid out for email, due to Sunshine laws and public officials. I dont buy it.
Hillary had classified material on a private server, we all know thats a major security risk for the American people. Thats what grinds my gears about the nonchalance of Dems to Hillarys deliberate violations.

18 U.S.C.793(f) states:
Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
This doesn’t say that intent was an out as Comey put forth. It specifically states the person that loses control of the classified materials SHALL be fined or imprisoned or both. I really don’t see it would be that hard to present the facts to a jury. Especially when it is pointed out that gross negligence is not an excuse.
Oh! and carelessness does not have to be deliberate. However, she knowingly used her private server which was in violation of rules, took it upon herself to determine what emails were and weren’t valid to be looked at, tried destroying the evidence, and then lied about having given all the emails for review. Any jury in the country would see through that scam.

Well, you must accept that if Trump’s corner believed that there was any chance in hell of saddling Clinton with a conviction, they would certainly be on that road. As it is, Barr and his minions now have much more troublesome fish to fry.

Secretaries of Defense use private servers. If this is not fake news, I read that Colin Powell and possibly others had used them.

@KNOWITALL. What are you doing up at this hour? Here’s my take on this issue about Hillary’s servers and emails. As with Benghazi, I believe it would be extremely difficult to saddle a woman in her 70s for failure to follow computer protocols. Like the security issue with Benghazi, responsibility for setting up and maintaining the integrity of both the security and computer systems should have fallen on and probably DID fall upon heads far below her pay grade, and any trial on the matter would certainly bring this fact to the fore. A trial in effect about either matter would quickly conclude that both matters were in effect colossal failures in the intelligence apparatus surrounding the State Department. And the country currently suffers more embarrassment than it can handle. Had she been elected, there might be some political advantage to pursuit of the matter, but I have little doubt that the emails l server thing was just the screwup of an old woman with no computer chops.

Except she was told she was supposed to do business only on the official network, not her home-made equipment. And she did it anyway. That becomes deliberate. When she made the self-determination as to what emails were pertinent and then deleted 30,000 others…and then destroyed the evidence…that becomes deliberate. And her age shouldn’t matter at all. By saying that at 70 she shouldn’t be held accountable for criminal acts you are opening a very ugly door. That basically says that 70 year olds shouldn’t be allowed to run for public office. It also totally negates all your arguments that Trump would ever face criminal prosecution.

@stan I’ve been up since 4am, no alarm, workout done. Lol, I’m going at it hard.
So I can be fined or imprisoned for breaking the law, but she cant. I see no way you could justify that mentality unless you’re an elitist. And I dont think you are.

The thing is that a lot of hullabaloo would be raised about her ability commit sucha security breach right out in the open. I mean that’s what makes it tough. There was absolutely nothing secretive or clandestine about it. Anyway, it’s a moot point now. Clearly, no one including her enemies believes she’s worth the trouble any longer.

@seawulf RBG is way over 70, guess she can break all the laws she wants with impunity, too? What age do I get to do that?

@stan Its the principal. Dems seem okay with breaking several laws if it supports their party or ideology, like illegal immigration.That is a problem for me as much as rich people in Hollywood getting a slap on the wrist.

Do you actually believe that Democrats favor illegal immigration? Democrats actually have legitimate faults, and so many in fact that it pisses me off when you people force me to defend them. Listen carefully, because this matters. You can’t allow yourself to believe that crap that the Democrats favor illegal immigration. The idea is preposterous on its face Obama holds the absolute record for deporting illegal immigrants, and he achieved it without denigrating desperate people as murderers and rapists. But I want you to understand where I’m coming from by telling you that my constant dogging of Trump has little to do with his deplorable ideology. Obama is about as authentic a leftist as Trump
is actually conservative. NEITHER conforms to their popular labels. But my objections to Trump are less about his conservative label than his BLINDING shortfalls in character. It is more than unfortunate that you folks are stuck with him. The price you pay is in effect unforgivable, and I believe the majority of you proceed through life FULLY aware of this. Don’t get me wrong. The Democrats are probably just as susceptible to having someone equally reprehensible at their masthead, but I falls on YOU folks to harbor the most vile and repulsive character in the political history of our country.

@stanleybmanly You make a couple statements here that bear looking at. Democrats actually have legitimate faults, and so many in fact that it pisses me off when you people force me to defend them. If you truly feel Dems have that many faults, why defend them? I’m not forcing you to…you do that on your own. If I tell you that Hillary was a corrupt criminal, you immediately jump to her defense instead of saying “You’re right…she did break the law”. Even when I give you the evidence to let you back out gracefully you double and triple down on your defense. That defense is not my doing…that is all you. I have acknowledged shortcomings of Trump and they almost all involve his style and his character, but don’t buy into the rewritten history of things. You do. Therefore you get offended and conflate my pointing out how much of the “rhetoric” you find so offensive from Trump didn’t really come from Trump as being defending his bad behavior. The rhetoric came from Dems and a liberal press rewriting things. I have shown you time and again where this has happened and still you insist on believing what you are told by the liberal media. So when I don’t defend it, you go crazy in defense of both the Dems and the liberal media. Again…I don’t force that defense…that is all you.
Do I believe Democrats favor illegal immigration? Absolutely. You try to point to Obama deporting people. Yet you ignore pretty much every Dem candidate calling for us to not enforce immigration laws. You have Dem controlled cities declaring themselves Sanctuary Cities which, by definition, defends illegal aliens…even to the detriment of US citizens. Again…you can defend the Dems all day long, but until you can stop feeling like it is wrong to call them out on stuff, you are going to feel like I am forcing that defense. And your statement about being forced to defend them tells me you KNOW they are doing wrong, but can’t go against what you are told you should believe.

