What is the creepiest thing that another person has ever done to you?
I’ve had guys do lots and lots and lots of creepy thing. But one of the worst was in a college class I took in the early 90s while obtaining my teaching degree.
It’s been so long that I can barely remember all of the details, but this guy would just stare at me. By itself was no big deal. I was used to being stared it. He was also somewhat mentally challenged, so I made a point of being nice to him. (Big mistake.)
But staring turned into him “accidentally” running into me, time and again, as I was coming in, and following me as I left.
It just got creepier and creepier and creepier.
The 2nd to last week of class the teacher handed out our final exam. It was a take home exam. Instructions or the questions were written on it. The back side was blank. We were to turn it in the following week.
Suddenly Creep Boy walks by and drops a letter on my desk. In a page long, disjointed, rambling thoughts he carried on about how we were soul mates, and he knew I loved him as much as he loved me and we were meant to be together for all time…..it was horrifying.
After class, after everyone had left, I went to the teacher and said, “Bob won’t be turning in his final. He didn’t take it home. He wrote this to me on the back of it.”
The teacher read it with dawning horror. He gave me permission to miss the last week and to mail it to him.
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39 Answers
My older sister would sit on my head and fart.
Dutch, how old were you and your creepy bf at the time?
I was 33 or so.
I didn’t have a boyfriend, much less a creepy one. I was recently divorced.
I was framed for an incident at work involving another employee and his wife. This guy was pissed as hell and could have killed me! He did try to beat me up at work! Took at least 4 grown men to pull him off of me!
Oh God @kritiper. Can you give us any more detail?
Something I did that I didn’t mean to be creepy but was.
I started walking among the campus of the University of Memphis, and was approaching a girl who was going the other way, leaving the campus. We made eye contact. She seemed pleased with me and I with her. We connected and almost spoke, but not knowing what to say to a total stranger, we passed each other and walked on….
Regretting my lack of social abilities in making the first move, rather than following her, I I went an alternate route to get ahead of her and meet her again a block or so away. I know more holes in the fences and hedges than a cat, so I was able to get ahead of her.
We passed again a block or two later. She suspected nothing, and I wanted my chance to meet her again. Well, we came face to face again. Here I was the same guy coming from the other way a block or two later. We connected again, but there was fear in her eyes and she averted and walked on.
Guess I should have said, “Haven’t I seen you before? We passed each other, I think, back there.”
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Wow @Yellowdog! Yeah. That would freak me out too!
I think that’s called stalking? scary for the girl.
I don’t think one instace can be construed as stalking. It was a thoughtless thing for him to do, but it ended there.
Females have groped me, maybe a few dozen times. I had a co-worker, grab my penis, at a Christmas party. She grabbed me by my penis, and stroked it multiple times. It was not pleased. Adding to the oddness, was that several other girls I worked with, were encircling me. They all seemed to take pleasure in my sexual assault. Apparently, I heard that they had met up in the restroom, and planned the assault. That made me loose trust in all of them. I left the party immediately. Some of them texted me, and asked why I left. I confronted most of them later, expressing how it made me feel. They all acted as if I should have been happy about it. The girls involved didn’t speak to me, for several weeks after. The girl who did it. I never spoke to her about it. She was drunk at the time of the incident, and had made out with at least 6 guys, and 2 girls, before the incident. She never apologized, for it. She never mentioned it. We worked together, for several years after, and she acted like it never happened. Years later, I ended up working with her at a different place. I never spoke to her about it, and I grew to dislike her. I didn’t want her to go to jail for her actions. But it bothered me, that she never said anything about it.
If I had fingered a girl, without her permission, I’d likely be in prison.
She was very pretty. And I can’t say I wouldn’t have wanted her to be sexual with me. But, it was the way it happened, that I hated. There is a CLEAR double standard, between the genders. If I could just “grab em by the pussy,” I probably would. But that’s not how things work, and I have self control. But this girl did this to me, and got away with it.
Many other females, have done similar things to me. And it’s just not a big deal. But men get their lives ruined, from such behavior. I’m not saying men should be able to do it. But. This girl has a very cushy job, right now, at a medical university. And she will never face any ramifications, for her actions. #Me too? Whatever…
It’s bullshit.
People do stupid things sometimes, but ONLY men, are held accountable….
I hated the way people would practically beg to be my first when I was growing up staying a virgin. Older adults, too, it was very creepy.
@MrGrimm Invading your personal space alone then grabbing you is not okay. Having a penis does not mean you’re dtf 24–7. A serious ‘no thank you’ should sober them up. Sorry.
^I wasn’t happy about it. But similar things have happened so often, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want every female who grabbed me, to be imprisoned, or their lives ruined.
JP. What do you call BS on?
@johnpowell who you calling bullshit on? (Good to have you back.)
One time, when I had a daycare, and I was a single mother, living alone, one of my kids came to me at 3 years of age, not potty trained. After several patient weeks I got her potty trained.
About a year later she suddenly regressed. She was pooping and peeing in her pants on a regular basis. I knew something was very wrong but I didn’t know what.
Well, turns out Mom’s boyfriend was released from prison. I don’t know what he went in for. My daycare child’s regression dated right back to the moment he was released.
