Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What does Trump say that makes you want to shoot yourself in the head?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) October 19th, 2019 from iPhone

How can one cope with this load of…!?

Hearing him talk about the Kurds and Turkish forces comparing them to kids that you have to let them fight for a while sometimes before stopping them….

When there’s news of a female Kurdish Democratic politician ( not sure if I heard it right ) being dragged out of her car and executed.

A wife of a US soldier her heart broken writing a letter to the Kurds thanking them for fighting alongside her husband and helped make it possible for him to come home…

Would putting a bullet in my head wake me up from this nightmare in human form in the WH?

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150 Answers

josie's avatar

It would take a whole lot more than a some moron in DC to get me to shoot myself.

I would until 2020 and vote

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump, to me(and to much of the world,) is like a virus.

Let him run his course. And we’ll heal, when he’s gone.

If the Democrats, can get behind a single candidate, the independents, and dems, will make sure we don’t have to deal with him after 2020.

If you can’t wait it out, then feel free to put a bullet in your helmet. But that’s pretty much letting Trump “win” against you. Then, we’ll have one less opponent to his tyranny. You’ll basically be a part of the problem, not the solution….

If that’s what you want, pull the trigger… But it will be helping him. It would serve the world better, if you didn’t….

mazingerz88's avatar

Too bad he just changed his mind as announced a few minutes ago about holding the G7 meeting in his own resort. Would have been a nice addition to corruption charges against him.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump cares about corruption charges, as much as he cares about the price of tea, in China….

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Every thing he says makes me want to frow up. Not kill myself tho. I want I to be around to partay when he’s….out.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^He doesn’t live in the real world. His severe lack of imagination and emphaty is on display as bright as day and when people cheer for him they actually think there’s cause to celebrate. No one seems to realize they are an immoral assembly of human beings in celebration of the utter mediocrity of the human spirit. The even bigger tragedy is that they are Americans.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Chill out! The end is in sight!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Registered Republican for thirty-five years will VOTE straight Democrat in 2020, let that sink in GOP !!

BOZO is the end of the GOP!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

And the people said “Amen.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let’s hope enough American voters wake up and send ole orange hair down the road next year, for the sake of the whole planet not just the us.

Yellowdog's avatar

It really doesn’t matter what Trump says or does. You’d all react the same way.

Demosthenes's avatar

If the Democrats produce someone viable to beat him, then this will all be over soon. But instead I see them repeating the mistakes of 2016: I see Hillary accusing Tulsi Gabbard of being a “Russian asset”, I see lackluster candidates failing to appeal to a wide variety of Americans, I see people getting played like a fiddle by Trump…and all this makes me think he has a good chance of victory in 2020. Prove me wrong. :)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OMG I really do hope your wrong I don’t think the planet can take four more years of the Don Father.

seawulf575's avatar

If Trump makes you want to consider shooting yourself in the head, you have problems. Seek help…NOW!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I decided to “put my money where my mouth is” and started making money on stock market swings caused by his stupid remarks.
Here are some examples: He will lie and say there is a deal with China, so the market will go up. But 2 days later we will find out the deal was not accepted or was not as good as he told us so the market will fall.
Or he’ll say the situation is stable so Turkey will take care of things and the market will go up, But then we will find out Turkey invaded and even Russia is telling them to stop so the market will go down.
I am making short term plays based entirely on the strategy that he will tweet something stupid within 2 weeks. He has not disappointed me.
In fact I usually only need to wait fewer than 4 days. That is enough time for the “People are saying”, Breitbart, Fox, “People are saying”, Facebook, “We’ll see what happens” cycle to loop.

i can’t tell you what the next one will be: “prevent forest fires by raking the leaves in the forest”, or “wind power will make your TVs stop”, or “satellites aren’t needed to tell us the weather”, or “we don’t need the National Institute of Standards and Technology because we already know what time it is”, or “the tariffs will not cost us money”, or “Mexico will pay for the wall”.
What I can tell you is that this week there will be another one. Get your options positions ready.

johnpowell's avatar

@LuckyGuy :: Imagine you worked at Twitter and could delay his tweets from appearing for 15 seconds. He would just think the wifi was slow and you could make a fucking killing. Or you worked in the WH, or was his kid, and had even more warning. Wouldn’t even need to do anything fancy. Sell 10000 SPY or QQQ, wait for tweet, buy back 2 hours later.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree with @Desmosthenes 100%.

He makes me cringe sometimes, but I believe @LuckyGuy is right, its intentional, more than you’d believe. From the jump, he’s used social media to manipulate everyone and everything. Your perception is what he created, nothing more.

SEKA's avatar

Everything he says or does is fully calculated for the best way it will set off a shit storm to distract everybody from the things he’s really doing, so I wait and watch. He wants to be impeached now so he can run again in 2020 and win with a clean slate with which to work. Personally, he’s not worth dying for so I choose to do nothing but wait for my next vote

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Yeah, his tweets make me cringe too. We are on target to re-elect the man because the opposing candidates are doubling or tripling down on what got him in office to begin with. I have not timed the market based on his tweets but have been on a hair trigger to vacate for some time. You could probably write an algorithm that sells stock based on his twitter account though.

mazingerz88's avatar

@LuckyGuy Why I love Fluther. You brought it up.