@stanleybmanly Yes I do. I respect you as a person, but I disagree with your interpretation of facts and statements.

Give me one single example of the Democratic party advocating the violation of immigration laws. What I object to (and you should as well) is
the imposition of extrajudicial remedies to circumvent the laws. This is the road sought by Trump. There is absolutely nothing illegal about sanctuary cities. We’ve gone over this again and again. And the fact that Obama deported aliens at better than twice the rate as Trump stands to contest your idea of Democrats as coddling illegals. And it is ridiculous to keep repeating that the faults of the fool are inventions of the left and media, when his tweets are repeated verbatim on every late night comedy show in existence. How can you possibly avoid the realization that Trump’s wounds are not only self inflicted, but the extent of his foolery cannot possibly be matched by the democrats, the media or the left. Nobody or combination of bodies could be so inventive. To conjure up such a panoply of invention would require a level of genius imagination beyond the scope of the feckless Democratic party, and that is beyond dispute. To pull off such a feat would be beyond pure genius.

@stanleybmanly Challenge accepted, my friend. :D
And remember, neither major party is a friend of mine either, but generally I will vote for one or the other, and have voted both parties based on candidates.
‘So, Democrats were for rule of law when it comes to the Mueller probe, which did not find that the president broke the law. But they are against rule of law when it comes illegal immigrants who have been found by a federal judge to be in violation of U.S. immigration law.’
‘Since Trump took office, Democrats have become the party of illegal immigration. The want to decriminalize illegal border crossings, cut ICE detention beds to force the agency to release illegal immigrants and then refuse to enforce lawful deportation orders. So, it’s a little hard to take Democrats seriously when, in investigating Trump, they claim to be fighting for the principle that no one is above the law.’

There is no law breaking on the part of democrats in that opinion piece. The democrats (just like Trump) are free to advocate the changing of the laws, but they comply with ALL of the laws. States and municipalities are not required to participate in the rounding up of aliens or their deportation in ANY way, which is why sanctuary cities persist, despite the fool’s determination to bludgeon them into submission. Again he has been slapped away by the courts for his attempts to violate Federal
jurisdiction laws. Where are all you conservatives on this clear attempt to violate states rights?

@stanleybmanly Public perception prior to 2020 is very important, I think Dems should be concerned. To me trying to subvert the laws is tantamount to to breaking the law, difference of opinion.
You’re right, they are welcome to legislate to change laws, but the fact is whether it’s good for the American people, not the immigrants. It’s turning into a moral fight, as well as a legal right. Bill Clinton and Obama had much different outlooks on it, and they were extremely popular leaders.
So perhaps they aren’t breaking laws per se, but to me, they are undermining law enforcement, as well as the safety of the people they are sworn and paid to protect and put first, the American people.
Another opinion piece with stats:
‘In real life, our laws are unambiguous. Nobody is allowed to move to this country without our permission. People who come here illegally must be sent home. That is what the law says. The Democratic Party is built around ignoring and subverting that law. Just this month, the president called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deport illegal aliens facing final deportation orders. To be clear, these are not people pulled at random out of restaurant kitchens but people who, at our expense, have gotten their day in court. They have gone through the process, but in the end, they’ve lost and been ordered to leave. They have chosen to ignore that order. So, if you cared about the rule of law, you would send these people home immediately. But the left doesn’t care, so it denounces any attempt to enforce the law as bigotry.’
‘In the end, most people are for laws. In a newly released Marist poll, only 27% of American adults supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings. That is a position many candidates on the Democratic side have taken recently. By the way, 66% of Americans are opposed to that. People in almost every racial group are opposed. A large majority of African American, Hispanic and Asian voters think it is a crime to cross illegally. The poll also found that just 33% of Americans support giving illegal aliens free health care. Sixty-two percent are opposed to that, and once again, this is the majority view of all races.’

@stanleybmanly you said: “Give me one single example of the Democratic party advocating the violation of immigration laws. ” @KNOWITALL just did. And what was your response? “There is no law breaking on the part of democrats in that opinion piece. ” See what you did there? When you challenged to get one example of Dems advocating illegal immigration and @KNOWITALL provided it, you suddenly changed it to no law breaking. It isn’t the same. You were called and you can’t support your claim, so you try changing your claim. Stick to the topic and stop deflecting.

