General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Who owns the ducks at the park? And can you legally just pick one up and take it home?

Asked by ragingloli (52381points) October 19th, 2019

Asking for a friend.

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21 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

If you do you would run a fowl of the law. In Canada it is a $500 fine for hunting seagulls. So ducks naturally would be protected too.

MrGrimm888's avatar

In my country, it’s illegal to own wildlife, unless you have a specific permit, for rehabilitation of a certain animal.

There are, of course, farms, where they can own lots of ducks.

janbb's avatar

And where do they go in the winter?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

You can only “take” ducks in certain designated areas with an appropriate license during a specific time of year with an approved firearm. Duck meat is simply the best

Yellowdog's avatar

If you have a suitable pond, ducks will come to you.

But its hard to keep them, as they are wild and will fly off with any passing flock.

Sagacious's avatar

They belong to the public, but just like with other publicly owned items, the ducks are in the care of the park officials and we may not take them home with us for visits. Oh, you can’t take the swings and benches home with you either. Geese are often in parks or anywhere they is water and they just show up every year for a few months. These geese are automatically protected by the park as long as they choose to hang out there.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m not sure how anyone or anything can own a migrating bird.

The park owns the pond, presumably, and therefore has custody of the birds near its lake. But ownership is quite another thing.

I imagine there is some rule that would legally prevent you from grabbing a duck, eviscerating it, and cooking it for Christmas dinner.

zenvelo's avatar

The ducks are not property, they are free, and no, you cannot take them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

AYKM is correct though. There is a “duck hunting season.” Same with deer, and I assume other animals, in the US…

And hells yeah. Duck meat, is ducking great! It’s my person 2nd best bird meat. Number 1, is definitely quail. But I have to eat like 8, to make a meal…

mazingerz88's avatar

Makes me wonder if ducks know they get some protection from humans when they’re at the park…

Was with a friend once who joked about catching one at the park and grill it right there and sell it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No no no. You roast them. With honey, and various hot sauces… Cook ‘em well, so you can cracking the bones, and eat the marrow. Deeeeeliscious!!!!

kritiper's avatar

Most ducks here are Mallards, protected by federal law. No native species can be kept as a pet.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I find it ironic, that we can kill them. Buy not have them as pets…

Yellowdog's avatar

I remember when I was a kid, there was an ABC Afterschool Special which was based on a true story. A park ranger and his children rescued a young deer that had been shot. The deer became part of the family during its recovery, but the authorities did not permit the family to keep the deer nor to feed it, etc etc. The day after they released the deer in the wilderness, it was shot and killed. Wildlife should be free to come and go, but I see nothing wrong with providing food and shelter / or a safe place.

Zaku's avatar

@mazingerz88 Depends on the park. Weapons tend to be prohibited in urban and suburban parks, as is hunting and attacking animals. On more rural public lands, hunting is regulated but allowed in many cases. I’m not sure what the overlaps are with different types of rural/wilderness parks and hunting – you’d want to check in each case.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Duck, duck, goose requires a licence in most game parks.

When tapped on the head, if one Player canardly run due to some malady or other, the other Player takes the new friend home for dinner.

KNOWITALL's avatar

You can buy them here anytime, along with chickens, rabbits, goats, etc.

I’m fairly certain grabbing one at the park is illegal. The water is gated off for the public.

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bobvan's avatar

Can I take a duck from Stubbs Park home and kill and eat it?

elbanditoroso's avatar

They don’t taste that good anyway – not all they’re quacked up to be.

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