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JLeslie's avatar

How often do Christians pray?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) September 29th, 2019 from iPhone

I know this will vary greatly from person to person, but I’m looking for the expectation. From what I understand Muslins pray 5 times a day. I personally know Catholics who pray every morning. I know some Catholics and Christians who give thanks before each meal, or at least at dinner when the family is together.

On a day at home, no work, what would be typical for a Christian? What do you do if you’re Christian. What sect of Christianity are you answering for?

This is a serious question for Christians. Please, no criticizing anyone’s answers.

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9 Answers

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I said grace at meals and prayers at night. My night prayers went some thing like this…. “and God bless… (deep breath here because it has to be said in one breath, as quickly as possible…) PutterChipperChipDivitDuffer
WiffyFairway AND Little CatSadSack And Happy SackAnd Max Mole and Barry Blue Jay (deceased animals we buried in the dead animal cemetary.)

snowberry's avatar


I pretty much keep a running conversation going with God all the time.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we are to pray without ceasing. To do that, and carry on through life requires an attitude of prayer.

This article from Christianity Today puts it well:
“This does not mean you are to go to an all-day or all-night prayer meeting. Prayer is an attitude of the life. It is more an attitude of life than an action of the lips. Remember that Paul said to the Romans, “…the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26). That is, they cannot be put into our words. And many times we do not have the words to pray, but we are praying nonetheless. And it is the entire life that is behind the words which are spoken that makes prayer effective.”

LadyMarissa's avatar

Generally, I consistently pray twice a day…once when I’m starting my day & once before going to bed at night. During the course of my day, I pray when I feel the urge depending on the situation.

I volunteer some of my time at the hospital with babies who need special attention. Some are physically challenged, some have deficient parents, & some have good parents who are overwhelmed. I find myself asking God to bless that precious little soul with whatever challenge they are facing. I also volunteer my time with emotionally challenged children & I often find myself putting out a quick prayer request for God’s help with each specific child’s situation.

There are times where I have prayed for a specific outcome & when I see favorable results, I put forth a prayer of thanks. I typically say a prayer of thanks for not having to go hungry & being afforded some delicious meals. Therefore, I can say I consistently pray twice a day & often pray many more times depending on how my day goes. I don’t do a mandatory number of prayers & I don’t pray in a specific direction; but I do pray when the urge hits me!!!

kritiper's avatar

If they are really prayerful people, once in the morning, once before each meal, once before bed and at Sunday services, and any other time they feel like it.

si3tech's avatar

@snowberry I agree. Mine is a running conversation with God throughout the day with special prayers at night for healing for those in need. And healing for our country!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Whenever I feel like it’s needed, but at least once a day.

I don’t officially represent any single religion, but officially I’m a Catholic.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Usually once per day,sometimes more if I’ll be cooking.;)
@snowberry‘s answer sounds about righttome.

jca2's avatar

For me, about once a week, or once every two weeks.

gorillapaws's avatar

I used to pray nightly before bed and also when I was seeking spiritual answers or looking for support “from above.” I’m Methodist (at least officially on paper), but I certainly don’t claim to speak for the whole denomination.

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