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seawulf575's avatar

Does Schiff lying hurt the validity of the Dem's impeachment efforts and the credibility of the Whistleblower?

Asked by seawulf575 (17281points) October 4th, 2019

It has been reported
that Adam Schiff knew about the whistleblower long before the complaint was written. He lied about this on national TV (MSNBC Morning Joe). Even the WaPo gave him 4 pinocchios for his comment.

Does this obvious lie and deception hurt the entire effort for impeachment and does it cast a shadow on the whistleblower claim?

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15 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Not at all. Not enough. It’s just schiffting attention to something that wouldn’t really affect the main event.

LadyMarissa's avatar

As much as trump’s lying has hurt his credibility with his base!!!

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Totally correct.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Has he as many lies a Bozo, 11 to 18 lies per day. I know wulfie that is okay; look at all the Dems and liberals he getting (machine guns in a crowded room don’t choose only liberals or Dems) he is getting everybody. We have fifth generation farmers in my county that will be selling their farm because of the Chinese tariffs, lost customers may take a generation to get back.

Trump’s best lie was he told each of his three wives he was a virgin ! And they thought he was after the first night.

stanleybmanly's avatar

See? Once again another non story to deflect attention away from the antics of the fool! Does anyone care that Schiff didn’t correctly dodge a question on Morning Joe in order to protect the identity of the whistle blower? And regarding that whistle blower, the consensus all around is that he or she behaved impeccably. How’s that for credibility? And just try to put those 4 pinnochios up against the fool—the penultimate monstro the whale of lying duplicity!! Talk about no contest. Case dismissed. Let’s wait for the next disinformational petty obfuscation. Straw grasping anyone?

mazingerz88's avatar

Seems there’s also fake news going around in the net attacking Romney for siding with Dems and criticizing Trump. One needs to separate legit counter arguments to trump’s impeachment inquiry from desperate ones. To me it’s a sign of admitting their beloved orange boy is on his way out.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Short pier












long walk !

janbb's avatar

And then there’s this article extolling the probity and caution of Adam Schiff which is basically what I’m reading about and seeing. Again, two different worlds.

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb Your link didn’t work…I got the error that it couldn’t be found. However, what I noticed from the link description, are two things. The first is that they are both (the one you cited and the one I did in the question) from the NYT. However, the one I gave was an actual report, the one you cited indicated it was an opinion. So if some uber-left guy wants to extol the virtues of Adam Schiff, that really doesn’t give much umph behind it. When the news report gives the story that the Whistleblower met with Schiff before the complaint was written and that Schiff lied about it and then that is confirmed by the Washington Post, there seems to be a lot more solidity to that.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Pompeo stated he knew NOTHING about trump’s phone call but then he suddenly remembered that he had been listening in on the call. How do we know which side is lying???

stanleybmanly's avatar

WHO lies about EVERYTHING?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly Must be in the water cooler at the GOP headquarters !

seawulf575's avatar

@LadyMarissa I addressed that Pompeo issue in a different thread. What happened was a reporter at a press conference asked about a 10 part question to Pompeo. When Pompeo responded, he took different parts to respond to…starting with some of the last ones first. Then, when he moved onto the part where the reporter asked a couple questions about the phone call and if he was on the phone call, Pompeo started with something along the lines of “On to the part about the phone call, I was on the phone call….”. He wasn’t admitting he was on the phone call…he was identifying which of the multiple questions that had been asked he was addressing. The claim he said he wasn’t on the phone call and then admitted he was is a complete distortion of what was actually said.

LadyMarissa's avatar

trump threw him under the bus after he denied it!!! He’s smart enough to NOT allow a reporter to trip him up like that!!!

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