In 2017 I already wondered if those close to trump wouldn’t take advantage, even including trump himself, in manipulating stocks via his tweets. I only have a few years experience with stock trading before I stopped. Never did options or shorting but I got a glimpse of how they work.

If someone like you who had been doing it for many years and by now quite familiar with how it works, connive with trump I can see the high potential of raking in tons of cash quite easily.

Demosthenes's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Ultimately I think Trump will win if the economy continues its upward trend. I can’t say that’s behind every election win, but in this case I don’t think the American people will want to change presidents and swap out the party in power if the economy is going well, regardless of what other controversy Trump and his administration stir up. That’s just my prediction—take it with a grain of salt.

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I have heard that about Trump and the economy before and I tend to believe that a sinking economy will bode poorly for him. But here’s the other side of that equation: What are the Democrats offering that would really help a sinking economy? The Green New Deal? Gun Confiscation? Medicare for All? So far they have really offered up nothing other than lots of programs that cost more than we bring in each year in taxes or that infringe on our rights. So even if the economy is sagging, does that really mean that Trump isn’t the better choice?

Demosthenes's avatar

Perhaps not, but people seem to think that a change (of any kind) is needed when the economy is sagging. They don’t necessarily need specifics; all they know is that more of the same can’t be a solution. That would be my assumption. I think if there is a recession before the election, Democrats (and Trump too) will change their messages, and in what way I don’t know, so who could really say for sure what would happen?

johnpowell's avatar

When the economy is kicking ass and I am rolling in dough it is because I work so hard and I am the best.

When the economy is shit and I am applying for food stamps for literal dough it is because the system has let me down.,

Will the president get the boot when the economy is bad? Yes.. Will it translate into votes when it is good. Unlikely, since I am the best.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have a feeling for many voters, including many Trump voters this election will be about who is going to do the least amount of damage to the economy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Better than what? Random chance? I think this discussion misses what should matter to each of us.Try selling yourself the proposition that a lying patently dishonest know nothing with a clearly defined mean streak is operating in your or my best interests or those of the country at large. If you cannot mount a reasonable argument against the by now undeniable evidence that the man is a profoundly ignorant duplicitous ignoramus with only his ethical shortcomings to pair with his bad judgement—if you cannot refute that statement, any argument positing that there are people stupid enough to accept such a man as their President should shame YOU to your core. I repeat for the zillionth time that the matter of Trump is BEYOND any and all ideology. It goes to the heart of what YOU know is just basically right and wrong.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly so which of the politicians isn’t a patented liar?

johnpowell's avatar

My sister has twin 18 year old girls. They wish the other one is worse defense worked.

stanleybmanly's avatar

THAT is irrelevant, because as a practical matter NOBODY exceeds Trump in the shortcomings listed. Which is why I find the democrats as useless as the Repiblicans. All that would be required is for ANY democrat in the house or senate to blare out LOUDLY and with the vindictiveness equivalent to the fool’s on what is RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. THAT is all that is required. The EXACT tactics that conservatives and you wolfie leverage against Clinton, Obama, etc. The democrats have a HUGE advantage in an opportunity to out demagogue anything conservatives can come up simply through strident emphasis on THE FUCKING TRUTH. The first one who catches on to this BLATANTLY obvious fact WILL be The President of the United States, and go down as one of this country’s greatest oratory heroes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It actually befuddles me that intellectually honed democrats walk around unaware of the obvious. Bernie in particular must know the lesson bequeathed by that other old man from history—Cato (the censor). That man is immortal for the single fact that he never allowed a public utterance from his throat that did not begin or end with some version of “CARTHAGO DELENDA EST”. Trump is the sort of opportunity for the actual enshrinement of the individual prepared to undertake so simple a task that I cannot believe anyone immersed in so vapid a business as politics would allow such a priceless opportunity to pass unrecognized!

seawulf575's avatar

So…it isn’t the lying that bothers you, it’s just Trump.

ucme's avatar

Well this kinda sums up all you hysterical haters with your incessant, boring, repetitive whining over the fella.

Using exaggerated, attention grabbing sound bites like “shoot yourself in the head”

Dude, that’s exactly what Trump has being doing since he came to office & he’s winning coz you little puppets are still been played like a two bit fiddle.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme It’s simply terrific isn’t it? Annoyingly mouthing off when you don’t have guns right at your face and your kids. No Turk is coming after you. Just this pathetic thing called Brexit.

Stache's avatar

Trump’s base did not win him the election in 2016. Anyone who thinks his base will be responsible for him winning in 2020 is delusional and a poor math student. All one has to do is look at the turnout for 2018. People are fed up with Trump and Republicans.

The only thing his base is good for is being loud and spewing hate on the internet.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The lying barely begins the list. In a trade we all concur to be loathsome, Trump stretches “irregularities” beyond the borders of open criminality. He is absolutely the undisputed low water mark in the political biography of this country. And believe me, THAT takes some doin.!! HE is the ONLY candidate in my lifetime against which an aspirant could actually run and WIN STRICTLY on the platform of the fool’s elimination. He is JUST THAT BAD!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Some of you give him credit where none is warranted. He’s a spoiled brat demented idiot who doesn’t know when to shut the hell up. That’s all he is and it isn’t an act.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

“Even some of Trump’s closest associates now believe he is becoming dangerously erratic and unpredictable. As one former White House officials put it, “It’s just looking like everything is coming apart.” Many are also worried that Trump has removed the few remaining aides who used to constrain him.

