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lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Are the things that brought you joy ten years ago,the same things that bring you joy now?

Asked by lucillelucillelucille (34325points) October 13th, 2019

Have you changed that much?

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27 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Pretty much the same, some small changes. If anything, my joys have become more regular and more intense over the same things, which I attribute to a practice of gratitude.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@zenvelo -You took the words right out of my mouth. :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Somewhat, hobbies and interests ebb and flow.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me -Do you find that when you return to one of those hobbies,you are better at it?

LadyMarissa's avatar

Mine are nowhere near the same!!! In those 10 years my husband died, both my parents died, both my cats died, my dogs have gotten so old that they don’t enjoy the trips we used to take. I have gotten to the age that I’m sure that I would still enjoy some of the old thing IF I could still get my body to do them!!! I have found that more & more that I remember the good old days & think of ALL the fun that I had. Since I don’t believe in drowning in my own misery, I opt to enjoy the memories instead of being frustrated over the things I can NO longer do!!! Also, my common sense is a LOT more conservative than it used to be as it understands the consequences of my actions a lot better now!!!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Certain things yes, others I find skill and talent are on loan. Playing guitar is one, I’m not as good as I once was. When it comes to construction/craft projects I tend to get better at those.

janbb's avatar

Almost not at all. 10 years ago my adult children and family time brought me joy. Now I am divorced and my children are living separate lives far away from me. Reading and nature have always brought me joy but now in addition live music, friends and being by the ocean are all sources of joy. Making art and my faith community are also sources of joy.

rebbel's avatar

Not many things brought me joy ten years ago, other than a bit music, and maybe the odd few seconds after a purchase of one or the other.
Although my memory isn’t something I can rely on fully, I think I can say that since my teens I hadn’t had very much moments of joy.
These days I (literally) count my blessings.
The last few (two-ish) years I’ve had quite some joyful experiences.
They usually come from nature, music, and love.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes it has improved in that all those pictures that I took are better as I learn editing properties that also allow for manipulation to create artistic results.

Example: I learned this year by reediting one of my late fathers’ boxing photo when he was only 17 years of age training outside with his Uncle using various techniques and colors etc

It turned out so good that I may do some more (on copies) of the vintage images that I colorized and was going to make into a book ( started that process )but have now considered this Artistic way of presenting them.
I discovered that the more one keeps at a skill the better one becomes at it.

anniereborn's avatar

I would say pretty much the same types of things. I have added to my repertoire of most of those categories. Like, new bands, new musicals, new movies, new tv shows, new friends, new family members etc. Not a lot has changed in my life from age 41 to 51.
Okay, no, that is not true at all, but none of them affected the things that bring me joy.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^ Beware of 51–61 & even more aware of 61–71…my Mom was 83 when she passed & she always assured me that I had NO idea…yet!!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@janbb -:)
@rebbel- Add art to that & you have some of mine.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Inspired_2write – I used to use Photoshop but when I switched to Linux, I now use GIMP and have to say that I like it a lot more.
Way too much fun can be had with them!
The book is a great idea.:)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@anniereborn -Yep, as I have added things,the old stuff hasn’t changed.

anniereborn's avatar

@LadyMarissa I already hate how I have aged. I don’t need a reminder of what may be coming ahead, thanks.

raum's avatar

The things that brought me joy ten years ago still bring me joy. I’ve just added a few new ones along the way.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I had a trial use of Photoshop and disliked the limited editing tools and “if” I wanted more editing tools I had to shell out more money.

I purchased a five dollar “Picture It Program” in a sales bin and that program had all that I needed and more that the pricey Photo programs .

Unfortunately It is now unavailable anymore?
I still have the CD and its installed on my old computer and that is cumbersome to go back and forth downloading to a USB and then copy to my new computer…but I guess its a lot better than paying hundreds of dollars for new software?

I looked at PicMonkey program but undecided, then I did see GIMP program and it looked good too, but the costs are too expensive for me at the moment.

I would rather pay it outright then pay payments per month off my credit card.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I can’t blame you.
GIMP was free with the installation of my OS.
I have heard that it’s comparable to Photoshop’s best.So far,so good.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have used GIMP for a very long time.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me – What do you think of it?
At first, I resisted using it as I liked Photoshop & the ease of use but when I took the time to play with Gimp,I really liked it.

kritiper's avatar

Yes, but I’m less likely to want to keep the light on.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me -What would you do to improve it?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Nothing, it has always done what I needed it to and for free on whatever platform I needed it to work on. I don’t understand why most people pay for Photoshop.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me – Me either.It came with a computer I bought a long time ago. Then when I switched OS, I wanted it back but the version I wanted was a lot of money. I tried GIMP and am happy with it.

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