One time Mom brought the guy with her to pick the child up. He was a HUGE, hulking, drooling, hairy, mentally challenged animal.
I don’t know WHY Mom thought he should come in, but he just stood there leering at me, mouth open, tongue hanging out, almost literally drooling. It was disgusting…..and I was terrified for a long, long time after that. That brute knew where I lived. I literally thought of making up rumors about myself that I had AIDs!! I was really, really, really scared.
It was instantly apparent what the the poor child’s problem was.
I actually called CPS. But nothing happened.
It depends on how that girl thought , right?
In any case he taught her to be more vigilant when taking a walk by herself, to become more aware of her surroundings and others that are in it.
So in that case it taught her and probably saved her from harm?
It was a good thing then.
How what girl thought? Who was taking walks? What are you talking about?
Agreed. If this was a response to @Dutchess_III it has nothing to do with what she wrote about.
Thank you. Looking back, she may have been responding to what you wrote @Yellowdog. Assuming that it is, gosh. She wasn’t out just taking a walk by herself. She was on a crowded campus, in broad daylight, walking to class. She saw him all three times. How much more vigilant can a girl be?
@Dutchess_III I determined, 5 years later, that it must have been the branch manager’s wife that made the phone call and the manager didn’t say anything because he was afraid the employee might beat the stuffing out of him. And how do you explain your beating to the wife and kids??? Better to let some other poor shmuck take your beating…
So…the branch manager’s wife made a phone call to whom to tell them what?
The branch manager’s wife called the employee’s wife to tell her that her husband might be cheating on her. She didn’t ID herself so everyone thought that since I was having a bit of a spat with him (for patting a office girl on the behind) it must have been my grandmother who made the call, thus making me responsible for the call.
Wow. What a mess! I’m glad you came out OK.
@Dutchess_III This girl I was referring to, was going the opposite way when we passed. We were initially pleased with each other, and I almost introduced myself but we were strangers who just walked up to each other and I did not know what to say, so we walked on. I regretted it immediately, but what could I have said?
The creepy thing was, I met her again about a block later, again, coming from the opposite direction, I wanted to meet her again and didn’t think how weird it must have seemed. Our eyes met again, I still did not know what to say, and this time, I think it creeped her out and she averted her eyes nervously and walked on. At that point, I couldn’t do anything but forget it.
Stalking, I think, would be if I showed up again.
That isn’t exactly how you told it the first time
You said you went out of your way to get ahead of her and when she saw you AGAIN, but coming from a different direction, you saw the fear in her eyes.
I don’t think it was stalking either. It was a clumsy attempt to meet a girl without thinking your strategy all the way through.
Came across my comment on another thread, from 2016, about telling someone their fly is open.
“Several years ago I had a man leeringly tell my my cow was escaping. I had no idea what he was talking about so he bluntly told me. I got the distinct impression that he thought I’d done it on purpose to turn him on. He was standing there grinning lewdly, happily. I snapped ‘I don’t have a cow!’ And turned away. This was in the two year old’s room at my church where I volunteered. He was a married man.” He wasn’t the only married man at my church to hit on me, either. All that was creepy.
@Dutchess_III Your cow was escaping….wow, never heard that before in my life. And at church. Yikes.
I can see it being used as a term for a guy with his fly open…the “cow” referring to his penis, but it made no sense to use the term to refer to a girl. It was super creepy.
There was another guy, high up in the church, who developed a horrible infatuation with me. And he was married. It was VERY uncomfortable.
Its pretty creepy when some guy on Fluther dredges up this question again.
When I was 15, a thirty-something guy asked to go out with me and gifted me a stuffed animal reeking of cigarette smoke. That was creepy, and more so in retrospect.
^Well. Men, can definitely be creepy. I’m sorry, that that guy did that.
A close friend of mine (female, ) lost her virginity, to a 30 something year old neighbor, when she was 15. She seemed happy about it. I was disgusted, by her account. I was sad, for her, but I had no control over the situation.
It happened a long time ago.
Life is odd. Had I known the guy, I’d have tuned him up. But. I try, not to get involved in my female friend’s lives… She apparently liked everything about it. When she told me about it, I wanted to say lots of things. But, it didn’t feel like it was my place. She is a doctor. Likely smarter than me… What could I, should I say… I just took it, and didn’t say anything…
I guess I feel like people, should make their own decisions. This female, decided to do what she did. And it’s in the past. It’s history…
It’s creepy. To me. But, not to her…
What am I supposed to do?
Well, when I lost my virginity at 15 it was a conscious decision to do so. I decided a week before it happened. Of course, the guy was my age and had no clue what he was doing regarding women, just himself, so he was happy. I was disappointed, of course. And confused as to what the big deal was supposed to be. (I wouldn’t find that out for another 5 years.) But in a weird way, I was glad that I was no longer a virgin. When all was said and done, apparently him “taking” my virginity was a big deal to him. It meant nothing to me.
Well. It’s got to go. I would prefer it,to go to a nice guy. Not a 30 year old guy….
I guess it’s none of your business who your neighbors lose their virginity with. If she wanted to have sex with a guy twice her age then that’s her business.
Why are you so hung up on this shit?
No. It’s none of my business…
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