Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Will you help me with some advice on making a FB page for my sister to show case her artwork?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) October 15th, 2019

She wants me to make the page, but she doesn’t want anything to do with Facebook, so that’s making it a little difficult.

It’s asking for a Website for her page. Well, she doesn’t have a website. The closest I have is , but that’s not specifically for her work. It’s a gallery that shows art work from a lot of different people, including my sister.
Is it OK to use that website? Or could that be construed as false advertising?

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19 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nevermind. I didn’t put that in as her web page. I did include it else where with a description.

zenvelo's avatar

I would suggest she either use tumblr or Instagram. Facebook isn’t quite set up for that stuff. She can link from tumblr or Instagram to Facebook.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

She refuses to use anything on the internet except email. I’d have to do it. Not sure if I want to though. What would the advantage of Instagram and Tumbler?
Facebook looks good to me so far.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I’ll tag you on what I have so far.

jca2's avatar

I’m the administrator for my job’s page, along with three other people. It’s linked to our personal FB pages, so in other words, when I post on the job’s page, FB asks if I’m posting as myself or posting as _________ (the job). So I believe your sister would need to set up her own profile and then that’s linked to the art page. If she doesn’t want to have her own FB page (for personal use) she could make a fake name or use some play on her own name, and when she’s setting it up, when it asks if FB has permission to send friend requests to all of her friends through her email address, she can say no.

I’d also say if your sister doesn’t know how to use FB, this is a lot to learn all at once. It’s enough to learn how to use it for personal use, but to get used to that plus the art page at the same time, it might be overwhelming.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

She refuses to set up an account.

I’ll hit you up on the admin stuff if you don’t mind @jca2. I’ve made two other pages (family pages) but there is virtually no administration needed.
Maybe I should make a seperate account?

zenvelo's avatar

If she doesn’t want to market her work on line, then there is no good reason why anyone should expend any energy helping to set it up.

JLeslie's avatar

Create a Facebook page and load up the photos. Add one more admin besides yourself, just in case, God forbid, you can’t make changes when they’re needed.

My friend has a page with her drawings and paintings and the cover photo is a collage. I’ll PM you the Facebook page.

jca2's avatar

You can connect the page to your personal account, @Dutchess_lll , but then if people have questions you’re going to be the middle man. I agree with @zenvelo, if she doesn’t want to do it, why make her do it. Still, if you need help, I’ll help you.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Set up an Etsy account instead.

raum's avatar

An Etsy account would make more sense. But it would also require a much larger commitment.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not making her do anything. As far as I know, she doesn’t have to have a thing to do with Facebook. I’m just tryin’ to help a sista out, the way I would have liked some of my family members to help me out. Her phone number and email are listed on the page as contact information. I think I’ll run with it for a while and tweek it as necessary. I may decide to just delete it in the end.

kritiper's avatar

It might be better to showcase her artwork in your home or garage with a notice of the event in your local paper.

raum's avatar

Or see if a local cafe has openings for showcasing art from local artists.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kritiper, @raum She lives in Santa Cruz, California. I live in Kansas. I haven’t seen her in 15 years. Some of her work is already on display at Shidoni Gallery in Santa Fe. See Following are some examples of some of her work.

I may not appreciate her art but I’m sure many people will, and it’s a little more valuable than what you might normally get out of someone’s garage or a flea market.

raum's avatar

I’m in a local FB group for artists and once in awhile places will post asking for artists to showcase their work. (Coffee houses, offices, city hall.)

Maybe this one ?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks. I asked to join the group @raum. I’ll post her stuff there, too.

raum's avatar

It’s really nice that you’re doing this for her, Dutch. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s family. She’s in a bad place financially. I really don’t have much money to send her, so if I can help her make some money another way I’m happy to do it.

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