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JLeslie's avatar

Do you have information about diets good for kidneys?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) October 11th, 2019 from iPhone

I’ve been reading up and the general guidelines seem to be to watch the intake of salt, potassium, and phosphates.

I read that whole grains are high in phosphates, beans, and seafood. I name these, because usually this would be items on a “healthy” diet.

I knew dark colas are high in phosphates, and dairy products but I just read so is fast food.

Should I start counting phosphate milligrams?

I read that the phosphates found naturally in foods aren’t absorbed well, so is it not concern?

If I’m worried about my kidneys do I opt for white bread and white rice over whole grains?

I’m going to talk to a doctor about it, but wanted to hear what the collective knows and has experience with. Did your kidney function get better on a specific diet?

Also, what about low dose aspirin daily?

The drug Zetia?

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6 Answers

chyna's avatar

Are you worried about your kidneys? Are you having issues or symptoms?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mom was on dialysis and from what I remember, her diet was also low on protein.She did take a low dose aspirin everyday. This was around 1997,I believe.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m not sure you were on any of those Q’s, my kidney function went below normal when I started a blood pressure medicine. It’s never been below normal, and it’s tested quite regularly. I stopped the medicine, and retested a month later and the number got better, but still below normal. The 3rd test went just barely up into the normal range, and then I tested again a few months later and it was holding at the barely normal. This barely normal number is lower than my historical number previous to all of this starting, and I have been tested quite regularly for 15 years, so I have the numbers. I think the medicine did some permanent damage.

I want to see if maybe I can do something with my diet without it screwing up what I’m trying to do for my high cholesterol.

Some people dismiss my concern saying “well you’re in normal range now” but it’s by two points, and not my normal. They ask me if I was dehydrated, the same as always I drink plenty of water before a blood test.

I just did another blood test this week, I don’t have that result yet. Hopefully, the number is better. I did start back on Zetia (cholesterol medicine) to see if that has any negative kidney effect. My doctors won’t check my liver enzymes, which I think is incompetent. If the blood order was handwritten I would have changed the order myself. Maybe I can get a test without a doctor’s order, I didn’t think to check that until I wrote this now. For some reason my GP wrote only a BMP, and the office wouldn’t just change the order when I asked a few weeks later. My doctor was out in maternity. The prescribing doctor, my cardiologist, won’t give me any blood test orders period. I was talking to someone the other day, and when I mentioned my cardiologist won’t give me a blood test order he guessed my cardiologists name. He knew who it was. He’s retired from the medical field.

I plan on seeing my doctors who I really liked in Memphis in the next few months. I’m so frustrated. The only reason I knew I had the kidney problem was because I asked for a CMP and some other tests when I started the Zetia, and the prescribing doctor wouldn’t even order it. I had to go to my GP and ask for it, and luckily she obliged, but I’m 90% sure it was the BP meds, because I timed when I tested and was able to repeat the test out of squirreling away lab orders. I ask for orders every time I go to the doctor whether I’m going to do them right away or not. Thank God I did.

The doctor didn’t even call me when the low number first cane back. The office said they didn’t have a record it’s of my results. Then I emailed it and the doctor never called me, then I printed it out and hand delivered it, asking for a repeat test. No call. Then I went back in person and demanded a test and accused them of being incompetent and negligent, and they finally wrote the order. That was the second test that was still below normal, but better. The office called me to say my kidney function was low and to stop taking my medicine. I already had stopped. Thank goodness I don’t always listen to nurses and doctors, but one day it will likely kill me. So far it has saved me from harm most times. I know I should get a new doctor, but really it’s so frustrating. Sorry to vent.

chyna's avatar

I’m sorry this is all happening to you. I have no advice regarding your kidney function but the hospital I work at and its sister hospital have a day once a week that you can go in and get the blood work you want without an order. Each test is 10.00. So I can get a lipid, TSH, cmp, CBC for 40.00 and no order. Perhaps you can call around your area to see if a clinic or hospital has that. They send the patient and their PCP the results within a week.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Thanks for that info. I guess that means the test won’t go towards my deductible, but my deductible is so high it might not matter. I use Quest labs usually. I’ll check with them.

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