Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Are violent protests only decried, because the ones in power realise that "peaceful protests" are least likely to result in change?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) October 19th, 2019

The French Revolution was not just a bunch of peasants holding signs, after all.

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27 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Violence, can spread. Like an uncontrolled fire.
The ones in power, are typically the reason, for the violent protests. Eventually, this can lead to revolution. Which, is obviously bad, for those on power.
That’s why we have “elections,” in America. To give the population, an illusion of control.

So…When the white house is under siege, by thousands, they can say “you elected us.”

Zaku's avatar

Not only, but perhaps fundamentally.

Sagacious's avatar

No. They are decried because they are violent.

josie's avatar

Are they still teaching this at Freie Universität Berlin?

If violent protest is accepted as a means of resolution to disagreement then all disagreements will be resolved by escalating levels of violence until the last man is left standing

Presumably The Ubermensch

And the rest is history

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You should chime in more often. I always like your contributions… Just saying….

Demosthenes's avatar

Well sure, the “ones in power” don’t like violent protests, but they aren’t the only ones who decry them. Those just trying to live their lives probably aren’t too fond of the disruption and chaos they cause either. On the other hand, judging by how some regimes react to peaceful protest, those in power don’t seem to like them either. It’s the repressive actions of those in power against a peaceful protest that often turn it violent. And by that point, there’s often no going back.

seawulf575's avatar

And the left believes that Conservatives want things like the wild west? The idea that violent protests are a good thing is basically what they mean by the wild west…you solve your problems with violence. Now if you want to try blaming someone else for your violence, you can blame those in power as the most convenient scapegoats.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Are you not guilty of blaming those in power, as well?

seawulf575's avatar

^No, I’m pointing out that is the current attitude. When people resort to violent protests, that is on them. No one else forced them to do it, though I suspect there are some that are bankrolled to use violent protest to be disruptive.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I disagree. I think the “current attitude,” is reactionary. When the right shows up, with guns, the left counters… That’s the origin of things, like Antifa. Antifa didn’t try to take over Italy, and kill all fascists. They were trying to prevent the fascists, from doing what they eventually did… It the exact same thing going on RIGHT NOW. The good people of America, won’t stand by, and watch another ethnic cleansing… And by the way, the left didn’t fire into crowds, or drive into crowds. That was the right…
I’m sorry, that the right, is so full of cowards, that they feel the need to show up at protests, with guns. I’m also sorry, that the left, had to resort to countering the right’s cowardly ways…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 you are definitely falling for liberal talking points. What right shows up with which guns? Meanwhile, you entirely ignore that fascist actions of Antifa. Tell you what…you show me where the right-wingers with the guns were at in these incidents:

The list goes on and on. What you really have, as can be seen by dozens of examples, is a radical left group that gangs up on unarmed, helpless people they deem to be from the right. That is the exact thing the brown-shirted Nazi groups did in Germany leading up to Hitler taking charge….outnumber and physically attack people that don’t show the right fervor for the Nazi ideals.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^So. You are denying that a right winger fired into a crowd, and denying that a right winger killed a woman, by driving into a crowd?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Lol… I doubt he’ll give any Star Trek links…

The conservative mind, seems to want the opposite of what GR’s future was. A future, where all cultures where shared, and it made the world/galaxy a better place.
They prefer the entire world, to white/Christian.
If God created the world, and that’s what he wanted, why didn’t he just make us all that way?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 What I’m pointing out is that the left is every bit as violent as the right. So let’s review the situations you bring up. The first is apparently the Las Vegas shooter. His shooting was not for political reasons. He was a nut job looking for infamy. He found it. But that isn’t a political shooting. As for the right wing guy driving into a crowd, I’ll give you that one, though I don’t think he set out to do that. However now let’s look at the reaction from the right. Pretty much everyone on the right (except for some truly radicals) have denounced this guy and his group. Trump denounced them, the right wing media denounced them, and I denounce them. So where is the denouncements from the left for the behavior of Antifa? It doesn’t exist so I guess pretty much all on the left feel they are doing good and their behavior is acceptable.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I wasn’t talking about the LV shooter. I was just bringing up Charlottesville. A SINGLE issue, where the right turned it into a deadly situation.