@seawulf575 Either way, it’s a terrible platform, for the Dems based on the poll/stats, for 2020.
If they hate the Don so much, maybe try some different tactics and win, instead of going against the American people’s wishes. Anyhoo, you fella’s have fun…lol

Here is my take on this issue, and I think it is very important. I believe that liberals and conservative alike recognize the requirement for controlling our borders and restricting the influx of the undocumented. Now here’s the difference in approaches to a problem that is only going to get worse. Obama achieved those record deportations through concentrating on actual criminals. He achieved this virtually without fanfare, and was for the most part quiet about it. Why do you suppose that was? Why didn’t he catch the shit inflicted on Trump? The obvious answer to you conservatives is democratic double standards, but that is only partially correct and a lot less true than conservatives claim. The actuality is that Obama drove those numbers up without notice until nearly the end of his final term. How did he get away with it in the face of sanctuary cities and liberal mindsets? And how and why were sanctuary cities developed in the first place?
Sanctuary cities actually came into being as a result of the necessity for local police departments to deter ballooning immigrant on immigrant crime. It was the practical solution to the reluctance of victims to call the cops. And it worked!! Once people understood that if you called a cop, that cop would not see to your deportation for a parking ticket or loitering, the arrest of criminals went up and their deportation rate skyrocketed. THAT is the difference in approach of Obama and the fool. There are other reasons why a thoughtful person might hesitate in condemning the pathetic souls coming here. Personally, the most powerful for me is the idea of dogging someone for doing EXACTLY what I would do had I not the good fortune to be born here. The second reason may be more abstract, but another reason (I believe) Obama approached the issue on the QT is that the necessity of deporting these people is in fact nothing to be proud of. It smacks of going against everything I was taught about my country and what it represents. It is directly opposed to the significance of the statue of liberty and the words chiseled below her. It is a direct repudiation if the idea that “IF YOU CAN GET HERE, WE’LL GIVE YOU A SHOT. “ The deportation of refugees flies in the face of my America as a place of fair opportunity for everyone. In the end, the fact that this is no longer possible bothers the hell out of me.

@stanleybmanly If that’s true, that both parties care about controlling the borders, why are Dems trying to fight for open borders?
Additionally, each country has an immigration limit, period.
Here’s an interesting paper on why that is-not an opinion piece.
The moral dilemma is an issue we’ll have to disagree on, too. I want everyone to have a better shot, but not to the detriment of the American people. The one thing Trump has that none of you seem to identify with, is that he also believes that same statement and it resounds with millions of Americans, like it or not.
‘An interesting example is the case of Canada, who introduced the so-called
‘Points system’ in 1967 along with two other regulatory measures
to control theoccupational composition of the immigration flowing in to Canada. Applicantswere assigned points based on age, education, training, occupational demand,and must attain a specified minimum number of points to gain entry.
In such away, Canada had large influence on the
occupational compositionand new rules in 1964 made their skills selection more stringent. Thus , Canadamanaged to alter its immigration inflow from less skilled laborers towardsprofessionals. Other OECD countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and the USin the 1990s to an extent, have also sought to regulate the inflow of migrants
based on their specific skillsets and the host country’s needs’

Stop parroting that nonsense about liberals fighting for open borders. That’s bullshit, and I want you to think back and see if you can actually remember anyone saying that they favored open borders. I have never heard anyone (including the refugees themselves declaring for open borders), and I’m about as left as you can be and remain outside prison. What you are saying about Canada is that a country I greatly admire is like everywhere else, in that priority is given to people of privilege. There is inherent tragedy in the fact that this too is simply another field where money talks.

@stanleybmanly Okay, Stan, I’ll amend that to perhaps be public perception by many of us based on the last few years of immigration discussion.
Yes, that’s what I’m saying, so in effect, the US wants the people beneficial to the country, rather than the tired, poor, huddled masses. The concept of immigration is not what it was.

And that is death to another of our better ideals. That idea matters and the ultimate hypocrisy is to have that huge statue standing with those words in one harbor while our thug of a President does his damnedest to target EXACTLY those folks on the invitation for exclusion. It is I will grant you a necessity, but one for which we should be truly ashamed. It is a point COMPLETELY missed by a man at the pinnacle of wealth from privilege alone, and it’s worse than sad. It is in fact despicable and repugnant to the majesty of his office and the concept of justice underpinning our existence. And you who I believe to be a patriot should recognize the inherent tragedy in rejection of the weakest and most vulnerable, the truly defenseless. Besides, those folks are your natural allies. You don’t hear those poor souls clamoring for abortions!!

@stanleybmanly In one of the links or the study, it shows how many countries like the US are being inundated. At some point you have to close the doors for a bit and reevaluate. I don’t see a problem with limiting immigration to a manageable number.
I’m not defending Trump.
If they come here legally, they have my full support, Stan.
Yes, I know they don’t generally have abortions (latinas-other than the 17% who do) as their religion and culture generally disapproves of that. I have no problem with them coming here for a better life as I’ve said over and over and over.

As I said, I understand the necessity for restrictions, which is why I get particularly annoyed with wulfie slapping that open border nonsense on me. In fact, unless the reality South of us can be drastically improved, we’re in for measures more draconian than Trump can dream up.

