Would you choose your decorations over your mail?
A NY postal worker has refused to deliver mail to a resident because he found the Halloween decorations being used to be offensive. The Post Office requested the resident remove his decorations & the resident refused. Now a fill-in postal worker is delivering his mail. I have very mixed emotions on all of this & would like to hear some varying points of view. You can see the decorations & read more about the situation here.
How would you have dealt with this situation?
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23 Answers
Well the home owner is tacky.
I tend to agree with the homeowner, it’s not the post office place to determine what I have on my private property. Tacky or not, it’s still his property
I think it’s bullshit and it’s not the post man’s place to comment or care about what someone puts on their house or yard. He has a job to do, he should do it.
I would have quoted the postmans oath. Or I would use it as an excuse to take down my decorations. Sorry kids the government said so.
A positive suggestion is to have the post office help decorate my home. Seeing they have the extra energy to care about the decorations.
I agree @jca2. Just like it’s a doctor’s job to treat everyone without regard to race or anything else, it’s the postperson’s job to deliver mail, period.
Five years ago I would agreed that the postman was overreacting. But since the President a few weeks ago did the lynching tweet and the postal worker is black I can see where he is coming from since the skeleton was hanging from a noose.
For those that didn’t bother clicking the link. Here is the money shot.
Keep in mind that the law says you can can put a bullet in someones face for stepping on your land. And we love guns so it is simply prudent to assume everyone is sporting heat at every single moment. So we have lynching, wimpy white nerds that only feel powerful with a gun, and the party in the back. Fucking hell.. I’m not going to knock on that dudes door either.
I believe all this happened before the prez went crazier than normal. The article is dated Oct 18. Not being a person of color, I don’t see the outrage. Had the skeletal face been painted black, I could see it; but as is, I don’t see race, color, nor creed when I look at that skeleton. I find the property owner less than desirable…NOT a person I would add into my friend’s circle. I see a man who is a homeowner & pays taxes just like I do & should have the same rights as I do. There are a LOT of things in my daily life that offends me, but i suck it up & move on.
Personally, I find Halloween to be the devil’s work & wouldn’t miss it IF it was banned come tomorrow!!!
Good catch. The lynching tweet was on the 22nd.
Fucking hell. You know shit is bad when you are saying it is alright since the lynching tweet was four days later.
I’m conflicted.
I just saw it as Halloween decorations when I first saw his yard, but I guess if I were African American I might see that and feel afraid. Although, it doesn’t sound like the postman is talking about fear, just being offended. I don’t think being offended is enough to not do ones job, but it’s nice that the post office will have someone else deliver the mail.
Black postmen and postwomen deliver mail to houses with confederate flags and that’s offensive to many of them I would think. Even scary if you don’t know who is living there.
I’m glad the post office could accommodate the employee. Maybe the home owner should rethink the decorations. The skeleton could easily be there without the noose, and the Halloween effect would be just as good. In America it is a symbol of the racism and murders committed against African Americans.
If the fucker refuses to do his job, he should quit.
And over a bloody non-bloody plastic skeleton. What a whimp.
Loli has been FULL of a lot of surprises lately…just when I think I’m beginning to understand her, she shifts into high gear & totally changes her tactics!!!
What if an American postal worker refused to deliver mail to a house that had symbols or decorations related to Ramadan?
I do not see what is so new or shocking about my position.
@ragingloli I would have guessed you would be offended by the noose and the thoughtlessness of how African Americans might perceive it.
It is a plain skeleton, not a black effigy.
I mean, do you think that the classic witch design is antisemitic?
@ragingloli No,I don’t perceive the witch design as antisemitic. That has never once occurred to me, in fact I find it interesting anyone even sees that in a witch character. In America I don’t think witch is associated with Jewish people at all. If I think of hate and bigotry, witches are associated with Salem, and burning at the stake. Like I said, I didn’t think of any racism when I first saw the skeleton, but black people do. I also don’t see racism with the Washington Redskins mascot, but some people do. If Native Americans feel very offended then I think it’s worth considering their feelings, just like black people feeling offended by the noose feel offended.
The question in these situations always is, does the intention of the person doing the action matter more than the person who is offended?
World has gone soft, the only legitimate reason any postal worker has to not deliver mail at a particular address is if he/she has been attacked or even intimidated by a vicious dog.
This guy is virtue signalling like a whiny bitch, behave yourself man.
I’m with @ucme
The mailman is a whiner.
I’m seein the question in these situations as…is the person feeling offended whether or not it was meant to be more important than the rights of the person claiming an unintentional offense? The facts are that no matter what you do, you risk offending somebody because many wake up looking for reason to be offended daily! I often feel offended that others are offended by a person simply breathing.
Had it been a confederate flag flying over his mail box, I might agree with her. It’s a generic skeleton that doesn’t indicate who was hung. Had it been in a yard in Alabama, I might agree with her. It was in a yard in New York who surrported the south freeing their slaves.
I see her job as being the delivery of the mail and not judging other’s taste. I bet she would have been more offended had the homeowner gone to her house to pick out one particular item that she owned to find it offensive
He should just do his job.
Hells Bells. Postal workers get good pay, good benefits, good retirement. Tell ya what pal…I wish I had your job and you had a corn cob up your ass. Do what you’re paid to do or find another job. For the money those people make, I’d deliver mail to Draculas Castle.
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