Folks, we are entering uncharted territory. Trump is now completely isolated and alone as the calls for impeachment grow louder. If anyone in the cabinet has a shred of integrity left, they should invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. What do you think?

Robert Reicht (sp.) I’ll get more info on him when I’m on my desk top. He seems to know his stuff.

Sagacious's avatar

Nothing. People’s words don’t make me want to shoot myself.

seawulf575's avatar

@Stache “Trump’s base did not win him the election in 2016.” That is true. But what the left is missing is why he did win in 2016. The 2016 election came down to basically one thing: were you happy with the way our federal government was going or did you see the need for change?
A poll in July of 2016 showed 70+% of Americans felt the country was on the wrong path. The candidate the Dems put up was abhorrent to many and only promised faster progress in the direction Americans didn’t like. But the Dems didn’t see that. They refused to believe an outsider could win against their establishment candidate. As a result, Trump resonated with many more in this country than they ever believed possible and he won. Now look at the crop of contestants vying for the Dem nomination. All are radically to the left…the direction most people in 2016 didn’t like going. They are calling out for gun confiscation. They are proposing programs that most people understand mean increased taxes and bloated government control. They are really offering nothing that is viable without drastic increases in taxes and reduction of private sector jobs.
So we are back to where we were in 2016. People may not like Trump, but they really don’t like the rhetoric from the Dems or the future they are promising. So it won’t be just “Trump’s base” that wins the day. It will be all the moderates as well that will vote for Trump again and then the Dems will have to concoct some other shadowy crisis to try overturning the election,.

ucme's avatar

@mazingerz88 Stop flirting with me, you’re making me blush :D
Oh & congrats on hitting out on brexit…like I said, puppets on a string.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@mazingerz88 He could absolutely be giving his friends inside information so they can profits from the market swings. I don’t have an inside like like that.

However, I have been profiting by putting in limit orders that will win if there is a swing. I set them and forget them and wait for our TIC to say something stupid and make the market swing.
He’s as predictable as a bowel movement, He can’t resist more than a few days.
“I’ll host the G7 meeting at my resort. That is not conflict of interest.” “I won’t host it at my resort. That will make those Democrats happy.”

Today is Monday. What will Wednesday bring?

Stache's avatar

@seawulf If what you say is true then all the progressives who won in 2018 wouldn’t have won. You are sadly mistaken.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Whatever the reason for his success, every minute he remains in office vindicates the great fear the people founding this place clearly understood. That we as a people might be incapable of self governance.

seawulf575's avatar

@Stache That is a false comparison. Congressional races tend to follow a different path, though I don’t understand why. People tend to look at the POTUS as someone that has total control which is not true. And they tend to look at Congress as subservient somehow. But in 2018 you also had a different dynamic. You had a Republican majority leading up to the elections, but for two years, the Repubs showed they were do-nothings. Might as well vote for someone else.
But that really only applied to the House, and not a huge wave there. The Dems only had a net gain of 27 seats. Meanwhile, they lost two seats in the Senate. What will be more interesting is to see how some of those progressives that were voted in fare in their next election. AOC, for instance, has not endeared herself to her constituency at all. Her rhetoric and socialist ideals cost them many jobs by driving away an Amazon center that was looking to open in the area. It is apparently difficult to find a single person that really backs her in her district.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I wonder how she managed to be elected with so little support.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We’ll see if she can hold on to her seat in a couple years.

Stache's avatar

I’m laughing over here.

Look at all the non backing she receives.

Don’t forget the key swing states that Trump needs. Two of them ousted Republican governors in 2018., Michigan and Wisconsin. Wulfie is really out of touch.

As I said, people are fed up with Republicans, especially younger people and women. No way in hell will a moderate choose Trump this time. Trump is toast and you can quote me on that this time next year.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Stache I’m not a Trump supporter but well see Trump in office again and you can quote me on that this time next year. Moderates don’t like what’s coming from the other side either. Particularly right of center moderates who tend to be fiscal conservatives. Despite the twitter bombs and china trade war stuff Trump has not fucked much up too badly with the economy yet and that’s just one reason that moderates will side with him, many in private just like the last time.

If Biden gets the nomination I take all that back, he is just moderate enough.

Demosthenes's avatar

I agree. The more leftist candidates don’t have a chance if the economy continues to do well (but I guess I was never convinced they had much of a chance of winning the nomination anyway).

Dutchess_lll's avatar


“The Emoluments Clause

Trump attacked critics who said that holding a G7 summit at one of his resorts would violate the Constitution. He said: “You people with this phony Emoluments Clause.”

Facts First: There’s nothing phony about the Constitution’s prohibitions against the President receiving payments from foreign and domestic governments.”

