Social Question

jca2's avatar

When you buy or give gifts to people, do you have rough dollar amount in mind that you are willing to spend?

Asked by jca2 (17251points) October 21st, 2019

I was reminded of this by this question:

When giving a gift, do you have a rough dollar amount that you are willing to spend?

For me, it’s usually 30–60 dollars. If it’s a close relative, more in the area of $100.

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13 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, but it varies by person and event.

Once in a lifetime achievements (graduations, special accomplishments) of young person – $100

Birthdays- family, regular – $35 to $60, plus dinner. Notable birthdays- $100

Wedding presents – $100 for children of friends, up to $250 for relatives.

janbb's avatar

Yes, but it varies by person and event.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes, for it is a direct reflection of my love for them.Lol!
If I give someone a painting, it means that I am head over heels. :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Yes, out of necessity. When you have dozens on nieces and nephews and kids of friends to buy for it starts to add up quick. For a very special occasion that may be different.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right @ARE_you_kidding_me? And I have 10 grandchildren, plus my own 3 children. Man, it gets ridiculously expensive.

I can’t put any dollar amount on my love for my kids.

jca2's avatar

Oh, yeah, for a wedding, it’s about $150.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Same as the OP. 50 or 100, depending. Last spring all the grads about killed my checking acct ha!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I honestly look for things I really think they’d like first, then look at price. I want to get these jeans for my 16 year old granddaughter. They say they were originally $80 something, and I would not spend that much on a growing kid, but they’re on sale for $40. That’s doable.

rebbel's avatar

We (Dutch) give euros.

BackinBlack's avatar

If I’m buying a gift for someone I never spend less than $30. For most people I stick with $45—$65 range. Christmas is different though, I’ll spend a lot more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wouldn’t spend $30 on a toddler! No way.

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