@stanleybmanly This article
Shows some of the Democratic presidential candidates that want to repeal the law against illegal immigration. With no law, you basically are saying you want no borders. Here are some other articles that talk about Dems wanting to do away with efforts to enforce our borders
But really…there I go again…listing facts. You don’t need them, especially when your hatred gets going. But there you have it…Dem politicians calling for all the actions that will legalize illegal immigration and remove any efforts to guard against it. So yes, they are calling for open borders.

@stanleybmanly Wulfie and I are on pretty much the same page with our beliefs on this issue. And as per the stats, over 66% of the American people. Sorry.

And that great statue in the harbor…as nice as it is, isn’t law. And even in our hey-day of bringing immigrants into this country at Ellis Island and Galveston (as the major ones), they still didn’t let everyone in. You had to show you had a necessary skill or that you could afford to support yourself for a period of time…a year I think. Many immigrants were quarantined for a period of time. You had to have your papers in order. If you didn’t follow the rules or if you weren’t acceptable, you were put on a ship back to wherever you called home before that. And that great statue in the harbor was there for all of those to see…some as they came in and were sent back. So while you are attempting to throw a guilt trip, remember…i was a single dad…I don’t do guilt.

I’m not attempting a guilt trip on you. Frankly, for purposes here I long ago adjudged you bereft of anything resembling a conscience. I suppose I need not remind you of the other individual free from such an impediment.

Isn’t it interesting that if I don’t share your views I am bereft of anything resembling a conscience? I am against illegal immigration so I am heartless. But I am against it because it violates the rules that are put in place to help defend our nation for all. So I really care about many, many people, but that isn’t how you want to look at it so I have no conscience. I don’t tear Trump apart for things the left makes up so I am bereft of conscience because I defend him. But what you seem to miss is that I see the hypocrisy of the left and the propagandism of the liberal media to be a bigger threat to this nation than anything else. I see through the lies. See? It’s all a point of view. And in my view, your attempts at guilt are pretty lame and useless.

There is a LOT of corruption involving DNC. Crowdstrike, the Servers, and the Dems involvement with the Ukraine and the Dossier. Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS got most of HER libelous dirt on Trump for the dossier through the Ukraine. Furthermore, the plainspoken bragging of strongarming or extorting Ukraine to fire its investigator is widely on the news and played frequently.
I think trying to pin this on Trump, or anyone else defending Trump who has pursued this matter, is an attempt of the Left to deflect.
The Ukraine has a LOT of documentation of their involvement to help Hillary, feed Fusion GPS and close relations with Crowdstrike. All of these targeted the Trump campaign and presidency. The documentation exists. Its only a matter of time,

@seawulf575 I, too, don’t understand why following our laws makes us lack a conscience. I would love for you to explain that someday. Cause I like you, so I’ll actually listen.

That is neither the case nor the accusation. As I said previously all of us, liberals and conservatives comply with immigration laws. None of you as yet has provided me a single example of any liberals organizing or proposing defiance of those laws. The best you can do is list liberal proposals for LEGALLY changing those laws. The fact is that the only political figure sanctioned by the courts thus far for flagrant violation of immigration laws is the fool!

@stanleybmanly “Frankly, for purposes here I long ago adjudged you bereft of anything resembling a conscience.”
Then I’m confused.
Did you just mean wulfie?

Yes. But such a blanket pronouncement is of course facetious. All of us have some semblance of a conscience, and one solid clue to an individual’s conscience is that it must hinge on the knowledge available to bare on its development.

@seawulf575 Supporting cruel policies against illegal immigrants makes you cruel as well. trump to me doesn’t have a conscience. And much, much worse than that really.
Any leader, even if it’s a Democrat who would demonize illegal immigrants, I would ask those Democrats who voted for him to shove him up back to their butts.

Wait a minute… isn’t it the DEMOCRATS who have failed to fund any efforts at the wall and aid to detention centers?
I thought this argument fell apart months ago when the congress refused funding and aid, then blamed the republicans, showing how bad conditions were,

^^Your argument fell apart the very first moment trump opened his filthy mouth against illegal immigrants and then you voted for him. Get a clue, please.

Mexico is PROTECTING our border.
Congress has not given one iota of aid or funding towards the situation at the border. The Trump administration has had to move funds from other programs just to sustain things and build better housing. The Democrats have done NOTHING towards the border situation, although they gave freely under Obama. In 2014, congress had no trouble building those “concentration camps” and “child molestation camps” as you like to call them.
You have tried to use illegal immigrants as your calling card, but you have only tried to create chaos at the border. thinking everyone will blame the current administration. I don’t think as many people are fooled about this as you think. But I could be wrong…
Anyone with an ounce of compassion would make sure the situation at the border, including the wall and detention centers and all the aid given, is liberally and well funded, and that our borders are protected from criminals and terrorists.

Clue no. 1 No one likes a bully.
Clue no. 2 No decent human being will follow a bully.
Clue no. 3 Dump the bully.
Clue no. 4 Pick a good leader.
I have @Dutchess_III to thank for explaining the simple truth about trump. And she’s right.

