What do you wish someone would ask you?
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36 Answers
“Do you want to come over and cry on my shoulder, have a drink and a dance party?”
There was an incident at a place I worked at. My grandmother and I were thought to have made a phone call to a co-worker’s wife about a spat her husband and I were having. I did not have anything to do with the phone call, but nobody who worked there ever asked me about my so called part in it.
@kritiper -People can get strange ideas in their head.
“do you want to have a FWB relationship?”
Do you really have staff for that?
Haha, arrange a visit & see who greets & meets you at my door ;-}
I did have plans to visit the UK at one time but plans were changed.
Does your butler look anything like Franco Nero?
Shame dat!
I’ve always thought good ol’ Carstairs bears an uncanny resemblance to Burl Ives with a dash of Margaret Rutherford thrown in.
@ucme -That is a bit of a disappointment.
I mean yeah, I wasn’t thrilled myself when we hired him.
His profile made him sound like Horst Buchholz…sex on a stick :D
The German James Dean???!!
(I just found out who he was)
I would maybe have turned for him, luckily he’s now dead coz the wife may have killed me with a big knife.
“How can I help? What can I take off your plate?” — and mean it and actually do it.
@UCME-Young Franco Nero tops my list as handsome actors.He was beautiful.
I will help take a cookie from the plate.I mean it.I’d do that.
@ucme -Strangely enough,I never saw that movie or the remake.
Nero had a cameo role in Tarantino’s remake, looked his age but still retains a certain appeal…what am I saying?
@ucme – I heard that but still could not bring myself to watch it.
What do you think of the protesters on Mauna Kea (Big Island Hawaii) who are blocking the construction of a 30 meter telescope?
@lucille3: Sure. Everyone wants a cookie. No one wants to stir the batter.
“How would you like to receive your lottery winnings?”
@gondwanalon What do you think of the protesters on Mauna Kea who are blocking the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope?
Anything, as long as its something that person really would like to know about me.
@lucillelucillelucille, Fluther was Reccomended to me by a very close friend of mine. So I thought I’d give it a shot and try it out. How about yourself?
@PaisleyFaye – I was a member of Answerbag.That, I found by accident. When Answerbag went by the wayside,many came to Fluther. I was one of them.
@ lucillelucillelucille I never knew of that site. Are they still around?
@PaisleyFave-I am not sure.
@PaisleyFaye Answerbag was resurrected, but it’s completely different than what it was before it died.
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