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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

What kind of craftsmanship do you admire?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) October 9th, 2019

Is there anything that you will always notice when it comes to the craftsmanship of a particular object? What kinds of things do you notice?

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20 Answers

chyna's avatar

I love glass work. Blown glass or sun catchers. I tried my hand at it and was not talented in that area.
I love wood crafting. My brother does this and I’m so impressed with him. I find myself looking at other people’s work and comparing it to his work. His is usually better.
I make jewelry so I always look at other people’s and compare to my own.
A few jellies have been recipients.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@chyna -I never got to try blown glass. It looks fun but the heat would kill me. lol
I started thinking about wood joinery after an answer to a question i posted and that is beautiful to look at.
I went here: a number of years ago. Beautiful work in this house.
What type of jewelry do you make?

jca2's avatar

I am fairly detail oriented so when I look at handmade things, I’m looking at how the joints come together (dovetail, for example). I do decoupage, so if I look at other people’s decoupage, which is not too often because nobody I know does it, I am looking at the surface of the finish. Same with handmade furniture or when people refinish something. I look at the surface of the poly to see if it has streaks or bubbles.

I would love to learn how to do beading for jewelry. I have so many findings but have not yet gotten into it.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@jca2 -I do that too with the finish on wood and also with the paint jobs I see on cars.Orange peel, dry spray,runs bug the hell out of me. LOL
As for wood, the most satisfying to work with so far for me is mahogany. I has a lot of depth and reflects light in a beautiful way. It cuts nice too. No wonder they carved it.
I thought of making glazed beads for my niece but the wire they use for that would slump in my kiln at the temps I go to.
There are so many options for beading anyway it seems.

raum's avatar

Wood joinery, most definitely.
And also the linework in an etching.

chyna's avatar

I make necklaces, bracelets and earrings. I use beads and findings. Mine are not expensive as the clientele here would not buy expensive jewelry. But I try to make things people like and look good in.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@raum- Joinery is interesting.My husband made me a small bookshelf with tongue and groove
plus tenon fasteners.he has patience. I love this thing:)
@chyna -Smart lady! Jewelry usually does well at the art fairs I’ve done.:)

raum's avatar

That sounds lovely. Does he do a lot of woodworking?

Sometimes I go to estate sales just to admire the craftsmanship of things. It’s very anthropological.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@raum – I think marquetry & parquetry is interesting as well, even if those words sound made up.

raum's avatar

LOL Haven’t deep dived into those. Only Pinterest level. They are really beautiful though.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

raum-I just lost my rely to you.!#$%
My husband doesn’t do a lot of wood projects but he is a quick study.
The largest wood project so far was re planking the port side of an old woodie we once had.
After I saw that, my imagination went wild with future projects.
He might run away from home. Lol! :)

ucme's avatar

Mechanics, particularly when they restore a car from near enough scrap.
Love seeing them getting their hands dirty in amongst all the bits & bobs, so satisfying to see everything come together.
I think I admire this so much because my knowledge of cars begins & ends with how it looks & squeezing the loud pedal.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -and that’s alright :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@raum _ I have to learn to temper my enthusiasm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Cross stitching,embroidery ( from around the world) lace making too.
Router work on thick wood that show craftsmanship of designs etc
Glass blowing artifacts too.
I love to see homemade products especially from around the world.
So I guess History or Culture influences my choices as I like viewing things from a different angle.
I have also viewed and loved African painting, very colorful!
Especially images produced in older times like 1600“s as we never see that unless in a museum.
Book making from scratch also intrigues me as well as collecting old books form Addyeman books in Wales on there Hay on Wye Town devoted to selling and collecting old books out of print.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write -All interesting things!
I want to fire some of my pots using a method Mata Ortiz potters use.I love this pottery but it requires dried horse sh!t. Something I don’t want to store at my house.Lol!

Inspired_2write's avatar

Find out what properties are in horse shit and see if one can find another alternative.
Chemistry is involved.
Maybe fertilizers might work?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write – So are politics! LOL!
I asked a question about something similar here years ago.
I know certain woods will burn hotter/longer. The purpose of the poop (POP) I believe, helps with reduction.
It smothers the fire, creating a reduction atmosphere where the extraction of oxygen comes from some compounds of the glaze, the clay or the coloring oxides & is enhanced. In this case, it’s black.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Construction of stuff.

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