What gets me going on year four of Super Trump, and everything is still Obama’s ,or Hilary,or just all the Democrats fault.
Can the republicans accept that it is all not the Dems fault, and to keep going on,and on and on about those Emails give it up evil Hilary wasn’t elected, you got your, give the wealthy huge tax cuts,deregulate emission standards on new vehicles,pussy grabbing ,Putin loving, sleeping with porn stars( while wife is pregnant)climate change denier, Tariff war instigator, yeah he is the greatest,The world will be lucky if the idiot doesn’t send us into a global recession if not WW3, yeah he is the best,alienated every ally the u.s has cuddled up to your advisories ,yup the best, his idiotic tariffs are killing our forest industry here in B.C, please excuse me if I don’t jump on your band wagon and sacrifice a goat in his honor.

@KNOWITALL Following our laws doesn’t mean we don’t have a conscience…unless you are someone like @stanleybmanly. He said he adjudged me as being bereft of a conscience. I know of previous discussion we had had (on just about any topic) where that sort of comment had come out before so I used it as an example here. One of them happened to be on illegal immigration.

@mazingerz88 “Supporting cruel policies against illegal immigrants makes you cruel as well.” Well, that is an opinion. Here’s another opinion: Supporting illegal immigration or any efforts to curtail it makes you cruel. You are supporting a process that has people putting their lives at stake on a journey to come here. You are supporting the rapes and human trafficking that goes on. You are supporting the extortion and murders that go on. You are supporting the flow of drugs into this country that kills tens of thousands of people and destroys even more lives each year. You are supporting known felons that return again and again to commit crimes in this country.

Eh none of that is true. Get some common sense please. I don’t support any of those terrible things you cited. Here’s another terrible thing I will never support, a leader who’s a thug.

Eh, all of that is true. If you are not willing to support efforts to stop illegal immigration, you are encouraging people to take an extremely hazardous journey, often with small children. The things that happen on that journey are all on your head due to your encouragement for that journey. All the bad stuff that comes across the border is on your head because of that support to keep illegal entry appealing. You may not MEAN to support those things, but your actions and your attitudes absolutely do.

Your Facts lean especially right(no shock there) and your logic if any one debates you, you either berate them or simply claim they are all hate, yeah it really is a character flaw ya got that right.

@SQUEEKY2 If the facts lean right, I will follow them. If they lean left, I will go there. Unfortunately, so many of the “facts” on the left end up needing retractions. As for my logic, if the debate I receive is nothing but personal attacks (as it often is), I have no problem responding in kind. And here is what I do almost every time….I challenge you to bring the facts. I ask you to go back to almost any political thread I comment on and read the reactions I get if I post something. Go back and look at this thread. I have been accused of “slapping that open borders nonsense” on a jelly. I pointed out that the opinion from that jelly that Dems are not for open borders was successfully challenged and so now I am the bad guy. I also backed up the claim of Dems supporting open borders with all sorts of citations. Again…I haven’t gotten personal or berated anyone. I responded to a comment about “the big statue in the harbor” and was told I was bereft of a conscience. When I responded to this, the closest I came to getting personal was to tell the person that trying to throw guilt trips at me doesn’t work. Suddenly another jelly jumps in and calls me cruel. You can follow the exchanges. I am getting personally attacked and often don’t respond in kind. But even when I do, it is usually because I have been attacked non-stop for a while and finally threw it right back at them.
Then we come to you. Out of the blue you jumped in to try berating me. Did I respond to you at all? Or did you initiate that attack?
Might want to fact check yourself a little there. Again…I haven’t berated you, but you did initiate the attack. Apparently it’s okay if liberals do it, eh?

Oh poor you claiming again the one being picked on.
You have berated me in past threads,but thats ok because you are all peace and love, we left wingers are all the hate mongers.
Or at least it is what you keep claiming.
Have you noticed this Fake news, or Hate mongering came from the right, I never heard any one left say it or claim it.

Yes of course you are under siege and mercilessly persecuted by the vicious liberals. Carry on, brave and virtuous champion for conservative justice. Your impeccable objectivity and razor sharp neutrality continues to dazzle us all. I know I’m impressed!

Oh, and @SQUEEKY2 I could remind you that the term “Fake News” started with Obama trying to censor all conservative outlets, but then you would just accuse me of deflecting.

You don’t actually have a point. The problem with defending a palpably crooked moron is that eventually suspicion must fall on such a defender as the mountain of countering evidence accumulates.

@stanleybmanly I might say the same about you. Especially since I have offered to counter most, if not all, of the “countering evidence”. I have challenged you many, many times to list the “scandals” that Trump has faced and I will gladly show you how they came from rewrites by the left. In other words, that mountain of countering evidence ends up being a pack of lies. And yes, it is difficult to defend against it, especially since there are so many people, such as yourself, that refuse to acknowledge the lies…even when they are proven to be lies.

