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janbb's avatar

What did you think of Obama's acceptance speech?

Asked by janbb (63366points) August 28th, 2008

Do you think he accomplished his goals? Did it make clear to the undecideds who he is and what he stands for? Will it give him a bump?

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15 Answers

jlm11f's avatar

I thought it was a fantastic speech. He countered all the major arguments McCain had against him and shoved it right back. He remembered to focus on “we are americans first, not republicans or democrats” and pointed out the real key issues as opposed to what certain single issue voters think are the key issues. And he was also a lot more specific about what he plans to do once he’s elected. So to answer your Qs in short “loved it, yes, yes, hope so.”

tinyfaery's avatar

I was glad to hear an articulate, meaningful speech finally. I feel there has been a lack in the last 8 years. I’m a cynic, but he made me applaud and almost tear-up. I’ve been an Obama supporter since the beginning, and his speech just reaffirmed my faith. And for me, faith does not come often or easy.

augustlan's avatar

Great speech! I was quite proud to be both a democrat, and an American. He made a lot of big promises, and I just hope he can keep them.

skfinkel's avatar

I thought it was a great speech. I loved how he stood up to some of the mud that McCain et al. have been throwing at him. I appreciated many of the specifics. Aside from hoping that he doesn’t go down the failed road of nuclear energy, I believe he will be an outstanding leader for our country and the world. What an impressive man.

Bri_L's avatar

I really thought it was a good speech. He did stand up to the slung mud and said bring on the debates.

It is my opinion that when it comes to those debates we will see McCaine a little more volatile and a little less prepared.

I also have to point out that if he keeps using U2’s music, my hands are tied. I will have to vote for him.

kevbo's avatar

… my body bruised, he’s got me with nothing to win and nothing left to lose-

oh, sorry.

Great speech as always and just as amazing was the sight of a packed stadium.

It does appear, though, that he’s going to continue this bail out bonanza by giving the auto industry by the billions in loans that they are requesting to help them solve a problem that they’ve been stonewalling and footdragging on for the last 20 years or more. (Similarly with coal and natural gas, although it seems one can take solace in knowing there’s at least a plan to pay for it.) I don’t expect him to get as pink as mass transit in this kind of speech, but it would be nice if some of those billions were allocated for mass transit in our country’s transportation overhaul.

Ron Paul has mentioned that Obama and McCain offer little variety when it comes to foreign policy, and it appears he is correct. This is difficult to stomach if you believe that this recent incarnation of terrorism has largely been manufactured by our government to perpetuate a war and oil agenda, as has the farce of Russian aggression. So we’re getting off foreign oil in ten years, but we’re still going to fight in areas where pipelines are in contention? Al Quaida now operates in 80 countries, apparently, so I guess that means we potentially have 1/3 of the world’s governments to topple?

Perhaps this points to the primary difference between Republican and Democrat in this election. The former (like Bush) gives us war and a bad economy. The latter (like Clinton) gives us war and a good economy.

I’m still for him over McCain, but I think there’s room for improvement.

charliecompany34's avatar

obama has brought the A game. presidential game over. great speech. it’s just time. when he said “8 is enough,” he put the clamp on mccain and bush and bush. go barack!

makemo's avatar

Politics should be value-oriented, not centric to personal appeal. These speeches tend to deal more with how well a politician manages to stand up against the pressure of the situation, normally constricted by a short time frame to explain themselves.

Anyone can be good at that. But it doesn’t tell much about the real politics. One just have to read up on the parties’ programmes and after that, it’s all a matter of how well they manage to put those ideologies into practical means.

Bri_L's avatar

@makemo – “it’s all a matter of how well they manage to put those ideologies into practical means.” I was thinking that same thing. I was wondering how possible that even was in todays world.

Part of what I find appealing about both candidates at one time is that they both, at one time, reached across party lines to achieve a goal.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

The speech was well written and well delivered. However, it did not win me over. I want to believe that Obama would be the change we need, but his speech convinced me that he believes in more government, not less. He believes in taxing the most “wealthy” more and I didn’t hear anything about his resolving the unfairness of the tax code. He also mentioned that in America the disadvantaged need not have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, instead be given entitlements to help become upwardly mobile. Where in the heck is the personal responsibility and the parental responsibility that lead to becoming upwardly mobile? Sure, programs should be available to help those in need but they can’t be the sole source. People need to change attitudes. Government can’t buy those changes or force those changes.

wundayatta's avatar

Seems to me that the speech did little to pursuade the independents. Mostly it fired up the supporters. I think they hope and plan that all these volunteers will go out and work to get out the vote—all those people they’ve registered—and that will make the difference, come November.

janbb's avatar

@ Keybo – Your point about mass transit is a good one and I hope that will be part of the solution going forward. I think it has to be. As for foreign affairs, I think Obama wants to convince people he is tough, but I do think that he will focus much, much more than Bush and McCain on diplomacy and will not be likely to engage in war except as a last resort. (While I would like it never to be resorted to, I think that is a minority, and thus, unrealistic, position.)

@Suzanne Tremendous – Obama addressed the issues of personal and parental responsibility quite directly, I felt, and was not suggesting that people are entitled to be supported by the government. You might want to look at the text of the speech again if you did not hear that part. He also mentioned changing the tax code, although he did not go into specifics about it.

While I might quibble with this or that little piece, and don’t always agree with his stances, I felt Obama did what he needed to do with this speech and the video; he showed people more about where he came from, he talked specifically about his ideas, and hie addressed the criticisms and weaknesses of the McCain camp. I also thought he tried to build bridges about the social issues to get the country away from the “culture wars” that have divided us.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

I didnt hear a word about the Patriot Act, FISA, Military Commissions Act, or the Home grown Terrorism Prevention Act, which in my opinion are the most important subjects facing this country.
He also mentioned that we help Georgia, when we trained Georgian troops and possibly started the conflict.

He also said that he was against the war from the beginning, yet voted to fund the war every time.

He is good, however, at telling people what they want to hear. Guess its politics as usual. Until he starts speaking truth to power, and not just bi-partisan politics, I will not trust him.

skfinkel's avatar

It was a pleasure to hear him talk about the issues that I care about and that affect me and my work. .Even though I cringed when he suggested that nuclear power might be a possibility, I don’t actually believe he will go down that road

I think he will be a great president.

Steve_A's avatar

Not to bring up a old thread for no reason but just to bring something up…do you think Obama has kept to his words?

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