Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What would happen politically and socially in America if another Republican President tries to do what Trump and his voters want but without the demonizing of illegal immigrants, attacks on the news media and government institutions like the FBI?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 13th, 2019 from iPhone

Assume that everything was the same except Trump never attacked anybody nor incited hate and instead kept debating and arguing incessantly for why the things he wants to be done must be done.

Also, could he have won the election without the nasty bombasts?

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4 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump has grabbed the soul (so to speak) of the Republican party. Trump has very high approval ratings among Republicans. Nobody in straying far from his agenda. It would appear that any Republican presidential candidates would follow similar parties. It remains to be seen whether a Democratic presidential candidate, particularly a progressive candidate can succeed.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Frankly I think the vitriol would continue until liberals win again. For any and no reason other than political control.

zenvelo's avatar

There is an inherent contradiction in your premise. “Demonizing illegal immigrants, attacks on the news media, and government institutions like the FBI” is exactly what Trump voters have wanted for years.

Undocumented immigrants have been a bug bear for Republicans since Ronald Reagan. Hatred of the news media was at the center of Pat Buchanan’s “culture war” and Sarah Palin’s antipathy to the “lame stream media”. And the right has hated the FBI since it investigated the Klan in the 60s, followed by Ruby Ridge and Waco.

You can’t divorce those issues from the GOP platform. Trump just voiced out loud what was grumbled about in private.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Goes to show how little I know about GOP voters. For some reason I thought their aim was to drive hard bargains sure but still get the country moving forward somewhat.

But what was I thinking. Make America Great Again. Makes perfect sense.

I did have a bad feeling when some Dems and Republicans agreed to push for immigration reform but some Republicans would block it asking to secure the border first.

It’s that securing the border first counter-offer that made me wonder if they were sincere.

Genuine statesmen are capable of crafting a fair deal where no one gets everything but they do get something and it moves the country forward. Another fantasy maybe.

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