You might indeed say the same about me, except that one of us is clearly either lying or delusional. Now obviously there is no denying that the fool is the most scandal laden individual in the history of the world. Neither of us can deny that. But there are manifest difficulties with the proposition that these tribulations are manufactured by democrats, the press, crooked intelligence services, corrupted courts, leftists, immigrants, angry hookers. At some point, even the most steadfast purveyor of recalcitrant obstinance must understand that their credibility on the matter is bankrupt. But never mind which of us is more believable. What you profess to believe is your business. I just don’t believe you authentic in your beliefs. As I said, no one who can write at your level is so intellectually barren as to genuinely swallow anything so patently dimwitted. Who are you really?

And the challenge is still there. Name a scandal and I will gladly bring it back to the left creating it. I will show you how innuendo and speculation were passed as fact and blown out of proportion. But I notice that while you are willing to keep saying Trump is scandal-ridden, you never actually take me up on that challenge. I suspect you KNOW I am right and are afraid of having me prove it to you. You would be forced to defend those you know are lying again.

There have been no “scandals” against this president that have not been a fabrication or set-up from the left, and has been exposed as such.
It has been moderately successful in bogging down progress in this country, though I don’t think you fooled as many people as you set out to do,

@mazingerz88 pick one. Pick anything you see as a scandal that Trump is involved in and you will find it is something that was created by the left. Even this recent one….the Ukrainian thing. The whistleblower complaint wasn’t released until the other day, yet the left seemed to know all about it, as did the media, before it was released. They were reporting almost word for word from it before it was released. And it was basically false. Yet the left has tried creating a narrative out of it. For example, when you read the transcript, Trump says the word “favor” one time in the conversation. It was reported by ABC and then parroted across many networks and from Congress that Trump asked Zelenskyy to do him a favor and investigate Biden. The word “favor” was in the context of asking Zelenskyy a favor and look into Crowdstrike and the potential interference in our 2016 election. That was not reported by the media, nor followed up by Dems in the House, but they continued to try pushing the narrative that Trump was asking a favor to have them investigate his political opponent. That is a perfect example of the rewrites I talk about when it comes to the left. Take one snippet, attach it to another, and try to sell the sum as a whole new product.

Leaks are nothing new to DC is my guess. News and politicians embellish and spin but I already know that.
I’m waiting for @Yellowdog‘s fabricated “scandals.”

^^Looks like it’s either fabricated or a set-up for @Yellowdog.

@stanleybmanly I can tell you what the scandal was and how it was not the truth. The scandal was that Stormy Daniels had an affair with Trump and that Trump paid her hush money from his campaign funds, which would have been illegal. The supposition (and most likely) is that they had an affair. She signed a non-disclosure agreement and was paid a sum of money that did not come from his campaign funds. She then had Avanatti talk her into breaking her NDA and try shaking Trump down and get some publicity in the process. Unfortunately for her, it back-fired and she ended up having to pay Trump. And it backfired for the Dems because they couldn’t actually prove their claim that he ordered her to be paid out of his campaign money. So they created the scandal…that he was guilty of campaign finance fraud, yet that never bore fruit.

OMG ^^ You actually made it sound as if Trump was the victim! WOW just wow .
Poor ole Trump that bad ole porn star took advantage of him,I know it was a Liberal plot right from the start.

See that’s conservative logic. The scandal isn’t that a President of the United States payed hush money to a hooker! The scandal is that the Democrats snatched the covers off the fool!

@SQUEEKY2 That has been their playbook’s title since the beginning. Portray the orange blob as the victim. You need shameless operatives to pull it off. And they got plenty.

This is also the age of twitter where a reality TV show host, a failed casino businessman and hotelier could talk directly to voters and con his way to the WH.

Huh. Again…I state the facts and I got hit by 4 jellies that wanted to attack me, but dodge away from the actual facts. Amazing. How do you guys actually get through a day? I’m sure somewhere along the way you’ve got to face facts. How do you all not just break down and go into full dodge mode? Oh wait! as you guys always try to say to me: DEFLECT!!! That’s all you do! you never answer questions…you can only deflect!!! Did I put enough exclamation points in to show the liberal hysteria properly?

Ok let me get this right everything you post no matter how fright wing is just the cold hard facts,everything we post is just left wing propaganda,with the main intent to slander Super Trump?
Did I get that right?
Oh and as you do with @stanleybmanly I challenge you to post a link where the Fake news started with the left,bet I will be waiting a very long time.

@SQUEEKY2 So what is it? Do you deny Schiff purposely misread the telephone transcription in the middle of his committee hearing? I’ll gladly show you the video of where he did, but I want you to tell me you don’t believe it first. But even better than that, I can go back and find the original stories by the NYT or CNN or WaPo where they tried saying that Trump asked for a favor 8 times in the conversation with Zelenskyy and that he offered a quid pro quo. Those stories made the rounds…right up to the point where Trump released the transcript which showed how wrong that story was. Again…do you deny this happened? Please…let me know. I’ll gladly show you the proof.
And THAT is why everything you guys post is left wing propaganda and what I post usually isn’t right wing propaganda. You guys almost NEVER post citations, and when you do, they are full of phrases like “could be” or “might show” or “If this is true then…” In other words, they aren’t facts….they are innuendo.
Much of what I post is based on actually going back to the origin of the statements…whether it is a video showing exactly what I am saying or a transcript of an actual exchange between two people or sometimes…it’s just historical references. Stormy Daniels, for instance.

