Who are the five people you spend the most time with?
Asked by
raum (
October 2nd, 2019
from iPhone
There’s that famous quote:
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Not sure if I actually agree with this. But still interested in hearing about them though.
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15 Answers
My husband mostly, also my sister, my BFF, another dear friend and my kitty.
My husband, my two youngest grandsons, my son and his wife are the only people I spend time with.
My wife, my parrot, and a few friends with whom I play music.
I’m in the process of moving. Unless I count visits with family and friends over the phone or over Skype, I only spend time with my husband (and our grand-dogger).
dog #1
dog #2
Fifth place is a 94-person tie between all my current students.
Business partner
Woman friends 1 through 5
Friend 1
Franco Nero
Friend 2
Interesting lists! Do you guys feel this is an accurate representation of yourself?
Especially curious to hear about kitty, parrot, dog #1, dog #2, 94-person tie and Franco Nero!
@raum: I love my dogs and prefer them over most people, hence dog #1 and 2. The 94-person tie is really about a lack of free time to spend time with anyone else other than my students. I have friends and family who could be my real #5, but they’re all over scheduled too — so even if I had time spend with them, they wouldn’t.
And no, this is not really how I’d like it to be. I’d love a real number 5 (or even slide the doggies down a bit and make room for two more humans. I’d love more active, regular friendships with people who have the time and energy to give a shit, but that hasn’t happened in almost 30 years. So it is what it is.
@raum -I have spent some time with him in my dreams. I believe that counts.
My favorite:
and I
My Son
Sometimes neighbors depending on project/goals that I now have all the time to work on.
After a life devoted to others I relish my retirement as a Godsend.
My kitty is truly like a daughter to me. I love her with all my heart. We hang out a lot :)
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