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I simply cannot win with my HID setup?
I have had a morimoto retrofit setup on my subaru for the 3 years I have had the car. For the last year, my passenger side light went out. I called the company that supports the retrofit and I have replaced everything including the following.
*The ballast
*The ignitor
*The bulb (which was indeed burnt out)
I even just replaced the wiring harness and was able to get both lights to work. I put everything back together, turned on my car and The passenger hid is not turning on. So i twisted the ignitor slightly and turned the lights back on and it worked. I was able to drive around the block hitting bumps to test for a loose connection, and there was none! I got home, turned off my lights, turned them back on and now the passenger side light wont turn on. I cannot resort to the factory bulbs due to the retrofit. I really don’t want to have to buy anything else, until i can find out what in fact is really going on. I have checked the fuses for my headlights as well and they are perfectly fine.
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