Social Question

What is something you realized lately that you didn't realize before?
I was on FB chat with an old high school classmate. He sent me a video of him dancing very recently. He said, “I may be old but I still got some moves!” And he did. He’d go all the way to the ground and back up. I told him I’d dance with him, if he held my hand so he could pull me back up!!
I put in a muscle arm a heart, then went looking for an emoji of two people….and suddenly realized, all the people emojis are WHITE. My classmate is black. I wouldn’t have even realized about the emojis if I had gone specifically looking for an emoji of a black guy.
It must be hard to be black and to see examples of this kind of casual, unthinking exclusion everywhere you turn.
Please don’t start sending me obscure emojis of black people. I was stuck with what FB had, which is basically what my phone has too.