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Dutchess_III's avatar

Of these five 70's ladies, who do you find the most attractive?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 13th, 2019

These women.
There are a couple of 70’s women conspicuously absent from that line up, but let’s just go with what’s here. Who do you find the most attractive?

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53 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Lynda Carter #1 IMO

elbanditoroso's avatar

Upper right. Is that Sally Field?

rebbel's avatar

Bottom right lady (I know her, just doesn’t come…) looks very pleased/happy; I find that attractive.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s Hot Lips Hoolahan from MASH, @rebbel.

I believe it is Sally Field @elbanditoroso.

rebbel's avatar

Ah, yeah, thanks for reminding me.

Stache's avatar

Pam Grier

Dutchess_III's avatar

Who is the woman on the bottom left, and also in the center on the right in the wedding veil?

Bill1939's avatar

Sally Field would be my favorite of the five women shown.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I’m surprised that none of “Charlie’s Angels” made the list.

Of these 5 ladies, I’d have to go for Lynda Carter. Both her face and body were perfectly gorgeous.

@Dutchess_III The gal in the wedding veil is Talia Shire.

Stache's avatar

Bottom left is Pam Grier

aka- Foxy Brown

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Love_my_doggie…Like Farrah? I found this on Facebook. Farrah would have stolen the show so that’s probably why she didn’t make the list.

zenvelo's avatar

Sally Field, by far of those five.

As far as ‘70s women go, none of them hold a candle to Princess Caroline of Monaco.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Sally Field, as she has a natural healthy look that is attractive and will never go out of style.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Can I add Sally Field would my second choice.

ucme's avatar

Sally Field hands down, until she opens her mouth that is.
None of the others do a thing for me, never have.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think we are all missing the point here.

Which of these five women did @Dutchess_III most resemble in the 1970s?

anniereborn's avatar

Sally Field for sure.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I also find Sally Field the most attractive,too. I just like her.

janbb's avatar

I’m surprised Farrah Fawcett isn’t in the group although I never liked her looks. I’d go with Sally Field too; I used to be told I looked like her.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The question was not about who was the most beautiful women in the 70s. If it had been, Goldie Hawn would have been on that list too. But it was just about between these 5 women.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Linda Carter.The contrast between her hair and eyes is stunning.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Sally field looks exactly like my mom did in the 70’s

I like whoever that is right below her.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Yeah. Who is that?

josie's avatar

The one in the red thing
Just go ahead and delete the others

josie's avatar

The one in the red thing whomever she is
How many are there in a red thing?!

cookieman's avatar

Sally Field for sure, but I wouldn’t mind any of them coming down for breakfast.

janbb's avatar

Isn’t that woman in the red thing Sophia Loren?

josie's avatar

It could be Sophia McGillicuddy and I would not complain

Dutchess_lll's avatar

What was Pam Grier famous for?

Pinguidchance's avatar

I like the astrophysicist, wasn’t she the one that led that feminist movement?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I guess I didn’t realise Pam Grier is black.

Stache's avatar

^Grier became known in the early 1970s for starring in a string of 1970s women in prison and blaxploitation films such as The Big Bird Cage, Coffy, Foxy Brown, and Sheba, Baby.

raum's avatar

Pam Grier is African-American, Hispanic, Chinese, Filipino, and Native American.

raum's avatar

Pam Grier is the hottest.
Linda Carter is the prettiest.
Sally Field is the cutest.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Pam Grier is just perfect then!

I don’t think Lynda Carter is beautiful. I never have.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_lll you’re not a guy so I think you wouldn’t.

Brian1946's avatar

One of my favorite ladies from the 70’s not linked in the OP is France Nuyen.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I know when a woman is beautiful when I see them. Nichole Brown (OJs Wife) was beautiful. Melania Trump is beautiful. Liz Taylor was beautiful.
I just don’t find Lynda Carter beautiful. Not sure what not being a guy has to do with it.

Stache's avatar

^I don’t find any of those women attractive. ;)

anniereborn's avatar

Pam Grier was also in the TV series “The L Word”

filmfann's avatar

Sally Field without question.
And that’s kind of odd, because I know she has battled depression, but I think she’s all that and a subscription to Premiere.
Damn I miss that magazine.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I hadn’t heard that Fields has depression.

Zaku's avatar

Sally Field.

chyna's avatar

I think Melania trump and Caitlin Jenner look alike. So I don’t find her attractive.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!!! I can kind of see where that’s coming from @chyna! And she’s also rather slatternly so that detracts from her looks too.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Linda Carter and Sally.

JLeslie's avatar

Sally Field and Linda Carter. Neither of whom did I consider to be stunners back in the 70’s. Linda in that outfit isn’t very appealing to me, but if she was in normal clothing she would be.

Jaclyn Smith would have been my answer if you didn’t have photos to choose from. She was beautiful.

I wonder if jellies are looking just at their face, at their body and face, what they’re wearing, how they felt about each actress in the 70’s, etc.

Grier currently has a role on the TV show Bless this Mess. She’s been in a ton of TV shows and movies during her acting career.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I always thought Wonder Woman’s outfit was butt ugly too. And utterly useless. But even in regular clothes, she is just not that pretty, in my opinion.

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