Do You Frequently Experience that People Forget they've Met You Before?
I’ve been trying to think less lately that I am the only one who experiences things. I get so sensitive when someone who I’ve met already says “Hi what’s your name, nice to meet you.” I am afraid that I have some flaw that makes me invisible or boring.
I feel like people never remember me and it will even be like 3 or 4 times that I have met and talked with them. I was at a wedding this weekend and there were several people who I had met and had conversations with like 3+ times and they had no recollection of who I was.
I don’t think of myself as boring or forgettable. I have lots of tattoos, a nose ring, my hair is blonde and black and I dress very interesting and always wear make up and hair styles that most people do not wear. I’m not trying to be self centered but I am a pretty young girl lol. I’m polite and converse with people. I am always surprised to find out that someone doesn’t remember me AT ALL!
Does anyone else have this problem? Why do you think people are so forgetful?
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18 Answers
I don’t experience that.
I do often forget people’s names, though. I have a way of covering that up. I just act happy to see them so the name part doesn’t even come up.
People might be too busy with their phones to pay attention?I don’t really know. I wouldn’t worry about it though.
It doesn’t happen to me often. They may not remember my name, which doesn’t bother me at all, but they usually remember me. The people who forget having met me, when it does happen, is usually husbands of my female acquaintances. Those husbands meet bunches of women that their wives know, and a lot of them just get introduced to women like me over and over again, and they don’t have much interest, they are just joining their wives for whatever event.
I wouldn’t be too worried about someone not remembering me who only met me once or twice. Especially, if the meeting was at a party, or if it was a long time ago.
If you are feeling invisible (is that what is upsetting you? I think you were the OP who didn’t have the wedding invitation addressed to you?) then I’d say either just decide it’s not offensive, or change something, maybe this group of people you have been socializing with aren’t a good fit for you? Do you enjoy the company of these people who don’t remember you? If so, follow up with inviting them to lunch or over for a get together. If not, maybe seek other friends.
Are you trying too hard to be noticed? Nose ring, different clothes and hair styles might be making others uncomfortable to be around you. I’m not judging, but maybe the people around you are.
@JLeslie It is DEFINITLY the group of people I am around. Good point though I’m sure a lot of these people don’t care about these events and have their own circle of friends.
@chyna the description I gave of my style maybe made me sound like I look crazy… I don’t look like I’m trying to get attention I was just stating some things that would make me more memorable.
Thanks Fluther, you made me realize IT IS MY FAULT. I am boring and forgettable and no one else experiences this problem I have.
@BackinBlack You have characterized yourself very harshly. Maybe you are boring and forgettable, I don’t know you, but maybe also you are interacting with people who overlook your “type”.
Maybe you need to do more stuff that is interesting to the people you want to be remembered by.
Maybe you need to hang out with different people who share your specific interests.
Maybe you are a ghost (a la Sixth Sense)
I also don’t experience being forgotten a lot.
I have the problem of being the person that forgets people they’ve met before.
I’d like to apologize on their behalf. It’s not you, it’s us. Seriously.
I have noticed that people only care about themselves, so they’re only being polite when they meet you the first time and they have no intention of remembering you after that. The next time they meet you, they aren’t trying to go to the trouble of remembering whether or not they’ve met you before because it is your job to remember them.
Thanks Fluther, you made me realize IT IS MY FAULT. I am boring and forgettable and no one else experiences this problem I have.
I have had it happen to me but I JUST DON’T CARE. I was bored with them the first time I met them and they didn’t impress me anymore the last time I met them. If I’m not interested in bringing them into my circle of “real friends”, I simply don’t care whether or not thy remember me. You’re depending on others to give you your worth. I know who I am and if you don’t want to be my friend, I just don’t care.
And as @raum said, many people just don’t remember anyone so it’s not just you. Stop being so sensitive. Learn your self worth and forget what everybody else thinks.
For better or for worse, I seem to be memorable. Though I’ve had it happen that people better remember my admittedly more memorable twin brother (we’re not identical, I should add, but there’s no doubt that he has a “louder” personality than I do. I was sometimes known only as “S’s brother” where S is my brother’s name). :)
Additionally what happens is that someone introducing me to someone else forgets that the two of us have actually met before.
In the end I think this issue is more on the person forgetting than on the person being forgotten. I tend to be bad with names; that’s no one’s fault but mine.
It isn’t so much forgetting my name… I totally understand how hard it is to remember names.
@SEKA I was joking about “Thanks Fluther, you made me realize IT IS MY FAULT. I am boring and forgettable and no one else experiences this problem I have.” I should have put an lol in there or something.
@rebbel lol gee thanks :)
@BackInBlack No one said you were boring.
You are too hard on yourself. Maybe your insecurity or feelings of hurt are showing through when you meet people.
I have no idea how you are in person, so I don’t want to assume, but you gotta fake it til you make if you are feeling timid and insecure. You can try conforming more, especially at more formal events like a wedding. If most people in your circles don’t have tattoos and a nose ring, maybe lose the nose ring and cover some tattoos at events that are typically more conservative dress so you and your personality Can show through. All that paraphernalia might be distracting. I’m sure some people will disagree with me, but you could try it if you are so inclined.
Show confidence and happiness even if it’s just a show. Be happy to see people, make them feel comfortable when they realize they don’t remember you.
People remember most of all how you make them feel.
@JLeslie -Great advice right there!
“People remember most of all how you make them feel” -Ain’t that the truth :)
It’s kind of funny because I have the opposite problem, but kind of the same reaction.
I have an unusual number of strangers tell me that I seem really familiar or ask if we’ve met before. It’s not a pickup line because I will also get it from old ladies.
It makes me wonder if there’s something about me that just feels super generic to people.
Or maybe I’m so bad at remembering people that maybe I have actually met them before. LOL
Or maybe old ladies find me attractive.
People remember me when I don’t remember them because I teach Zumba, and previously I was a manager, and so they see me on stage every week, when I see a sea of people and meet a lot of people, or as a manager I was called over to help all over a large store. Anyway, sometimes people are remembered when it’s just their position or title.
No. I frequently can’t remember their names or where I know them from. I have always sucked at that kind of recognition. Rick is amazing at it.
People usually remember me and I am very good at remembering names and faces. However, I sometimes think the paint color on my car is called “invisible”.
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