Welp. “They” didn’t want a career politician. They got their wish.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me and @Demosthenes You seem to suggest the economy is all that matters to voters. Is that what you really believe? That trump could do all kinds of criminal crap during his WH gig and would still get re-elected because the economy hasn’t been flushed down the toilet along with the US Constitution by no less than the orange clown himself?

stanleybmanly's avatar

In view of the fool’s accumulating legal difficulties, the upcoming election is the least of his problems. In fact rather than Trump’s possible re-election, my money says that his base will be deprived of the opportunity to vote for his criminal ass.

MrGrimm888's avatar

This is reality folks. Cheaters, criminals, and bad people actually win. My money, is on seeing a Trump victory in 2020…

And yes, people care a LOT about the economy, even if their personal economy isn’t doing well.

And… We can’t underestimate Trump’s ability to manipulate his sheep.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I know a few die hard conservatives who voted for him who are now taken aghast by the revelation of who he is. Why the hell they couldn’t see it before the election leaves me flabbergasted.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^A lot of conservatives, thought Trump would act differently, once in office. According to the ones I’ve spoken to. They thought his ways, were some genius way of getting elected, and then he’d transform into a person who acted differently, and more professionally.

They were duped. Some, still cling to the hope that this is all some genius plan, by Trump. Those, are the hopelessly lost idiots.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Right? It is SO distressing when Jellies say “But you’re missing the genius in him admitting to crimes publicly!”
He’d be in Special Ed if he was in school now.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ha ha ha….

LuckyGuy's avatar

And there’s the reversal for today, Tuesday morning! Trump announced yesterday that he will leave troops in Syria! He received criticism from both parties for the pullout.
There are videos of US trucks pulling out and Kurds calling them cowards.
Trump said troops will stay in places to secure the oil resources. But those are in the South, not where the troops were pulled out.
Meanwhile the damage has been done. Turkey already invaded.
500 Russian mercenaries are now moving toward the oil field.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Erdogan’s on a roll. Wants nuclear weapons. Can’t help but wonder how Americans who prefer the US not policing the world would react when every country in the ME has nuclear ICBMs and Chinese lanterns hang all across Africa and Southeast Asia.

Btw @LuckyGuy glad you’re doing great with your options. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Lucky The news I saw was the Kurds threw down their weapons, and began throwing rocks at US troops.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@KNOWITALL After the US said it was pulling out leaving them high and dry. They threw potatoes as the US troops convoys headed south.
Turkey used the pullout to invade.
I figure within 2 weeks we will see ethnic cleansing.
And the market will swing the other way!

stanleybmanly's avatar

A man without even the pretense of honor.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly That pretty much describes every politician we have.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. Some have a “pretence.” :)

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The delusion among The Followers is breathtaking.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It really is^^ they are true to their master ya got to give them that.
What they don’t get is their master would throw them under the bus in a second if would save his own hide.

SEKA's avatar

Not worth shooting myself, but I do get sick to my stomach when I hear him say “I think I know more than anybody else”

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Sick to my stomache when I hear “I am considered an expert on….(golf courses, windmills, coal, oil, pornstars, children, architecture, cruises, Life Styles of the Rich and Famous)

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Get em Dutch..

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 This insistence that the fool is no more defective than other politicians is in itself dishonorable and DISHONEST. Those choosing to defend the turd find themselves in the bind currently confronting Republican legislators.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley Just dont fool yourself into thinking Reps wouldnt keep him for another four years if they believe he can win.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I have no illusions on the truth of THAT!!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Stan They’re hedging bets for now, its interesting to watch.

Distance yourself or speak out and not get in on another four years OR stay loyal until the election. I like it when greed and conscience keep the bigwigs squirming in confusion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Did the dems resist SO much, when Bill.was impeached? I didn’t follow political news then.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL what I find fascinating is the reaction of Republican legislators who haven’t noticed what becomes of those individuals who place themselves and their reputations between the truth and the fool!!! The prisons are filling faster than they can be built with those closest to the man! Giuliani is going to prison as sure as you’re born, with Pence and Barr neck n neck behind him. Ask what it would take were the fool to ask YOU for a reference!!! What would compel YOU to stand up in defense of the greatest slimeball to yet come down the pike?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I actually find it quite amusing, that these white collar assholes, will be serving time… Fucking hypocrites….

stanleybmanly's avatar

Amusing is not the word that comes to mind for me. Look at the lives and reputations that are going down the toilet for those who actually believed that they might hitch their wagons to a man KNOWN to exhibit the integrity of sewage.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley I’m not in DC so its a little different scenario obviously.

