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ragingloli's avatar

Was anyone else disappointed by how that Area 51 "raid" turned out?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) September 30th, 2019

There was no bloodbath, they didn’t even try to storm the compound.
They just stood around like pussies, boozing themselves up.
Not that I expected anything else.

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8 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I heard that one guy made it to the gate and was charged with indecent exposure.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Very much so! They could have at least put on a good show for us as we watched Live…haha!

elbanditoroso's avatar

And what’s wrong with standing around and drinking booze?

ragingloli's avatar

It is not at all entertaining.
Unlike a good bloodsoaked massacre.

mazingerz88's avatar

Is there a law against flying drones with cameras into the area? A thousand civilian drones would trigger the government anti-espionage drone squadron which of course runs using alien technology.

ucme's avatar

Never heard a thing about this, which is just as well coz anything to do with area 51 bores the tits off me.

raum's avatar

I was expecting it to be more like @mazingerz88 wrote. A bunch of millennials with their crowdfunded drones and tech gear posting on Instagram.

My bar was pretty low and even then I was still disappointed. Ha.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Seriously though, this entire thing reminds me of almost the entire runtime of Ace in the Hole. A bunch of clueless and morbidly curious people gather around a mine watching a rescue team dig a man out. No one is really that interested in the man, they only come because some loser reporter made a good PR show and everyone is coming there, and all what they do is set up tents and amusement centers and hang around. I’m glad no life is involved in this Area 51 thing.

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