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ragingloli's avatar

What are some things you see in movies that you were convinced were pure Hollywood fantasies, until you found out that they were real?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) October 16th, 2019

For example, those blenders below kitchen sinks, that shred leftover food.
I thought that those were the most ridiculous nonsense ever.
I still have trouble believing those things actually exist.

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19 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Garbage disposals? That’s funny. I am guessing you are in New York City, where they are illegal.
For me it was watching the movie Copycat. Sigourney Weaver typed into a number of online computer chat rooms. I hadn’t seen that before.

LuckyGuy's avatar

About ¾ of the toys that M demonstrates to Bond in most of the movies.

Jet packs, weaponry, recording devices, transmitters. take-apart guns, rocket bullets, mini subs. 2 part explosives, etc. To be honest, that is my favorite part of the whole JB franchise.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Garbage disposals? Those things have been around since like the 1930s.

rebbel's avatar

In America (almost exclusively).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah self driving cars.

janbb's avatar

@filmfann loli is in Germany.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Life is so much better with a garbage disposal, especially when your dishwasher empties into one.

rebbel's avatar

Or any other numbersome.

janbb's avatar

Gull wing cars

Castle's avatar

LOL @rebbel

I hate to brag but I was only 2 people shy of a threesome last night!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Castle Ménage à une for me too!

Castle's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 we’re awesome!

Patty_Melt's avatar


JLeslie's avatar

Garbage disposals change your life. I’ve lived with and without them, and having one means you don’t have to worry about food scraps going down the drain when you wash the dishes. I still don’t dump a lot of food down the drain, but it’s nice not to worry if something falls down the drain.

On TV they had people talking to computers, and super large video screens, and I always believed it could happen, but we didn’t have it yet back in the 70’s, now it’s real. That was Star Trek.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@JLeslie isn’t it funny some of the things predicted in Star Trek?
Some we have surpassed. Those little diskettes they use in their computers are nothing compared to a memory card or USB flash drive.

janbb's avatar

Video chatting

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’ve always disliked overly-complicated heist movies. Why go after some super-protected museum piece when you can rob normal homes and businesses? Nobody would bother, right?

But recently I read about a couple of insanely daring robberies.

In 1964 a couple of Florida surfers cut through the windows of the American Museum of Natural History and stole the prize jewels from the collection.

And in 2000, a gang smashed into the Millennium Dome with an earth-moving backhoe to steal the Millennium Star diamond from an exhibit.

NY Daily News – How two surf bums pulled off a daring jewel heist from NYC’s American Museum of Natural History

Wikipedia – Millennium Dome raid

Patty_Melt's avatar

Big heists are rarely for the goods alone. Glory has a lot to do with it.

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