Social Question

longgone's avatar

What are the most important things you've taught your child?

Asked by longgone (19847points) October 27th, 2019

Or tried to?

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13 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Never lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That would end their career in politics.^^

Dutchess_lll's avatar

To be kind and respectful to people.

johnpowell's avatar

I don’t have kids and I kinda hate them.

But my sister has three of them and I somehow always end up living with her and them.

The most important thing I have have pounded into their head is..

1: Your mother has a tattoo of her dog on her foot. So don’t let Ladybug (the dog) escape. Tats on the top of your foot hurt.

2: You will never win a argument with your mom. You can not talk your way out of doing the dishes or cleaning your room.

3: The time you just spent trying to get out of cleaning your room you could have spent cleaning your room. You would have been done by now but you had to fight so give me your phone.. You can have it back in 48 hours. Oh, you want to fight about this… Cool, where is a garbage bag? Pick a pair of shoes. I’m locking up the rest. Don’t cry. I know you love your shoes.. But just wash the moldy dishes in your room and you can have your shoes and phone. Mother you torture me. You are 18. I pay your car payment and insurance, I don’t ask much.. Clean your shit or get the fuck out of my house.

4: I told the idiots to just spend the 30 minutes cleaning. My sister has tats on her feet. You can’t win a argument with a person with tattoos on their feet.

jca2's avatar

Life is not always fair. You can fight to try to make it fair, and you won’t always win, but you can try.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

“I was not put on this earth to make you happy.”

cookieman's avatar

If someone tells you the sky is blue, go outside and look.

There is a world of difference between beliefs and facts.

Pay attention more to how people treat you than what they say.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

More than anything.I tried to lead by example.

raum's avatar

That I love them.
I will always love them.
Even when I’m mad at them.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m with @raum. I taught them unconditional love. It’s something my parents never gave me.

kritiper's avatar

To speak.

ucme's avatar

Never limit your ambition or imagination, be the best that you can be & know that family is the most important thing.

ragingloli's avatar

Obedience brings victory.
Victory is life.

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