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elbanditoroso's avatar

Why should we believe that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead? Is Trump, himself, believable?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) October 27th, 2019

Or is this another sleight of hand where Trump wants to get everyone’s attention off the impeachment process, so he plays “wag the dog”?

I have a hard time believing anything Trump says. Although al-Baghdadi’s death is good for the world, does it really change things in the Middle East? What is the upshot if Trump isn’t telling the truth?

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58 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

I don’t think it is so much the impeachment thing. I think it is the flack from Syria and all the ISIS people that escaped. Even Republicans are giving him shit about Syria so I think it is a “Look, ISIS is under control” thing.

The question is why was this not done sooner? Did some new intel just pop up in the last week. Were they sitting on his location waiting for a politically opportune moment to act?

Or it is just a lie. They could have killed anyone and claimed hew was the leader of ISIS. Normally I’m not into conspiracy theory stuff but this crew has lied so much I trust them about as much as I trust R. Kelly to babysit.

LadyMarissa's avatar

First off…he committed suicide!!! He put on his suicide vest & detonated it. IF you trace back about 5 years, this is NOT the first time that he has been wounded or died…I think it’s more like 3 maybe 4 times. Therefore, I’m NOT totally convinced that he’s really dead this time…I’m taking a wait & see attitude!!!

kritiper's avatar

No reason to believe he isn’t. Certain people who were there (among others) and did the tests to ID the body will come forward soon enough with tales if he isn’t/wasn’t.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@kritiper so your answer is basically, “we should because we should.”

kritiper's avatar

Odds being what they are, yes.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Al bag mommy will be pissed.

JLeslie's avatar

Most likely the guy is dead. It will be a feather in Trump’s hat. You may not like it, but I think it is. The same way many Republicans ignore Obama and Hillary killing Osama Bin Laden, Democrats will have amnesia about this accomplishment.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m fine with him being dead, and I am fine with Trump taking the credit.

My issue is with the believability of Trump. I would prefer something more authoritative than “he died like a dog”. DNA tests, or something from the military confirming it.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoeoso Oh yeah, Trump’s ability to put a sentence together, and his description of things is just incredible. I couldn’t believe the phrases and adjectives he used either.

I think high-ups in our military would be coming forward if they believed Trump was jumping the gun in declaring Baghdadi dead.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Wait for it. There has to be a reversal of some kind. There always is.

I figure there will be big news on Tuesday.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. It doesn’t fit the ISIS narrative. I can say that.

If he was going to kill himself, in such a way. Why not arm the vest, and wait until he was literally surrounded? Then he could potentially kill a few of his enemies too. It’s possible that was his plan, and the vest malfunctioned. But the way it described, doesn’t make sense. To me…
If he’s dead, great. But he’ll just be replaced. You can’t kill an ideology….

kritiper's avatar

@MrGrimm888 He couldn’t wait until he was surrounded. Delta Force sent a dog in after him.
He will be replaced. But his replacement has to face the same fate eventually.

mazingerz88's avatar

If trump is lying or made a premature conclusion or made an innocent mistake——Baghdadi would be surfacing for a few seconds enough to show he’s alive.

Come to think of it, what are the chances Bagdadi was cunning enough to make a fool of trump by sending someone to pose and die for him? Punk’d trump?

johnpowell's avatar

They announced Osama Bin Laden was killed during a baseball game too.

The trip to World Series had to have been planned in advance. I find the timing funny that the raid was just before Trump was going to go to a baseball where I am sure he thought he would be met with cheers. All about the optics, baby..

chyna's avatar

Thanks for posting that @johnpowell. What a huge difference between the two.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Our TIC boasted “he was whimpering and crying and screaming all the way.” Not a very classy thing for a president to say.

That stupid, ignorant, crass remark has pushed the other team to fervently deny it and proudly state that ABaB is a hero! Ratter than be captured by US dogs he martyred himself and his children – the highest honor for that group.
And, like all good leaders, he already had a solid succession plan in place. Wait for it.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t believe anything Trump says but a straightforward account of the mission is on the Department of Defense website and I believe that. Trump’s account of the mission sounds more like the boasts of a Mafia hitman than an American president.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@flutherother Exactly. It is so unnecessary.
Can somebody tell him to shut up?
He could have shown some class like other presidents have. But, no dice.

That unnecessary boasting is stoking comments like: ABaB is brave and voluntarily selected martyrdom while Trump is such a coward he cannot even admit he misspoke or ever made a typo. (Like when he said “Colorado” when he meant to say “California”, or when he tried to justify “covfefe” iwhen he meant “coverage”. Coward indeed.

Someone…. please take away his device! Please!

Brian1946's avatar


What does TIC stand for: Toddler-In-Chief, or something else?