An elected official that wants reelected has to choose. Does your term reflect your conscience or does it reflect your ambition. Many choose ambition, those will side with Trump unless another Rep candidate is better. Incumbents are statistically favored winners.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly You were ranting about Trump before he even took office. You swore he was lying in campaign promises like it was a drastic character flaw. Yet you do not put that same standard to every other candidate out there. Biden, for example, has lied repeatedly, has had multiple gaffes, and made a complete fool of himself, and you say nothing about that. So the insistence that Trump is somehow worse than everyone else is meaningless when you don’t hold everyone to the same standard. It becomes whining.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What has Trump done thus far to prove me wrong? You would like to claim a double standard, but there is no yardstick for measuring TRUMP’s deficiencies. And any insinuation that Biden or ANYONE else is comparable is just plain DISHONEST.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The Dems did try to protect Clinton when he was under investigation. In fact, they all called it a lynching. Funny how they didn’t see their own words as racist yet have no problem saying it’s racist when Trump says it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . What makes Biden worse than Trump? Not trying to be a smartass, just curious. ..

seawulf575's avatar

What lies have every other candidate told that makes them so much better? Again…until you hold the same standard to all, you are whining.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Was Bill not being impeached, for lying? Where does racism play in. Again. I’m ignorant of the subject. I was a teenager, and a crazy one, at that…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 My point is that @stanleybmanly whines on and on about all the lies Trump tells, and yet won’t hold any Dem candidates accountable for that exact same thing. It isn’t that Biden is better or worse…it’s that he isn’t held to the same scrutiny. Take Ukraine for example. By his own words, he threatened to withhold military aid unless they fired their state prosecutor. If Trump had said the words that Bidens reports he said, there would be screaming from hear to doomsday…and rightfully so. So why is Biden NOT being held to the same scrutiny? What make Biden better?

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. I know they’re ALL liars, which is why I don’t vote.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I already have stated that Biden, should be removed from being a candidate…

stanleybmanly's avatar

We’ll see who’s whining. By the way have you heard that TRUMP’s state department COMPLETELY absolved Hillary of any criminality with that Trumped up email bullshit?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Hillary fucked up. She should be held accountable….

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The racism comes in from the reaction of the Dems to Trump. Trump called the current action being taken by the Dems in the House a lynching. They came out in force calling him a racist for using the word “lynching”. Yet there were many instances that the same people calling him a racist for using that word, used the exact same word to describe the impeachment action against Clinton. And the funniest part is that they don’t even understand the definition of “lynching”. Per the legal dictionary/Free dictionary:

Violent punishment or execution, without due process, for real or alleged crimes.

There are other definitions:

to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal approval or permission

to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.

A lynching is an unlawful murder by an angry mob of people.

Please note that none of these are race specific. So the entire racism claim is just a smear tactic.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. Let’s be honest. Trump has made multiple racist statements. This just adds to the pile.
I can’t recall such a wealthy individual, claiming themselves as a victim, so much as Trump.

He’s a draft dodger, and a self proclaimed nationalist. That puts him, in a hard position, to claim what he declares…. Right?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The lying is just the frosting on the cake. The fact that the layer of frosting is thicker than that for anyone living is but an interesting aside. The man .came into office as a CONFIRMED swindler and cheat, burning any and all he touched. That Trump was unfit for office was about as safe a bet prior to his election as the sun rising in the morning.

mazingerz88's avatar

This notion that trump and Dems politicians are the same is simply a deranged one. Was there ever a Dem President or politician that’s as vicious an asshole like trump? A really long time ago maybe?

Defending trump by citing that Dems did the same stuff is what——that it should be ok for trump to do whatever he’s doing? Give him a pass?

MrGrimm888's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

It is merely an empty assertion to distract us from the “main event”. But it’s too late for such flimsy claims in the face of the monstrous irregularities piling up in the wake of the fool.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

At his recent cabinet meeting he.said many stupid things, including “Trump made the illogical and unsubstantiated claim that there was no informant who provided information to the whistleblower, whose complaint triggered an impeachment inquiry. And even more absurdly, Trump suggested the informant was Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House intelligence committee.”

From Political Fact Checker

mazingerz88's avatar

^^trump would probably go beyond nuts and forget to sprinkle gold dust on his hair for days or stop tweeting for a week(!) ... if it turns out the whistleblower was Pompeo. LOL

Dutchess_lll's avatar

We’re building a wall in Colorado

Why the hell are you blathering about building a wall in Colorado? Come on trump supporters. Esplain to us again how we aren’t giving him credit for his big brain.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He’s thrashing in the midst of drowning, only it is his mouth (as usual) doing the wild uncontrolled flapping. When you think about it, it truly is astonishing to watch him literally talk himself into jail. And there WILL be more of the same. He clearly cannot control it. God help any who’ve had dealings with the idiot!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Why has he not fled the country? God. I feel so sorry for Melania and especially Baron.

Brian1946's avatar

I also feel massive-ass sadness for Melanoma & Barren. ;-(p

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I just realized New Mexico borders Colorado…..

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “Well. Let’s be honest. Trump has made multiple racist statements. ” Like what? This goes back to how the liberal media twists his words. I’m sure he has made racist statements in his life…we all have. But Trump is accused of making racist statements all the time but when you get down to it, they really aren’t racist at all. His comment about Baltimore being a rat and rodent infested mess is a perfect example. Somehow commenting on a rat problem in a city is racist. Meanwhile, again, when you compare how Trump is treated as compared to Joe Biden, it is night and day.

Now imagine, for a moment, if Trump said any of the things Biden said? It would be a feeding frenzy in the media. Yet no one really says Biden is a racist. No one really digs in at him at all. So until everyone is ready to hold all the politicians to the same standard, it is just so much whining about Trump. The term Trump Derangement Syndrome was created to encapsulate this sort of behavior.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . I like you. I really do. But you can not honestly believe that the media, is using CGI, to manufacture Trump’s videos, at his rallies, or his tweets.
You believe in God, but there is ZERO evidence that he exists. But, you don’t believe what you see/hear with your own senses, what Trump does/says?

