Fill in the blank: All profound things, and emotions of things are preceded and attended by _______.
Herman Melville said,“Silence”.
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I say the quote is meaningless. Petty things and emotions are just as likely to be preceded by or for that matter, accompanied by silence.
I don’t believe it is not meaningless
@josie -Do you know much about hunting whales?
Profound things and emotion of things are all around us.
@raum-I am surprised at all the seriousness here. Or am I?
Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian.
Haha…not serious! Just matter of fact. I think the profound is found in every day things.
@josie Better not to sleep at all. :)
@raum- That is certainly true. Now let’s hear a f’d up answer, please.
All profound things, and emotions of things are preceded and attended by an exceptional bowel movement.
I’m always more relaxed and in tune with the universe after a big dump.
@raum -Yes! I confess that I laughed out loud at that. :)
A fart like ripping cardboard.
All profound things, and emotions of things are preceded and attended by _______.
@Brian1946 Already tried that. Looking like celiac most likely. Still have to get my endoscopy done. :/
@raum – My apologies- I thought he was kidding around ,
As a response to your OP, you’re right- I was kidding. :)
My apologies also. My response was also intended as a casual suggestion for you, and I’m sorry that probiotics didn’t work. I seriously hope that the endoscopy reveals something that’s temporary and more benign than celiac.
Thanks. But not a big deal. Considering my screwed up gene pool, could be worse.
Actually would be a relief to pinpoint what exactly is going on. Not knowing sucks. :/
Have you tried reducing your gluten intake?
I know what you mean about the possibility of things being worse. I’m allergic to the pollen from my favorite tree on my property, but I’m thankful that I don’t have an allergy to sunlight.
Already went gluten-free. Though once in awhile will get accidentally glutened.
Did you know regular M&M’s are GF, but snack size M&M’s are not? Yeah, good times.
That makes no sense @raum. M & Ms are not made from cereal grains.
Manufactured in different factories.
I did not know that! I would never have guessed that snack-size M&M’s were processed in a grain silo. ;-o
If you went gluten-free and the symptoms persisted, maybe it’s just a benign polyp or a postage stamp.
What I do to avoid postage-stamp ingestion, is use my credit union’s electronic bill-paying service.
Or use self sticking postage stamps. Lord I haven’s seen one you have to lick in years.
[taking it to PM so @janbb doesn’t kill me]
”[taking it to PM so @janbb doesn’t kill me]”
Oh no! My lurker-detector shows that @janbb is already here!
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