The thing with Biden I could care less.
I don’t think Trump is as innocent and saint like as you want him to be but really do not care.
But you saying how much a victim he is in the affair with Stormy Daniels, and it was a left wing plot,P-L-E-A-S-E!!
Not going to believe it,now or never but keep trying and anything you do post about it will be chalked up as fright wing propaganda.
And accusing us to never posting links why bother you just scoff them off as left wing propaganda, your buddy yellow dog never posts links either and never read you bitching about that.
Trump may be your GOD but he sure isn’t ours, and to try and keep selling him to us as one is as annoying as a Jehovah witness ringing the door bell trying to sell their magazines.
If his idiotic tariffs do send us into a global recession bet your going to blame the left for that as well.

@seawulf575. It makes not a nickle’s worth of difference what you claim plagues Schiff or the NYT regarding lies, errors and supposed innuendos. All of this is in fact a waste of time in your never ending circular argument. What matters is that a monument to corruption which is every bit as duplicitous and foul a cesspool of disinformation as yourself is once again facing the gallows he so richly deserves. You can spew disinformation all day long on the injustice of the left, the press, democrats. You merely diminish your already vanished credibility and reveal yourself for the hopeless sewer of right wing fanatical bullshit you genuinely are. Whoever pays you to subsist here is being swindled. You have neither the talent nor breadth of understanding to pull it off

And still…no one will say the left does anything wrong. @SQUEEKY2 even went so far as to say he didn’t care about the Biden thing. Amazing. When handed factual statements, you psychologically cannot admit they are true because they show the extreme bias and lies by the left.

The left is composed of people you dummy. Of course they are flawed. If you weren’t so busy putting words in our mouths you would have to concede that NOBODY here has made any claims otherwise. not a soul here has claimed or implied the left without flaws. It’s another deliberate LIE you have concocted in an effort to further your empty and specious arguments which like you are without substance and as dishonest as that fool you front for. It’s one again another fraudulent claim you pass off as fact. You are nothing more than a squawking mouthpiece for dissension and disinformation and as FAKE as your message.

Ahhh…yes, @stanleybmanly, but everyone is ready to call me a liar. And those same people…yourself included…REFUSE to answer the simple questions. Do you believe it is a lie that Adam Schiff purposely “mis-read” the telephone transcript that was right in front of him in his committee hearing so as to make it sound worse for Trump than it really is? Please…a simple yes or no…one word…Yes…you believe that is a lie, that Schiff never did that…or No…you believe he really did “mis-read” the transcript. A simple yes or no will do. Anything else and you are proving my point…that you cannot psychologically admit to specific wrong doings by the left.

The only thing that Trump might get away with is actually pressuring that leader into trying to investigate Biden’s son, but the call was made and we will even go your way no pressure but it was hinted at into investigating Biden’e son and that was wrong,BUT you won’t admit that.
Still don’t care about that very much.

@seawulf575. You miss the point that there is another legitimate answer to your question other than yes or no. Ready for it? I don’t know whether Schiff misread or fabricated any details of the transcript. More to the point—I don’t care. I haven’t seen or heard Schiff’s reading, and will in all likelihood not bother to search it out, and do you want to know why? BECAUSE like this question, it’s just another smoke screen diversion of yours from the main event. Your usual shift of focus from the topic that matters, to the slandering of Democrats, the press, or your target of the day. Here’s another American idiom for you—red herring. And by the way, if everyone is ready to call you a liar, you should think about that.

@stanleybmanly so what you are saying is you don’t care who does what, how insensitive, how dishonest, how illegal, or how childish…except for Trump. You do see that you are part of the problem with this country, right?

@SQUEEKY2 It’s awfully nice you will go “my way”, especially since there is nothing showing any pressure…no quid pro quo, no do-it-or-else…and the Ukrainian president agrees there was no pressure. He enjoyed the phone call and felt it was helpful. Does that sound like he was pressured? I understand that leftist innuendo and lies mean more than truth to the left, but honestly, you just can’t back them up with any facts.

Once again you are summarizing facts not in evidence. I’ve told you what I mean and (reading comprehension) nowhere will you find ANYTHING approaching what you purport me to mean. You are as usual distorting the truth and presenting it as fact. And in view of your champion, it worse than a bumpkin mistake yo loosely toss around accusations like

Well now let’s review. You told me you don’t know or care if Schiff faked what was actually written in the telephone transcription in the middle of his own committee hearings. You say I was slandering Democrats, yet you admitted you don’t know if I was or not. You then went on to say that focusing on anything other than Trump is just smoke screen. So in effect, you told me that you don’t care who does what, or how insensitive or dishonest or illegal or childish…except for Trump. How did I miss ANYTHING there?