LuckyGuy's avatar

“Tweeter in Chief”. It is fitting on so many levels. (Your guess is fitting too.).

mazingerz88's avatar

I think it’s the typical reaction of a coward really. Cheaply mocking the enemy when during the fight no one noticed you were hiding.

johnpowell's avatar

“I think that Americans and people around the world are glad that he is gone. But we don’t need to spike the football. And I think that given the graphic nature of these photos, it would create some national security risk.”

You can probably guess which president said that.

mazingerz88's avatar

When I first heard trump’s words I thought, wow, so those American soldiers saw and heard Baghdadi cowering and crying? Up until I realized wait a minute, was trump lying again sneering at and insulting the dead enemy just so he could come across as the “conquering hero”? WTF?

JLeslie's avatar

^^When I heard that I felt like Trump was talking to the other Isis members that this guy they revered was really a coward. But, since he blew himself up, I think he won’t be viewed as a coward. That’s what those people preach, that suicide in the name of the cause is honorable.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I don’t know. Blowing yourself up killing innocents or when cornered by the enemy both sounds cowardly to me. It would be heroic if he fought and died. Seems Bin Laden fired a gun before he got killed?

Baghdadi was an animal who beheaded and raped people. I’m pretty sure he knows Americans won’t take his head off and it will be prison for him until he dies. Still unbearable. So yes, maybe blowing himself up was his very last message to his followers.

Yellowdog's avatar

First of all, I don’t think Trump or anyone else gives a damn about the “impeachment process.”

I have it on good authority that the withdrawal from Syria was to deflect attention from the strike on ISIS. Nobody was expecting it, because Trump seemed to not care about it. This strike has been in the planning stages for several months.

johnpowell's avatar

LOL what?

You can’t be serious.

johnpowell's avatar

I just keep coming back to this. I’m simply stunned. I think at this point we can consider anything you ever type from here on out complete shit. I’m at a loss for words.

Found words. Trump won’t be President in 14 months and my bookmarks last forever.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Yellowdog That’s demented thinking, that no one else gives a damn about the impeachment process. trump sure doesn’t give a damn——he’s too guilty, scared and belittled by it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I just read the full account, of his killing this AM.
The fact that he killed 3 children, as well as himself, seems terrible. I wasn’t shocked to hear Trump’s statements, about the event. But it was not something that I expected even him to say.

His base hates abortions, but seems fine/happy with Trump bragging about 3 kids being blown up. There’s some crazy hypocrisy there… WTF?...

johnpowell's avatar

brown Muslim children

They really don’t care about people that aren’t just like them.

And I am not making shit up. Pat Robertson said as much when he said something about god not letting Trump through heavens gate for abandoning the Christians in Syria.

Time to Bing it..

“The president, who allowed [journalist Jamal] Khashoggi to be cut in pieces without any repercussions whatsoever, is now allowing the Christians and the Kurds to be massacred by the Turks.

“The president of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven if he permits this to happen,” Robertson said.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. That seems true…

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Trump didn’t brag about the 3 children getting blown up. WTH?

mazingerz88's avatar

Brag-dadi made it sad, very sad for America. And the way they staged that shot at the Situation Room…lol

kritiper's avatar

I would be skeptical of what Trump said if Trump himself had gone into the tunnel after Baghdadi.

flutherother's avatar

@Yellowdog Your “good authority” isn’t the US Department of Defense and it certainly isn’t Trump nor can it be the established media who wouldn’t print anything so outlandish so I am left wondering what is this “good authority” you quote?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@flutherother You won’t get an answer. Because I think it’s made-up bullshit.

How would some former preacher in west Tennessee have a direct line to the Situation Room at the White House?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@JLeslie . That was the situation. A man killed himself, and his 3 kids. Trump bragged about the operation’s success, going so far as to brag about the man crying in pain, as he lay dying. Maybe he was crying, because he killed his kids, and not from his injuries…

Trump appears quite proud of the entire operation. Do you think he’s unaware that the guy blew up his 3 kids, and himself?
I understand, to a point, that this was an achievement. But to brag about a man dying, lying in pieces, around his dead children? WTH?

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I saw Trump and he didn’t brag about the children dying, not in my opinion, he was stating how disgusting Baghdadi was to kill his own children. It was a statement about how the terrorists have no regard for life, and how they hide with and put in danger their own people and family.

Maybe Baghdadi feared if the kids were captured they would live a horrible life and be harmed and he though killing them was sparing them, I don’t know, but one thing the US and Israel say about the Palestinians for instance is the ring leaders of the people who bomb Israel hide where people live so that when Israel retaliates it is certain to kill innocent Palestinians so that the Israelis can be pinned as being ruthless murderers killing women and children.