Denouncing, is meaningless, if you stand side by side with them….

I don’t denounce Antifa. Personally. They’re reactionary. And apparently, a necessary evil.

seawulf575's avatar

And it’s interesting that your proffer that you understand how a right winger thinks. Another liberal tactic. I truly would love everyone to find Jesus, but it won’t happen. It was never meant to be. But that doesn’t mean I dislike people because of it. It might surprise you, but I have friends that are Muslim and Atheist. I have gay friends. I have friends that are black and latino. I have all these people in my life because I judge the person by their character and not condemn them by one trait. That seems to be a leftist attitude since I have never heard anyone from the right bring up these ideas.

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s because the gays, Muslims etc, don’t try to eradicate the others. ONLY the White/Christians, are trying to shape the US, in their image currently…

seawulf575's avatar

Okay…Charlottesville. The answer is the same. You don’t see most on the right supporting their actions. But you are right about standing with them. When Trump denounces their actions repeatedly, when most conservatives will say they are animals and don’t support them, your argument about standing with them falls apart. However, let’s apply that same attitude to the left. Which liberal politician or liberal media talking head has ever even denounced Antifa or their actions? Please, enlighten us. Here’s a thought for you…Denouncing is meaningless ESPECIALLY if you don’t do it. When you can’t even denounce horrid actions, you are, by default, giving tacit agreement with them.

seawulf575's avatar

Really? White/Christians are trying to shape the US in their image? Where do you get this crap? Ok….pull out the citations. I have to see this.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump said there were fine people, on both sides. Please clarify his denouncement there?

MrGrimm888's avatar

As you know, I cannot provide links, on my phone.

No abortions. No gay marriage. Billions of Muslims banned. A wall at the southern border. Mass deportation, of brown people. Extreme support for Israel. Jesus…. I could go on, and on. There’s a war ,from the right, on non’white/non-Christians. You aren’t that dense…

And, I denounce ALL politicians. Sorry. I’m not a liberal….Fuck them too…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You are, again, just spouting the leftist talking point when you say only that Trump said there were fine people on both sides. That is a partial talking point taken by the liberal media to try branding Trump as some sort of White Supremacist. Here is the entire transcript of the interaction where that comment came from

As you can plainly see, if you care to actually look, that Trump was talking about the peaceful protesters when he talked about the “fine people on both sides”. But if you care to look, you will see his description of the driver that plowed into the crowd, he said this:

” I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country, and that is… you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as the fastest one to come up with a good verdict. That’s what I’d call it. Because there is a question. Is it murder? Is it terrorism? And then you get into legal semantics. The driver of the car is a murderer and what he did was a horrible, horrible inexcusable thing.”

But that wasn’t all. He went on to say this of the white supremacists and the Neo-Nazis:

”... I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists because they should be condemned, totally”

He also repeatedly referred to them as the bad people and he also pointed out that there were bad on the left.

Now I really don’t expect you to actually read that citation. It will point out exactly how biased the leftist talking point is…how out of context it is. It will show you reality and facts and those don’t blend well with the liberal viewpoint.

seawulf575's avatar

And if you can’t provide citations, then I suggest all you have is liberal talking points. And I am 100% certain that if you COULD supply citations, we could dig into them and find they are as biased as your statement….just like we just did with that horrible Trump statement about Whiter Supremacists being very fine people….it wasn’t true.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . Maybe I’m one of the people who you speak against the nationlisists’ right. I will not tolerate the nationantiry right. Nor, will I defend ANY of their right to citizenship in the US. .. And yes, I will fight for those people’s rights, like I would my neighbors…

Trump, and I THE SOTCUTS? YOU must be kidding me…

seawulf575's avatar

SOTCUTS? Nationantiry?

MrGrimm888's avatar

LOL. Apologies. Vodka apparently affects my spelling…And more…

I’m not sure what affects Trump, when he talks. It’s hard to defend context, when the POTUS, was speaking directly about Charlottesville.
I’m beginning to think that he should just get a speech writer, and stick to what they tell him to say. 90% of thecriticism he receives, is due to what he says. Maybe he doesn’t mean for things he says, to be interpreted as they are… But. Just like you went after my previous post, people judge you, by what you say…

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