Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

How do you reconcile Trump supporters who are very outspoken about immigration at the US Southern border who have adopted black children?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) September 28th, 2019 from iPhone

I happen to know more than one person who is adamant about calling undocumented immigrants “criminals” and they are big Trump supporters. They are Caucasian/white, and also have an adopted black child, or adopted black grandchild.

They also have friends who are Latin American.

Are they racist? Or, are they just lacking empathy for those wanting a better life in America? Can you understand why they reject a racist label?

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

There’s nothing to reconcile.

When you talk about Trump supporters as a group, you (and everyone else) are painting with a very broad brush. But not all Trump supporters think the same things, just as not all liberals think the same things.

Making a statement like “trump Supporters call immigrants criminals” is just such a broad statement. Individual Trump supporters may have and probably do have their own thoughts and actions on certain matters. Like adopting black children, or whatever.

Having said that – one decent person does not absolve the entire group.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso I am not painting with a broad brush. I’m talking specifically about the people I know who call undocumented immigrants “criminals” who have Hispanic friends, who have black adopted children, and who support Trump. All of those traits and circumstances in one person. I’m not talking about all Trump supporters.

janbb's avatar

I’m sure you know that “Some of my best friends are Jews” was a statement used by some to deny their anti-semitism.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb I do, but I think WSs aren’t adopting black babies and they don’t have Hispanic friends. I’m not saying people can’t be racist and do these things, I’m not saying anything, I’m asking a question. I know when people used to say, “I have black friends” a common response was, “yeah but you wouldn’t marry someone black, and you would freak out if your child dated someone black,” etc. Then people are intermarrying, but that proves nothing. It’s like it’s never enough, or there is constant miscommunication. I’m interested in how people think about it, not accusing me of being empathetic to conservatives, because my question is simply wanting to know peoples thoughts and reasoning.

I remember tinyfaery reaming me for asking a question years ago about how people stereotype Mexicans and what they assume about Mexicans. She assumed I thought they were all working in the fields and had brown skin, or whatever she thought. I’m asking others a question, I didn’t state my opinion.

mazingerz88's avatar

Humans are capable of doing both evil and good things at the same time.

The differences lie in the level of hypocrisy practiced when confronted with the truth about their own evil acts or either all-out support or willful ignorance of said evil act as executed by their political leaders or own family and friends.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Perhaps their problem doesn’t have as much to do with race as it does with people coming into the US illegally.
Long time, no see. I hope all is well with you :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lucille Several of us have explained that concept here many times but it doesnt seem to compute.

seawulf575's avatar

I think the problem is that the questioner is conflating opposition to illegal immigration with opposition to all other races or even legal immigration. It assumes that people that want to enforce our borders and our immigration laws have a personal dislike of other races. I am one of those folks that is very vocal about illegal immigration, but will tell you I fully support legal immigration. I have no fear or dislike of people because of their skin color. I have black and Hispanic friends, as well as several from various Asian countries. So the reconciliation, I believe, needs to be made in the attitude of the questioner concerning Trump supporters.

JLeslie's avatar

I posted this on my other Q also. Interesting article about racism and the political parties.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Very interesting. And informative. Thanks.

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