I’ve told you over, and over, that I can’t provide links, from my phone. Look it up yourself, and stop this insane conspiracy theory crap…

And AGAIN, I have already condemned Biden, for what I’ve seen, and heard from HIS own mouth… For the life of me, I can’t understand your logic…

mazingerz88's avatar

A retired newsman said last night if Pence becomes Pres he might simply pardon his Gawdfather. Wonder if Orange Corleone is considering resigning.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Barren I feel bad for. Melania not so much.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Here’s one simple thing that annoys me. The rally numbers.
I was hearing lies about the rally HERE.

Everyone here saw the Planned Parenthood videos accepting illegal funds for Dem candidate. Probably no big deal in liberal areas, maybe not even reported. Theres a lot WE acknowledge as fact, that Dems dont. By that I mean conservatives.

I think the Trump shaming is the worst tactic ever and that its so incredible to see post after post on social media, you literally solidify his win. So keep it up, ya’ll are doing part of his campaigning for him. Marketing 101, name recognition and top of mind awareness. Its comical.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But the Trump shaming is unavoidable! He has neither shame nor conscience! His behavior, speech, deportment, it’s ALL SHAMEFUL AND YOU KNOW IT. What choice is there for the left? Shall they ignore it as conservatives would prefer? Why the insistence that liberals are making shit up about the fool, when it is clear as glass that the man is an incurable fuckup? What is said about him that isn’t the God’s honest truth?

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s bizarre how trump defenders just fail to see why trump deserves all the shaming and hate he gets. It’s almost like asking other parents in the playground to ignore their kid who brought live grenades to play with. But who cares. It’s their kid. If he blows up the playground it’s never their kids fault. Lol

And if trump was a Democrat would Republicans shut up and ignore him because he won the EC? Never in anyone’s lifetime.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Stan You incessently rant about Trump but its not all about him, thats what you fail to understand. The Dem platform itself alienates many of us.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Try telling Trump it isn’t all about him! I rant because he is a catastrophe; not a tolerable nor necessary catastrophe, he is an avoidable disaster which if this system we live under is to function MUST be eliminated. It isn’t merely that he’s flawed. It is the stark fact that FLAWED Is ALL he is, with consequences so severe that they spell the very real possibility for the destruction of this country. He has seen to it that it IS all about him and the serial disasters which MUST arise from the ineptitude inherent in a surfeit of ignorance. This isn’t going to stop. Things are NOT going to get better with him at he helm, and that fact has nothing to do with Democrats, leftists or socialists. I shriek over it, because I feel I have no choice. I don’t fking care that it is unseemly or obnoxious. The stakes are just too high

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You want me to do research, yet you haven’t really given a single “lie” I’m supposed to research. I know of a couple things he said or tweeted that were idiotic. His tweet to “the Squad” about going back to their countries, his discussion of taking over the airfields during the Revolutionary War, his recent gaffe of building a wall around Colorado. I get the idiocy of these things. But by listening to whiners like @stanleybmanly, Trump lies about everything. And you are pretty much echoing that. So which lies should I look into? If you say you can’t post links, then tell me the “lie” and I will dig into it. I’ve already debunked the one about “very fine people” being used to describe White Nationalists or Neo-Nazis. I’ve already addressed his “racist” comments. So what else do you want from me? You want me to try identifying every thing some fool on the left calls a lie and produce the proof of how wrong it is?
Here’s the thing: I don’t agree with the premise that he lies about everything. I have seen too many things that were nothing more than liberal smears. And the more I dig into each of the big “lies” or “racist comments”, the more I find the truth is that the left is lying about most of them. And of course, when called on it, the response is “Everyone knows Trump lies about everything” and “Only a fool won’t admit Trump lies about everything. Trump has said and done foolish things and has lied or exaggerated about things. But not nearly as much as the left wants to make it out to be.
I made the challenge once that fools like @stanleybmanly should name the lie or the racist comment and I would address them, suggesting that the truth would probably not be what they thought and were being told by the liberal pundits. Basically those die-hard libs would not actually take the challenge but tried attacking me instead. What does that tell you? It tells me that they don’t WANT to know the truth…they just want to believe the lies they are told and which they parrot.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Again…everything you rant about Trump, also applies to every Dem politician vying for the presidential nomination. They all lie. They all say stupid things. And you cannot or will not even consider admitting it. That is what makes you so deranged.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley The enemy of my enemy is my friend. As long as he stands by certain votes and principles, he should have no problems winning again.

