What's your theory on Epstein's cause of death?
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October 30th, 2019
So if it’s not the Clinton’s (conspiracy theory), then was it simply the inmates taking their own justice with the guards consent?
What’s your theory?
“A forensic pathologist hired by Jeffrey Epstein’s brother to look into his suicide said on Wednesday that the convicted sex offender’s body showed a number of signs of homicide, contradicting a medical examiner ruling that Epstein’s death was a suicide.
“Because there are three fractures in the hyoid bone, the thyroid cartilage that are very unusual for suicide and more indicative of strangulation — homicidal strangulation,” Baden added.
New York City officials determined Epstein’s death was a suicide in August. He was found dead in his cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in the city the week prior. The financier was held at the facility beginning in July after being arrested for federal sex trafficking charges.
A number of conspiracy theories have circulated following Epstein’s death, revolving around why he was not being observed while he was on suicide watch.
Baden said the fact that the two guards who were supposed to check on the disgraced financier fell asleep and the security camera watching Epstein malfunctioned leads him to believe a homicide could have been possible.
“I’ve never seen, in 50 years of investigating all deaths that occur in prisons in New York state, never have two guards fall asleep at the same time, while the video doesn’t work,” he said. ”
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43 Answers
I’ve not heard of this story but if what you say is true, both guards were sleeping & the video feed went down…I call monumental bullshit all round.
I’ve never been in prison.
But they say that guys who sexually mistreat children are regarded with profound contempt by other prisoners.
I doubt some sinister conspiracy by politicians and celebrities.
But it would not surprise me if the guards, perhaps sharing the same contempt, looked the other way.
Why would any male inmate want to kill them? Most men admire men who can get thousands of women and girls to have sex with them.
@josie Most of those men would not regard a 14 year old female as a “child.” I would, because I’ve been a 14 year old girl and I know how they think and feel, but most men would not.
Who knows and who really cares what really happened? If I were to voice my own theories, though, I’d say his good buddy trumpy had something to do with it.
Murdered by Drumpf associates to prevent the caged bird from singing.
^^^^ And that makes one wonder what on earth Epstien could have had on trump that’s worse than anything that’s come to light so far. Something that would make even his drudges quit following him….sex with animals, maybe? Sex with other men?
I’ve thought all along is was murder.
Rich white boy… good target.
They should get Colombo on the case…“it’s moida I tell ya, moida!!”
@Dutchess_III I believe you are misinformed about how prisoners who molest children are viewed. Remember, a lot of prisoners have loved ones on the outside who are standard targets of molesters.
Once again, your assessment of “most men” is absurd.
@ragingloli By “kids” if you mean 4 and 5 and 10 year olds, then yes. From my limited understanding the other inmates can get murderous over that kind of thing.
There is no evidence that he had sex with small children.
But if he had, would even that be enough to unhinge his followers?
Just because you think 14 is not a (small) kid, doesn’t mean individual fellow inmates have the same opinion.
I’ve not been a 14 year old girl, but in my book, a (rich) adult guy having sex with said girl is very, very wrong.
I see you wrote “most men wouldn’t”, but it only takes one to have offed him.
I know a 14 year old girl is still a kid. I was a 14 year old girl. I know how 14 year old girls think and feel. They are still kids. And I agree that it is very wrong @rebbel
But when I was 14 many men, some as old as my father, sure as hell didn’t think I was a “child.” One tried to rape me. Wait…I wasn’t 14 at the time. I was 13.
I remember a male Jelly once making a lascivious comment about the “nubile developing bodies” of young teenage girls.
I remember another swearing that a 12 year old girl made a sexual pass at him.
But this made me think of a question….
MI5 did it, in concert with CIA. Epstein had dirt on Trump and on Prince Andrew.
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[Mod Says] Please don’t feed the trolls, folks. It doesn’t accomplish anything, and it’s too off-topic even for Social. Thanks!
And for those who hadn’t already guessed, @Castle has definitely been here before.
I’m a fan of the murder theory. It just seems too coincidental and the physical damages don’t jibe with the conclusion of suicide. It is possible a fellow inmate did it, but it is also just as likely that someone hired his death. He had had dealings with a lot of very influential people who could have been hurt if it came out they were even aware of his penchant for young girls and still maintained a relationship with him.
I think he was murdered too.
I read once that they found him, on his knees, leaning forward with the rope around his neck. Well, I call bullshit. In the death throes your body would desperately throw itself backward to release the pressure so it can breathe.
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