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Dutchess_III's avatar

Does anyone know why Trump said publicly today that both the Ukraine and China should investigate Biden?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 3rd, 2019

Haven’t his supporters been protesting all along that he never, never suggested a foreign country investigate one of our politicians because that’s treasonous?

This article

“However, on Thursday he seemed to provide more insight into what he did in fact seek from Ukraine’s president….Trump said “I would think that if they were honest about it, they would start a major investigation into the Bidens,” Trump said. “It’s a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens. Because how does a company that’s newly formed and all these companies if you look—by the way, likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens. Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine.”

And also, why can’t he complete a thought?

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15 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why do you think? Deflection, of course.

Trump is a cornered rat and he is striking out anyone or anything that is trying to catch him.

<NOTE: Our friend the Wulf will be here a little later to defend the orange rat and pass on the repugnican party line by trying even more deflection.>

Darth_Algar's avatar

Because he’s a moron who doesn’t comprehend that when you find yourself in a hole the first step is to stop digging.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@elbanditoroso he is so dumb. He thinks that repeating his treason publicly is “deflection.”

@Darth_Algar I wonder WHAT in his life caused him to think that digging the hole deeper is the answer?

Inspired_2write's avatar

He learned it somewhere in his past..father perhaps?

Inspired_2write's avatar

He seems obsessed with being on TV media everyday?
Is he trying to push the “Trump” brand?
In that he can later announce that HE is marketable?

Dutchess_III's avatar

“My life in Prison,” by Donald Trump.
“Getting myself convicted and imprisoned was a stroke. of genius. It was carerfully and craftly ochardstrated.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, E. Warren just said this on FB:
“Donald Trump is now openly calling for foreign governments to interfere in our elections from the White House Lawn. If he thinks openly committing the same crime will convince people his secret calls weren’t illegal —he’s wrong. We will hold him accountable. He must be impeached.”

Inspired_2write's avatar

It would be funny if it weren’t a President!
I keep having a reoccurring dream where the general public is throwing peaches at the White House?
Symbolism I guess..impeachment is approaching.

flutherother's avatar

Someone should tell him that Obama can hold his breath for ten minutes.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Apparently he has dementia so probably doesn’t know what he’s saying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I bet his staff is absolutely terrified to tell him anything. They know that even if they tell him it’s top secret, he’ll come out blabbing to the world. Put in a phone call to the Kremlin. Pay China a visit.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s rather evident that Trump’s problems are about more than defects in his moral compass. The only possible reason he should be making such open requests after being told by EVERYONE that it is unequivocally illegal, is to establish grounds for an insanity defense.

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