stanleybmanly's avatar

PRINCIPLES??!! What the fuck are you talking about? What principles does Trump exude that you find in line with your own? How do you even allow a word like principles as a positive in any sentence on Trump?? What is wrong with you? And any alliance with That magpie of an insufferable idiot smokewulf is not only nothing to brag sbout, just as surely as acceptance of the fool marks as you as culpable in the flagrant abuse of his office, to place yourself in league with wulfie, a genuine hobgoblin erected as the living tribute to
willful ignorance and malevolent stupidity is an abandonment of common sense.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Get rid of your electoral college and lets see how fast super Trump wins in 20202.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 AGAIN, to mount as stupid and plainly dishonest an argument that Trump is no more stupid or cravenly defective than any Democratic candidate is beyond ridiculous. It is a deliberate and BLATANTLY STUPID distortion of the palpable truth. You have more than climbed out on a limb with your insistence on this. You are either as stupid as the fool or following his example of deliberate distortion and obfuscation. And like your fool, your skill at deliberate lying is right in line with your pathetic paucity of intellect. I would feel sorry for your hopelessly ignorant ass, if I could only convince myself that you are authentic, but clearly you, like your fool are the direct contradiction of anything authentic or believabe.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Stan The personal attacks are one-sided and unacceptable to me.

Yes, I adore @seawulf. A good person, a vet, and he’s been a good friend for years.

@SQUEEKY2 The Dems want no foreign interference in our elections, better be careful!

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly and to try to deflect from having to hold standards to all the candidates just shows what a whiner you are.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

“You believe in God, but there is ZERO evidence that he exists. But, you don’t believe what you see/hear with your own senses, what Trump does/says?* EXACTLY! Only the very religious could somehow justify the absurdity.

mazingerz88's avatar

Only the most stupid of people would buy the BS that Dems are like trump because they all lie. @stanleybmanly You are being trolled. But I’m sure you know that already.

Raving and ranting about trump’s assholery is the most patriotic thing an American could do these days. Putin couldn’t be more proud of trump fanatics. What an absolute shame. All it took was a popular reality TV show host and a mediocre “billionaire.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

Do you believe he is a billionaire ?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Good question.

mazingerz88's avatar

No I don’t think he’s a billionaire. He’s got a trillion bullshit though. I think he hates and envies real multi-billionaires like Bezos whose newspaper doesn’t pander to him.

Just heard he stopped the WH subscription of the NYT and WP papers. If it’s true that’s quite the hilarious joke. As if he reads. What would the household staff and anti-trump spies in the WH read now? Lol

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I agree. He’s on a 3rd grade reading level (so is my grandson, Kale, who is 6.) How did he even know the WH subscribed to what magazine? And who even reads hard copy magazines any more?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . ALL polticians lie. No disagreement there. Especially at the POTUS level.

You need be but search for Trump’s lies. I figure you won’t. But you’ll gladly search for Obama, or Hillary’s lies.

It’s up to you, if you want to be fed lies… I’ll leave it at that. Trust in your savior, is misguided… But I know you aren’t stupid enough to be played. Yet, you are….

It’s up to you. I don’t care if you take his word, as scripture….

But. I think you are capable of seeing what’s in front of you…
Be the person who I think you are….

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nicely stated sir.^^^^^^^ couldn’t agree more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm So in other words, if he votes for Trump he’s an idiot when you dont vote at all? Seems odd.

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The problem with searching for “Trump’s lies” is that you get a whole long list of things….that aren’t really lies. They are things taken out of context or exaggerations (such as how many people he had at his inauguration). Mostly they are things that the left claims he lied about. But funny thing about the left’s claims…they never really want to show you the whole story. They create a story and tell it, hoping you won’t go find the truth for yourself.

As for trusting in my Savior…I do.. But Trump is not my savior. And while we’re on the topic, yes, I do believe in God with enough proof for me. Meanwhile, you apparently don’t believe in God…with no proof He doesn’t exist. So why is your opinion on this matter more viable than mine?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@seawulf575 The absence of proof purple unicorns don’t exist is not proof that they do. It’s not that I bash religion or belief in God it’s that I dislike firm belief in things without evidence. We can all speculate though, that’s quite an interesting adventure if you asked me. Going down that rabbit hole puts me in the agnostic camp. I’m doubtful that the gods of our religions are real but I’m open to more than just something out of nothing and a meaningless existence that firm athiests suggest. We don’t know what the hell the universe is or where it came from. Nobody does, not one of us.

I’m mostly conservative for the record.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575. I respect your opinion. I’ll leave it at that.

I’m sure that Stanley, will adresss your opinions,

seawulf575's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I absolutely respect your opinion. I’m not here to try converting anyone into believing in God or Trump. However if the argument to me was that my belief in purple unicorns had no proof, the alternate also applies. Here’s a thought…I’ve never seen a magnetic field, but I know they exist. I’ve never seen an atom fission, but I know they do.
I have a scientific mind. I believe in logic and facts. And I believe in God. Why? Because 2nd law of thermodynamics indicates that all things want to move towards chaos unless acted upon by an outside force. We see that again and again and there has never been an experiment that could disprove this law. Yet when you look at things like DNA or blood cells or how eyes work or how plants convert CO2 to O2 and realize they are not heading towards chaos, that means they are being acted upon by some outside force. What is it? And the symmetry and beauty of things like the double helix of a DNA chain seems awfully perfect to have been created from chaos without some outside help. Also, we have scientific laws. Law is the exact opposite of chaos. For laws to exist, something had to make them work.
Conversely, if you believe in evolution, think about this: you are saying that entire systems are not only NOT moving towards chaos, but are in fact going against every known scientific law. I just can’t get there from here.
So now you know why I believe in God. Not to mention I have had some amazing things happen in my life that defy explanation except that I asked God for help.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

