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seawulf575's avatar

Could the Whistleblower complaint be a set up from House Democrats?

Asked by seawulf575 (17170points) September 28th, 2019

I came across this article which is what prompted this question

Does this hint at a possibility of the entire complaint being crafted for political reasons?

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25 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I think it is more a case of a whistle-blower suspecting a wrong-doing by a president and call him out.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It could be. But if it were, there was a whole ton of collaboration from republicans to make it work.

If it were a democratic plot, how did they convince Giulani to play such a large part?

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso I guess the question of how they convinced Giuliani to play a part would come back to the consideration of if he really did anything wrong. Looking at the whistleblower text, there really isn’t anything solid…just innuendo and speculation…when it comes to Giuliani. And innuendo and speculation are classic ploys from the left. So it isn’t so much a matter of “getting Giuliani to play a part” as “trying to make Giuliani’s actions seem suspicious”. And that doesn’t require anything other than creative writing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This, like the accusations against Biden is just a sample from the right of what we are in for when it comes to smoke, distractions and diversions from ground zero. FOX, the Washington Times, New York Post, the dependable list. This time , it’s “Never mind the truth. Let’s fault the messenger. ”

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I gave a citation. It seems it is you…the left…that is trying to fault the messenger. The citation is an article that was written that put forth a suspicion. If you find fault with the meat of the citation, please share it with us. If you are trying to denigrate the source and blame it on the right (?) then I guess you have given me my answer.

flutherother's avatar

Here’s an interesting snippet I found on Wikipedia

“In 2017, the New York Post was reported to be the preferred newspaper of U.S. President Donald Trump,[73][74] who maintains frequent contact with its owner, Rupert Murdoch”.

Which hints at a possibility of this entire article being crafted for political reasons.

rebbel's avatar

That article you refer to is laden with “it appears’”, “possibly’s”, “I think’s”, “I wonder’s”, and “could (it) be’s”

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 My comment has nothing to do with the meat or veracity of the citation. I am merely saying that commentary will arise shifting the emphasis from whether or not the fool committed a crime. Yesterday it was Biden committed a crime. Today, the congress put the whistle blower (a convicted axe murderer) up to it. Tomorrow, it’ll be something else—ANYTHING—psychics produce proof that aliens blew the whistle. I’m sure you’ll find em and look forward to your showing them to us.

seawulf575's avatar

@rebbel That is a fair comment. And I would agree. It is something I pick apart on most liberal citations. And that is why I worded my question as I did. Does it hint at a set up by the Dems? Is there any possibility it is true? GA though.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly When this entire thing started, it was based on false accusations. The whistleblower complaint, and what was echoed from the Dems and the media, was that Trump offered a quid pro quo or pressured Zelenskyy. That was not the case. Biden was brought into this based on his own words. He admitted to threatening the Ukrainian government with holding back a $1B loan if they didn’t fire their state prosecutor…who just happened to be in the middle of an investigation into Burisma…the company that put Biden’s son on their board of directors (when he had zero experience in this sort of position). That was far more in the way of pressure than anything Trump said in his phone conversation and Biden bragged about doing it when he was VP. So that isn’t a right wing creation…that was Biden showing off.
And with any and all cases such as this, there will be people evaluating the evidence. The press and the Dems wanted the transcript of the phone call. As soon as Trump said he would release it, they immediately said that wasn’t enough and they needed the whistleblower complaint as well. Trump agreed and released that as well. And those on the left have been trying to create something out of nothing ever since….all evaluating these pieces of paper. But none of those on the left have thought to question the veracity of the claim. Those on the right will do that. So that isn’t distraction…that is evaluation of the data.

mazingerz88's avatar

Really twisted logic you’re questioning how Dems “keep moving the goal post” asking for something else after getting what they asked for.

They’re supposed to do those things. Sounds like normal procedure to me. You paint them like they’re flailing and desperate. They’re not.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Okay let me get this straight the Dems hired a ventriloquist to talk to the Ukraine President to entrap “shit for brains” ?? And got his private not government lawyer make contact.

STUPID assumption !

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 If they actually got the data and then asked for more, you might be right. But as soon as Trump said he would release the transcript, but before he actually did, the left already started accusing him of doctoring it, not releasing the real transcript, claiming that would not be enough, that they would need the whistleblower claim as well….all before they saw anything. That isn’t what they are supposed to do…if they are being responsible civil servants.

mazingerz88's avatar

You’re overthinking this. I know it’s not easy to accept trump is on his way out. His cohorts here and abroad won’t make it easy for the Dems.

They might actually fool more people and add them to trump’s fanatical base.

A long way to go till November 2020. Lots more surprising things would happen.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie No…nothing of the sort. But let’s review what you are saying. Trump was accused of pressuring Zelenskyy into investigating Biden. The transcript doesn’t bear that out, and Zelenskyy himself has said he wasn’t pressured at all…that it was a good call…very friendly. So what you are now telling me that Trump hired a ventriloquist to speak for the Ukrainian president?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah…Russian Collusion. I think you said it then as well. And that, like this, was a created crisis from the left.

mazingerz88's avatar

Mueller was very clear why he didn’t charge trump.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Always something out of nothing——ALWAYS! Stormy & the bribes—inventions of the press. Never happened. The Russians didn’t REALLY try. Mueller PROVED the fool innocent of collusion. Trump didn’t REALLY snatch the kids—OBAMA DID IT! I can give you citations. I have one right here from: trutheagle.gun. The intelligence networks—tools of the radical left. Murdering rapists assaulting our borders—my source—bumpstock quarterly.

JLeslie's avatar

Set up? No.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It’s possible; but, they’re not usually that creative!!! Plus, how did they get everyone involved to go along with them??? I don’t see Barr or Giuliani going along with anything the Dems suggested even IF it would get the current incumbent back in office!!!

Since it has been stated that the current incumbent has done NOT?HING wrong, does that mean that the Dems did NOTHING wrong by setting him up???

kritiper's avatar

No. But it could be some Republicans trying to make it look like a Democrat set up.

SEKA's avatar

I’m finding it interesting that our first non politician is making most of us appreciate the job the politicians did

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Ha ha yes!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Haven’t read above responses.

Of course it’s possible. But. The Democrats are, in general, shitty, in political affairs. I doubt that they would come up, with such a strategy…

Keep in mind, that several members of Trump’s staff, and fellow GOP representatives, have resigned, over Trump’s behavior. To me. That lends credence to the “whistle blower.”..

Apparently, there are some patriots, who still exist. They see what Trump is doing, and find it reason enough to remove themselves, from his deplorable actions.
I wager that many of his counterparts, struggle with the ethics, of his behavior. He is, for the most part, a cancer to the country….

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF the Dems are making it up, WHY did Special Envoy to the Ukraine Kurt Volker resign from his job immediately after the testimony???

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