Stop it!! I don’t care if Schiff misquoted the transcript because EVERYONE in the house can read the damned thing for themselves. How do YOU know that he misquoted the transcript, and what possible miscarriage of justice may come of it? And once more, unless you believe that Schiff has committed a crime worthy of his own impeachment, or even censure, the issue is once again another red herring to divert attention from the SERIOUS criminal up on the SERIOUS charges. You might as well claim that Schiff is proof of a double standard because his shirt is untucked. It is just a repeat of your disinformation annoyances to muddle the waters in your ongoing carnival sideshow tactics.

@stanleybmanly There are plenty of things about Schiff misquoting the transcript that are extremely disturbing. He did it as part of a question to a subpoenaed witness in an official committee hearing, as the official committee chairman. How do I know this? Because I have seen the videos and I compared it to what was in the transcript. It wasn’t even close. He tried putting in the idea that Trump asked repeatedly for Zelenskyy to investigate Trump. He basically rewrote the entire transcript.
So if a Democratic committee chair is using an official inquiry to supposedly gather facts and is asking questions with knowingly false data in them, that is disturbing. It lends credence to the idea that this is nothing but a sham and a witch hunt. And even if you try using the excuse that he is using parody, it says he used it as part of a question and that he views the entire thing as some sort of joke in which parody is acceptable.
Of course I don’t expect you to find any fault at all with any Democrat…you only slobber all over them and make excuses and deflections when any fault is mentioned. But I can rationally explain my views on why this behavior is disturbing.

DISINFORMATION. The transcript has Trump requesting investigation of Biden 8 separate times. The witness (just like you & I) surely had the transcript in front of him as well as the entirety of the Republican House to correct Schiff and any public misreading of the document. And for God’s sake will you PLEASE stop the childish insistence that I am incapable of admitting any flaws in Democrats. Like the hatred thing, they are such vapidly persistently shallow and childish claims that I am embarrassed for you. And I don’t want to feel sorry for your insufferable disinformation spreading personage regardless of the pathetically feeble talents employed in the effort.

Is it even the accurate transcript of the conversation that was released? Is it even possible to find out through investigation if some parts of the entire exchange potentially got redacted by the WH?

Between twenty and forty people monitored the call, I am pretty sure there are standards to keep it impartial. No one who monitored the call found anything out of line.
What’s being investigated is the origin of the Russia hoax. A lot of corruption between the DNC and the Ukraine involving the 2016 election is being investigated now. It has nothing to do with the Biden campaign.

@stanleybmanly you are right….saying the transcript has trump requesting investigation of Biden 8 separate time IS Disinformation. Thanks for admitting that. I’m sure if you want to argue that point you will gladly show me the link that shows that on the transcript.

Well, gee…maybe because @stanleybmanly directed his comment to me? I dunno…that’s probably it. If you want to see a link from @Yellowdog go ahead and ask him. don’t whine to me.

Why do you need a link? Just like me, you have access to the transcript. Count them for yourself. Let us know what you find.

Think about this oh wise and wonderful extremist both @Yellowdog and @stanleybmanly do most of their playing on this site with their phones and very hard to post links when doing that.
And again why bother you blow off every link posted by anyone that is not a dire hard conservative as liberal propaganda.
Unlike the holy fright wing facts that you post.
So like @stanleybmanly you have access so why bother.

@stanleybmanly as I thought…you don’t have anything to back up your bogus claim. Exactly what I thought I’d get…a dodge. To meet your dodge, I did read the transcript. Biden’s name was mentioned exactly two times and only one of them was actually about Joe Biden. the quote is: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.” Two times and only one was actually about Joe Biden.
So, Mr. Harding…I’ve shown exactly how wrong you were, how you are a weak-minded fool that only knows what the MSM tells you. Or is it the whistleblower accusation? Yes, the whistleblower says Trump asked Zelensky 8 times to look into Biden. All that proves is how unreliable the whistleblower’s accusation really is. But please…dodge away. Lord knows you won’t ever produce a speck of evidence to back your warped view of the world.

@SQUEEKY2 A famous article in Politico, January 11 2017, went into great depth about Hillary and the DNC colluding with the Ukraine.
The Ukraine has plentiful and ample evidence of this and plenty of Ukraine witnesses and afifidavits , Rudy Giuliani has been gathering information on this since the winter of 2018.
THe Ukraine has been trying to get us to respond to information they have been given on Joe Biden for about that long.
I DO hope impeachment is pursued because a lot of this will come out faster and more in the public eye than the little coverage it will receive otherwise.

@seawulf575 nothing to dodge. Whether you are an inept and bungling troll or I am a dodge or lada is all immaterial. Put that in your borscht and slurp it! What matters is that the fool’s head is once more on the block. We can now leave his fate to the “mills of the gods”.

Yep…pretty much what I predicted…not a spec of proof of your deranged views of the world. Carry on sir…please. You are exactly what voters need to see for the upcoming election. They can look at your weirdness and think “I really don’t want to be associated with that” and we will find one more check mark next to people with®.