You can have trends to order at the expense of entrophy somewhere else. This is 8th grade stuff. Evolution is a scientific FACT. It cannot be rationally disputed, there is simply too much direct evidence for it.
The end result of gravity is a singularity yet we also have an accelerating expanse. The universe is full of dichotomies like this. Just because the universe was potentially set in motion does not mean that the god in the Bible did it or any being did it at all. There are multiple cyclical cosmology models that indicate the potential for an eternal universe. Truth be told anyone who believes they know where it originated is just full of baloney. It’s unknown, period.

You can see a magnetic field. Lay a magnet on a piece of paper and sprinkle iron filings on it. You can also feel it when pressing two magnets together. There is also the fact that we have Maxwell’s equations and it is predicted by mathematics. There are endless real and tangible evidence for things like fission and magnetic fields. Where is “god” in this? Last I checked there is no formula predicting god or any evidence other than a sketchy thought experiment.
People have paranormal shit happen to them, some of it is potentially real, I have experienced some unexplainable things myself. None of it is evidence validating religion. All religion is can be summarized as attempts from people to interpret and give structure or meaning to things or events we don’t fully understand.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I had some really cool things happen when I was a believer. I kinda, sorta thought it might be God. I’ve been an Atheist for 10 years. I still have cool things happen for me at opportune times.
I still have just as much bad luck, too.

seawulf575's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I think we are hijacking this thread. But I do enjoy the discourse and could debate it all day long without once getting angry or nasty about it. As I said, I am not trying to convert anyone, but was merely explaining why I believe. As always, it is a pleasure chatting with you…Thanks!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^This is Social. You can’t really high jack the thread. You two, chat it up…

seawulf575's avatar

Yeah, but when the question was about Trump making you want to shoot yourself and we get into a theological discussion, it is more than just a bit off topic.

Yellowdog's avatar

We could debate how many holes are in a can of Spaghetti-Os.

Spaghetti-O holes may be around us all the time, We just need spaghetti-Os to circle them and show us where they are, So, how many Spaghetti-O holes are all around us and we don’t see them just boggles the mind.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

When he says things like the airports in 1776, or you have to rake the forest floor like they do in Finland ,or building a wall around Colorado, or going on about a space force.
Just to name a few and America loves this guy??

seawulf575's avatar

The foolishness of the airports in 1776 and the gaffe of the wall around Colorado are givens. There is a valid train of thought that says the wildfires in CA are worse these days because the Bureau of Land Management hasn’t kept up with cleaning out the fallen trees and underbrush like they used to. Part of that is because radical environmentalists have protested to keep them out. When a fire starts, there is a whole lot more fuel to burn. And a space force is probably coming in one way, shape or form…whether it is from the USA or Russia or China. We already use satellites for a number or things, some for military applications. What is so far out about a space force?

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think the Space Force thing was inevitable. China, I think, is considering some sort of radical colonization on the Moon. They are definitely in expansion mode. If they try to claim the Moon, like The South China Sea, we will have to have a way of dealing with that. If it wasn’t Trump, some POTUS, would have had to address it. Of all the things that I dislike Trump for, this isn’t one of them…
The Greenland thing, was stupid. The walls, are stupid. But the need to be able to be competitive, in space, is not. IMO… The Moon, will be our first colonized thing, outside of Earth. We can’t let a single country claim it…And hold it…

Strategically, it makes sense…

Yellowdog's avatar

If China colonizes the moon or beats us to a Space Force, they will be able to shoot your ass with laser beams from outer space. Ouch!

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. Well their latest attempts to land on the Moon, remind me of the SCS. Weaponry aside. I think they’ll try to claim it as their own. If they established military bases there, like in the SCS, it would be difficult to let us share the satellite… It makes sense to put money into defending it…To me…
We need to start training to fight there…We probably already have vessels, that can move around there. We just need the tech, and training. Right?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How many years in the future is this Moon war?
We have to be ready for this now,but have years and years before climate change becomes a true threat?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Legitimate points. Some experts, have said we/someone could have a small colony, on Mars, in 10 months. A month or two, to build the vessel, and the 6 months, it would take, to get there.

If a country decided to go for the Moon, it may be faster, than you’d think. Once there, whomever does it, will have a big advantage. Not only on the Moon, but with the potential to fire weapons, to almost anywhere on Earth.

The principal of an ICBM, for instance, is that it goes up high, and comes down at a rate too fast to intercept it. The Moon, is strategically, a important place, for weapons of mass destruction. And, a potential mining hot spot… It’s not so crazy, as it sounds, and the technologies, are already understood. It would just take money…

Yellowdog's avatar

A Luner battle station might be easy to destroy from Earth, too. But that would be a true act of war.

The Chinese are really good at stealing and implementing technology but are not very good at innovating it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What need have they for innovation when ours is so easily stolen.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yes. Apparently the Chinese, have stolen our technology, multiple times. Why we make it so easy, is beyond me…

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