I don’t think Trump was bragging about killing children, he was saying it’s horrible that Baghdadi killed children.

I do think Trump thinks in general the successful mission killing Baghdadi is something to brag about.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. Your right about a few things. But Trump definitely bragged about a few, including the deaths, of his his 3 children. Chew on that. And get back to me…..

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m telling you how I interpreted it when I heard the words come out of Trump’s mouth. I definitely didn’t feel he was bragging about children dying. If you hear it differently that’s your interpretation.

Regarding the children, he was reinforcing to his audience how despicable Muslim terrorist organizations are that they kill children. Our military forces would have saved the children if at all possible, I firmly believe that. Baghdadi blew up the children. This plays into the whole narrative of how horrible these people are. Generally speaking, Americans abhor children being caught in the line of fire.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Some Americans wouldn’t mind seeing other non-white kids separated from parents and caged though.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 I believe what Trump said, he wanted to discourage immigration. I just think it’s horrible he tried to do it that way.

So, do you believe Trump was bragging about children dying? Even during the immigration fiasco at the border Trump wasn’t bragging about caging the children, he blamed the parents for bringing the children on the trip, and tried to hide that some kids were in bad conditions. Any “bragging” about separating the children was more of a warning to the people migrating, not bragging, in my opinion. I just wouldn’t use that word.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Have to see that video again. But even trump knows that might turn off some of his fans if he clearly bragged about kids dying. Personally, I would bet my own life he doesn’t give a damn about those Muslim kids. He’s a sociopath. That approach to scare people from bringing kids across the border by taking away the kids, heartless and vicious animals do that, not Americans.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 Like I said, I agree the children shouldn’t be separated from the parents. I was glad the Methodist church spoke out against it, which probably overall was supporting Trump at the time.

Here’s the clip where Trump talks about the children. It’s just a couple of minutes.

Yellowdog's avatar

Baghdadi dragged three of his children with him and blew himself up along with them. He was not crying and whimpering because any special forces blew his kids up

Trump commended special forces for rescuing eleven children from the house.

flutherother's avatar

General Joe Mackenzie who was in charge of the Baghdadi operation has just completed a mission debriefing with the press. He says Baghdadi blew up two of his children when he was cornered in a tunnel. He was specifically asked if he could confirm Trump’s “crying and whimpering” comments and he could not.

General Mackenzie’s account of the operation convinced me it was a highly professional and highly successful mission the country can be proud of. The facts themselves are impressive enough. Trump’s embellishments just reveal what a small minded man he is.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@JLeslie . You are one of my favorite jellies. I respect your opinion. And yes, we clearly interpreted Trump’s words differently.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Did you watch the video? Trump talks about the majority of the children being unharmed during the operation, except for the ones Baghdadi took with him. If Trump wanted to kill everyone there and all the children, why is he bragging about saving the other children?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Because he’s an idiot? At least two of our special ops guys were hurt too. But he’s busy trying to make HIMSELF some sort of hero. In spite of the fact that he openly degrades the intelligence community, that made the operation possible.

THINK…. Trump says our intelligence community is corrupt, when they get information on him. Now. Their heroes, and a man, some kids are dead. If you can’t see that, I can’t help you…

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, I agree a ton of what he says is horrible.

Yellowdog's avatar

Maybe we could be fact-checking whether Baghdadi was really all that bad a person. The NYT said that he was an austere, esteemed religious scholar. Trump said that Baghdadi was responsible for all those beheadings, and burning people in cages on public displays. If Trump said it, it probably isn’t true. He was probably just sending this operation over there to kill brown Muslim children.

mazingerz88's avatar

48 minutes of talking mostly about himself. Desperately and pathetically trying to make people forget he’s being impeached for corruption and trampling on the Constitution. Nyet.

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 I think my point is, with all the terrible things Trump does, including trying to distract people, and how conceded he is, I take issue when something is pointed out against Trump that I feel he didn’t do. I think every time it’s done it helps Trump and the Republicans. They just dismiss Democrats as twisting and hating EVERYTHING. There is so much to point out that he does do.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Have to agree.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I second that opinion.

LadyMarissa's avatar

ISIS has confirmed the death & announced who will be taking his place.

What I find interesting is that when Obama sent the military in after Bin Laden that trump said Obama deserved NO credit for the kill because he had done NOTHING but sit safe in the White House. Now that it’s his turn, trump is trying to take ALL the credit…except for the work that beautiful dog did!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. Trump’s some piece of work. As with Obama, there were military advisors, and the intelligence community, who really deserve any credit.

I read that Obama, would toss around a football, or something like that, and seem to carefully consider such moves. People around him.said he seemed to think heavily about decisions he made. I wonder what Trump does, when faced with such decisions?...

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